Exploring modern
JavaScript build tools
October 2021
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There’s been great improvement
in JavaScript build tools over the
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build time, speed, customization,
configuration, and extensibility
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New tools have landed and they
are replacing the tools that have
dominated front-end development
webpack, Babel, Rollup, Parcel, create-react-app
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Not all new tools are designed to
perform the exact same function,
and each has different features
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common goal
improve the developer experience.
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Why new tools
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Fill a missing middle ground
between writing a single vanilla
JavaScript file, and having to
download MB of tooling
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most without the dependency list
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enabled by native JavaScript
modules in the browser
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What’s different?
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webpack, Rollup, or Parcel as a
development server bundles our
entire codebase
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Everything from source code and
a node_modules folder, runs these
through build processes
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Babel, TypeScript, or
PostCSS — then pushes the
bundled code to our browser
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Even after all caching and
optimizing this all takes time, and
can slow development servers to
a crawl in larger codebases
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Most new tools don’t
follow this model
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Wait until the browser finds an
import statement and makes an
HTTP request for the module
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After request is made the tool
apply transforms to the requested
module and leaf nodes
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Serve changes to the browser.
Speed things up a lot with less work in the
process of pushing to a dev server
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Some new tools still do the same
work but are just faster
processing code extremely fast by avoiding
expensive transformations, leveraging
parallelization and taking advantage of Rust/Go in
the background
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The POC experiment
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Create example app (ex. React)
and try to rebuilt it with each tool
covered today
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● First-class support for native JavaScript modules
● TypeScript compilation (but not type checking)
● Plugin API for extensibility
● A built-in development server
● CSS bundling and support for CSS-in-JS libraries
All of these tools can compile TypeScript into JavaScript, but will do so even if there are type errors
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Created by Evan Wallace
(CTO of Figma)
Its main feature is that it provides
a build step 10×-100× faster than
Node-based bundlers
(their own benchmarks)
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more and more esbuild starters
popping up
create-react-app-esbuild, estrella
and Snowpack
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Very new
Production ready but not yet v1.0
Comes with intuitive JavaScript
and command line API
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It’s going to be most useful in large
codebases when stable
Add some speed to your bundling
in side projects
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Snowpack is a build tool by the
creators of Skypack and Pika.
It provides development server
and was created with an
“unbundled development”
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“You should be able to use a
bundler because you want to, and
not because you need to.”
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build step doesn’t bundle files into
a single package but provides
unbundled esmodules that run in
the browser
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esbuild is included as a
idea is to use JS modules, bundle
with esbuild when it’s needed
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double down on unbundled deployment
writing source code with a small number of modules
incrementally adopting a front-end framework into a
server-rendered or static application
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Vite is developed by Vue creator
Evan You.
Vite provides a full development
server and an optimized build
command using Rollup
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Vite is an opinionated tool and you
might disagree with its opinions
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serious create-react-app or Vue CLI competitor, Vite
is the closest one
zero-config optimized production build mean you
can get from zero to production without any
lightening-fast development server
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wmr is opinionated build tool that
provides both a development
server and a build step
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Built by the creator of Preact,
Jason Miller
“Preact is tiny and it’s really good if
you want to do a lightweight
project. Where is our tooling for
that? “
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wmr is built with bundle size
purging as Preact, so it’s tiny —
weighing 2.6 MB — and contains
exactly zero npm dependencies
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create a prototype using Preact as fast as possible
no configuration and it only takes seconds to
wmr may not be the tool for you if you’re not using
Preact, React or vanilla JavaScript
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All these tools speed up feedback
loops and increase productivity.
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These tools are going to lower the
barrier to entry for new
developers by providing a leaner,
faster developer environment
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Do a proper POC before using
something new in the production
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Q & A
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Tech education and shaping ideas into
hype products
hypetech.io | reactweek.dev
Marko Arsić
Founder and CEO @ HypeTech
Founder of HypeTech Education
Lecturer @ ReactWeek.dev
Independent Tech Consultant
Helping companies set up teams and standardize the
development process
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As everything good in life, knowledge is great only when shared