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Prototyping with
 HTML & CSS Mike Aparicio User Interface Engineer @peruvianidol

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Front-End • HTML = Content (what is means) • CSS = Presentation (what it looks like) • JavaScript = Behavior (what it does)

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HTML • HyperText Markup Language • Document Object Model (DOM) • An outline of content • Tags give elements semantic meaning

This  is  a  paragraph.

• Attributes provide additional information
 Link  to

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! Hello, World

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HTML Formatting • Indentation is not necessary but is crucial for legibility • Whitespace outside of elements will not be rendered • Tags are case insensitive but all lowercase is the norm • Quotes are not necessary around attributes but are the norm • Make sure elements are nested properly

This  is  properly  nested

This  is  not  properly  nested

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Default Email URL Phone Date Contextual Keyboards

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Container Elements

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HTML5 Elements • header • footer • section • article • figure • figcaption • aside

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CSS • Cascading Style Sheets • Describes the visual properties of elements • Uses element, class and ID selectors to target elements in the DOM • Browsers have limited default styles for each element

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The Box Model

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Vendor Prefixes • -webkit- (Chrome, Safari, Blackberry) • -moz- (Firefox) • -ms- (Internet Explorer) • -o- (Opera)

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A CSS Rule p  {
   font-­‐size:  18px;  
   line-­‐height:  1.5;
   font-­‐weight:  bold;
   font-­‐style:  italic;
   font-­‐family:  OpenSans,  ‘Helvetica  Neue’,  Arial,  sans-­‐serif;
   color:  #555;
 }   /*  Here’s  a  comment  */

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CSS Selectors • * (Universal selector) • .class (class selector) • #id (id selector) • x (element selector) • x y (descendant selector) • x + y (adjacent selector) • x > y (direct children selector) • x ~ y (sibling combinator) • x[attr] (attribute selector) • x[attr=“value”] (matches attribute) • x[attr*/^/$=“value”] (regex attribute) • x:hover (pseudo-selector) • x:not(selector) (negation selector) • x::pseudoElement (pseudo element selector) • x:nth-child(n) (nth-child selector) • x:nth-of-type (nth-of-type selector)

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Generated Content • x:before, x:after • Creates an element before or after an existing one that doesn’t appear in the markup. (content: “?”) • Lots of creative uses - clearfix, carats, layered content, icon fonts, etc. • Should have no semantic meaning or functional use

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CSS Properties margin padding height width border background font-family font-size font-weight line-height color letter-spacing word-spacing word-wrap white-space text-align text-transform text-decoration text-overflow text-shadow box-shadow opacity display visibility position overflow z-index list-style transform transition box-sizing cursor min-height max-height min-width max-width

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CSS Values • Can include one or more values depending on property • Many properties can combine multiple properties
 (ex. font, margin, padding, background, border) • Some values may include shorthand
 margin:  10px  10px  10px  10px (top, right, bottom, left)
 margin:  10px  10px (top/bottom, right/left)
 margin:  10px (all sides)

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Precedence • Inline styles take highest precedence.

• Styles in the head of the document take the next highest precedence.

                p  {  color:  black;  }
 • Styles linked from an external file take the lowest precedence.

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Specificity • Element selectors affect every element of that type • Class selectors override element selectors; multiple elements with a class can exist in a document. • ID selectors override element AND class selectors; only one element with an ID can exist in a document. • Adding !important to a declaration overrides everything.

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Specificity Tips • Always link to styles externally • Use class selectors instead of element selectors whenever possible • Never use IDs to style elements • Limit nesting of selectors as much as possible • Never use !important to override styles

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Positioning • Just use tables! • Floats • Relative Positioning • Absolute Positioning • Fixed Positioning • Flexbox

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Positioning • Just use tables! • Floats • Relative Positioning • Absolute Positioning • Fixed Positioning • Flexbox

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Relative Positioning • Element is positioned relative to its normal position • Reserved space for element is preserved within the document flow • Can overlap other elements • Set order of overlapping elements using z-index property • If z-index is not set, element positioned last in HTML will appear on top • Often used as container for absolutely positioned elements

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Absolute Positioning • Positioned relative to the first parent element with position other than static (default); normally • Removed from normal flow of document; can overlap other elements • Can be used in place of floats, which can be problematic • Must ensure proper space so elements don’t unintentionally overlap

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Fixed Positioning • Positioned relative to the browser window • Does not move when window is scrolled • Removed from normal flow of document; can overlap other elements • Useful for navigation

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Flexbox • Newfangled layout system in CSS3 • Gives containers the ability to alter their dimensions to best fill the available space • Good for distributing space evenly within, between or around elements • Supported in most current browsers (

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CSS Transitions • Animates between states of CSS properties • transition: property duration timing-function delay • transition:  opacity  .3s  ease-­‐in-­‐out  .5s;   • Pretty good support in current browsers without vendor prefixes •

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CSS Transforms • Manipulates elements in a 2D or 3D space • transform: transform-function • transform:  rotate(90deg);   • Decent browser support with vendor prefixes • 3D transforms less supported • Often used in conjunction with CSS transitions • Examples: sliding navigation, flip cards, image galleries

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Media Queries

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Media Queries • Allow for styles to take affect when certain client criteria are met • width, height, aspect ratio, resolution, media type (screen/print) • @media  screen  and  (max-­‐width:  768px)  {  }   • “The first media query is no media query.” - Yoda? • Not supported in IE8 and below

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CSS Methodologies

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SMACCS • Scalable Modular Architecture for CSS • Divide CSS into base, layout, module, state and theme rules • Base - default element styles • Layout - grid and positioning styles • Module - small chunks of reusable styles • State - styles affected by behavior (JavaScript) • Theme - variations on existing styles •

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Atomic Design • Style modules in increasing order of complexity • Atoms - individual elements, basic building blocks • Molecules - simple combinations of atomic elements (ex. search form) • Organisms - a complex, distinct section of an interface (ex. header) • Templates - groups of organisms combined to create pages (low-fi) • Pages - specific instances of templates (high-fi) •

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OOCSS • Object-Oriented CSS • Identify and create reusable patterns independent of each other • Separate structure and skin, container and content •

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CSS Frameworks • Twitter Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Groupon Interface Guidelines (ahem) • Set of base CSS and JS that provide minimally designed components for fast, high-fidelity prototyping • Include responsive grid, form, table, button styles, JS components such as modals and alerts • Can cause sites to look the same (which can be good or bad) • Often include more code than a single project needs

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jQuery • JS library that simplifies navigating the DOM and selecting elements • Useful for toggling classes to trigger CSS changes on interactions • Adds some overhead (~32k) but widely used • Lightweight alternatives exist (Zepto ~10k) • jQuery is JavaScript but JavaScript is not jQuery

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Putting it All Together

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Step 1: Semantic Markup

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Step 2: Look for Patterns

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Step 3: Add Additional Structure

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Step 4: Style Content

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Step 5: Add Layout Styles

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Resources • Sublime Text ( • w3 Schools ( • CSS Tricks ( • Can I Use ( • A Book Apart ( • Developing with Web Standards, John Allsopp (

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