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WARM-UP • Take yellow index card, fold in half • On the front, write your name & draw your “super mask” • On the back, write your “super name” and your “UX super power”

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INTRODUCTION The shoemaker’s children go barefoot. Les cordonniers sont toujours les plus mal chaussés.

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SKILLS & EMOTION • What are the skills you associate with quality experiences?

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SKILLS & EMOTION • What are the skills you associate with quality experiences? • What are the feelings you associate with those skills?

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SKILLS & EMOTION • What are the skills you associate with quality experiences? • What are the feelings you associate with those skills? • Group the skills into categories using the example UX Disciplines as category names. If a skill doesn’t fit, create a new category.

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SKILLS & EMOTION • What are the skills you associate with quality experiences? • What are the feelings you associate with those skills? • Group the skills into categories using the example UX Disciplines as category names. If a skill doesn’t fit, create a new category. Example UX Disciplines • User Research • Usability Testing • Content Strategy • Information Architecture • Interaction Design • Graphic Design

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SKILLS & EMOTION • What are the skills you associate with quality experiences? • What are the feelings you associate with those skills? • Group the skills into categories using the example UX Disciplines as category names. If a skill doesn’t fit, create a new category. Example UX Disciplines • User Research • Usability Testing • Content Strategy • Information Architecture • Interaction Design • Graphic Design • Group the feelings into separate categories by creating your own

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BREAK (10 minutes)

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT Current Situation: You are frustrated, bored, or have a desire to learn more. Day in and day out, you work hard, but would like to be taking the next steps to improve your skills, gain knowledge, and know where you want to go. You see many of your colleagues/peers developing in ways you hope to be. You are interested in taking the necessary steps to inspire and achieve your goals.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT Current Situation: You are frustrated, bored, or have a desire to learn more. Day in and day out, you work hard, but would like to be taking the next steps to improve your skills, gain knowledge, and know where you want to go. You see many of your colleagues/peers developing in ways you hope to be. You are interested in taking the necessary steps to inspire and achieve your goals. Your mission:

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT Current Situation: You are frustrated, bored, or have a desire to learn more. Day in and day out, you work hard, but would like to be taking the next steps to improve your skills, gain knowledge, and know where you want to go. You see many of your colleagues/peers developing in ways you hope to be. You are interested in taking the necessary steps to inspire and achieve your goals. Your mission: As a team, create an assessment to identify the skills you want to focus on now to invoke the emotions you seek.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, look at the skills which have been diagrammed and identify the top three categories your team would like to focus on. • Identify the top three skills for each category.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, look at the skills which have been diagrammed and identify the top three categories your team would like to focus on. • Identify the top three skills for each category.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • Create a simple grading system to communicate experience level. (e.g. 1 = No Experience, 2 = Beginner, etc.). Add a description of each grade.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • Create a simple grading system to communicate experience level. (e.g. 1 = No Experience, 2 = Beginner, etc.). Add a description of each grade. • Create a simple grading system to communicate desire. (e.g. 1 = No Interest, 2 = Nice to have, etc.). Add a description of each grade.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • Create a simple grading system to communicate experience level. (e.g. 1 = No Experience, 2 = Beginner, etc.). Add a description of each grade. • Create a simple grading system to communicate desire. (e.g. 1 = No Interest, 2 = Nice to have, etc.). Add a description of each grade. EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 ... ... I have never tried this technique ... ... ... DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 2 ... ... I have no interest in obtaining this skill ... ... ...

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, provide the experience grade for each skill, with a description of each grade • As a team, provide the weight grade for each skill, with a description of each grade

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, provide the experience grade for each skill, with a description of each grade • As a team, provide the weight grade for each skill, with a description of each grade CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score.

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score. CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score. CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score. CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score. CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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CREATING THE ASSESSMENT • As a team, fill in the assessment by calculating the total score. • Compare the total score with the total possible score. CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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EXAMPLE RUBRICS EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE

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BREAK (10 minutes)

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION Write a future press release, a real press release about a nonexistent team — the team that you want to exist in the world. Envision the headlines and coverage of what would happen if all of your wildest dreams came true as a UX team.

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION Write a future press release, a real press release about a nonexistent team — the team that you want to exist in the world. Envision the headlines and coverage of what would happen if all of your wildest dreams came true as a UX team. e.g. “As a groundbreaking UX team, we make possible the experiences & products people want to include in their lives via empathy, humor, and tireless advocacy for the end user. We are proud to announce our new design academy to grow the next generation of designers.”

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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PUTTING THE ASSESSMENT INTO ACTION EXPERIENCE NONE = 1 BEGINNING = 2 DEVELOPING = 3 EMERGING = 4 I have never tried this technique I have tried this technique once or twice I regularly use these techniques in my work I’ve developed new techniques and mentor CRITERIA EXPERIENCE DESIRE TOTAL SCORE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL UX DISCIPLINE #1 SKILL #1 SKILL #2 SKILL #3 TOTAL TOTAL OVERALL SCORE DESIRE NO INTEREST = 1 NICE TO HAVE = 4 FUNDAMENTAL = 6 OMG! = 8 I have no interest in obtaining this skill I would like to have this skill in my toolbox I believe this is fundamental to my goals I want to be an expert & share my knowledge

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