Slide 14
Slide 14 text
“You see, you’re artists,
and I’m a businessman.”
One of &yet’s earliest clients:
Monday, September 16, 13
"You see," he said, "You're artists, I'm a businessman."
Now, I would consider myself an artist, but a very poor one. I draw cartoons, have written and
acted in plays, I play some music, and I write songs and poetry—but again, none of that's very
good--like, at all. I'm really not just being humble about this.
All of it has *feeling* though, and even though I'd most definitely consider it poorly done, I have
a level of intentionality to that work and a desire to do my best with it.
And I realized that what that client meant was that even though our team was very much
delivering the software we were building on time, we were being too perfectionistic about the
work we were doing for his taste, and were too eager to improve existing work that was
already "good enough" in his eyes.