"MySQL schema/
migration should default
to CHARSET=utf8mb4”
by DHH
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"Use utf8mb4 character
set by default for MySQL
database #33608”
by yahonda
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Key prefix lengthͷͱ
• "ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key
length is 767 bytes"
• Rails string type is mapped to MySQL varchar(255)
• 255(characters) x 4(bytes) = 1020 > 767
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Key prefix length
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5.7 and 8.0
• innodb_default_row_format ͕༗ޮͳͷͰͦͷ··
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5.5 and 5.6
• Add ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC option if
innodb_file_per_table = 1 AND innodb_file_format =
• https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/34742
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• ࠷༏ઌ
• database.yml default value: encoding: utf8mb4
• σϑΥϧτͷdatabase.ymlΛฤूͨ͠߹
• options[:collation]
• options[:charset] (options[:encoding] ͱಉ͡ҙຯ)
• optionsͷࢦఆ͕ͳ͍ & MySQL 5.7.9Ҏ্
• utf8mb4
• optionsͷࢦఆ͕ͳ͍ & MySQL 5.6ҎԼ
• "Configure a supported :charset and ensure innodb prefix is enabled to support indexes on varchar(255) string columns."
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What about collation?
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Rails 6 does not have
any “default collation”
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Since proper collation is
language dependent (that is the
reason that Unicode provide
multi level comparison), I
personally would not like to
provide any collation by default.
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I basically answer "Please
consider using default collation
(utf8mb4_general_ci in MySQL
5.7 case). If it has any issue for
your use case (Sushi-Beer issue,
etc), using utf8mb4_bin might
avoid that issue.".