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Functions A Love Story Josh Abernathy

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Functions Legos A Love Story Josh Abernathy

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Big things are made of many little things

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Functions! A Love Story!

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Functions are the Lego block of programming. — Someone, probably.

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Small building blocks

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Big things are made of many little things

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func myFunction()

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[...] a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. — Wikipedia

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Consistent Relation

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func CollectionType.dropFirst(n: Int) -> Self.SubSequence

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Easy to reason about

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Easy to compose

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func UIViewController.showViewController(vc: UIViewController, sender: AnyObject?)

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Abstracted unit of work

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Hard to reason about

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Functions easy in the small

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let myThings = { String("My Thing: \($0)") }

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class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow! func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification) { let output = runMyApp(input: ???) doSomethingWithOutput(output) } } func runMyApp(input: ???) -> ??? { }

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Functions not so easy in the large

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Are apps functions?

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func myApp(input: ???) -> ???

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wc -- word, line, character, and byte count func wc(input: String) -> Int

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ls -- list directory contents func ls(currentDirectory: NSURL = default) -> [NSURL]

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$ ls | wc -l

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myApp -- social thought leadership through counting clicks func myApp(input: ???) -> ???

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What is the input?

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Touches + Camera + Network + Sensors (GPS, etc.) + Data on disk + … = State

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What is the output?

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UI (Mostly)

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UIs are big, messy, mutable, stateful bags of sadness. — me, probably

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func renderApp(state: State) -> UI

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State change ← renderApp

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State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp

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State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp State change ← renderApp

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func renderApp(state: State) -> UI

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Big things are made of many little things

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func renderLogin(state: LoginState) -> UI func renderPhotos(state: PhotosState) -> UI func renderButton(title: String) -> UI func renderVerticalList(UIs: [UI]) -> UI

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struct Button { let title: String ... } struct VerticalList { let children: [UI] }

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UI is composition

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Big functions are made of many little functions

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Big UIs are made of many little UIs

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class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow! func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification) { doSomeMagic(render: renderApp, view: window.contentView) } } func renderApp(state: Int) -> UI { return renderVerticalList([ renderLabel("Click count: \(state)"), renderButton("Click me!", action: { updateState(state + 1) }), ]) }

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React Native

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! Few !

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let appComponent = Component(initialState: 0, render: renderApp) class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow! func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification) { appComponent.addToView(window.contentView) } } func renderApp(component: Component, state: Int) -> Element { return View( backgroundColor: .orangeColor()) .justification(.Center) .childAlignment(.Center) .direction(.Column) .children([ Label("You've clicked \(state) times!"), Button(title: "Click me!", action: { component.updateState { $0 + 1 } }) .margin(Edges(uniform: 10)) .width(100), ]) }

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func renderApp(component: Component, state: Int) -> Element { return View( backgroundColor: .orangeColor()) .justification(.Center) .childAlignment(.Center) .direction(.Column) .children([ Label("You've clicked \(state) times!"), Button(title: "Click me!", action: { component.updateState { $0 + 1 } }) .margin(Edges(uniform: 10)) .width(100), ]) }

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Separate the calculation from the doing

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Separate the function from the func-y

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GitHub Desktop

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struct Graph { let currentBranch: Branch? let compareBranch: Branch? ... } struct GraphUpdate { let type: GraphUpdateType init(oldGraph: GHComparisonGraph?, newGraph: GHComparisonGraph) ... }

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// Graph.swift let newGraph = calculateGraph(repository) let update = GraphUpdate(oldGraph: oldGraph, newGraph: newGraph) // GraphViewController.swift switch (update.type) { case .Append: // do the needful ... }

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Separate the calculation from the doing

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$ ls | wc -l

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Compose apps?

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$ alias instagram="camera | filters"

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$ alias my_app="touches | instagram"

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There are a lot of unknowns

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That's OK

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See Also — "Boundaries" by Gary Bernhardt — "Tangible Functional Programming" by Conal Elliott — "Refactor the Mega-Controller" by Andy Matuschak — Most anything by Rich Hickey

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