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Ruby on Rack

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Ernesto Tagwerker Founder, Ombu Labs @etagwerker

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Ruby on Rails

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If you’re familiar with Java, think javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

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The problem with Ruby Toolbox

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Use the most popular gem

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Sometimes that’s not the best solution

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bench-micro luislavena/bench-micro

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sinatra.rb require "sinatra/base" class HelloWorld < Sinatra::Base get "/" do "Hello World!" end end APP = HelloWorld run APP

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rails.rb class HelloWorld < Rails::Application routes.append do get "/", to: "hello#world" end config.cache_classes = true config.eager_load = true config.secret_key_base = SecureRandom.hex(64) ["Rack::Lock", "ActionDispatch::Flash", "ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport", "Rack::Sendfile", "ActionDispatch::Static", "Rack::MethodOverride", "ActionDispatch::RequestId", "Rails::Rack::Logger", "ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions", "ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions", "ActionDispatch::RemoteIp", "ActionDispatch::Callbacks", "ActionDispatch::Cookies", "ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore", "ActionDispatch::ParamsParser", "Rack::Head", "Rack::ConditionalGet", "Rack::ETag"].each do |middleware| config.middleware.delete(middleware) end end class HelloController < ActionController::Metal def world self.response_body = "Hello World!" end end APP = HelloWorld.initialize! run APP

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cuba.rb require "cuba" HelloWorld = do on get, root do res.write "Hello World!" end end APP = HelloWorld run APP

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syro.rb require "syro" APP = { get { res.write "Hello World!" } } run APP

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hobbit.rb require "hobbit" class HelloWorld < Hobbit::Base get "/" do "Hello World!" end end APP = run APP

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Next time you build an API, consider bench-micro

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But convention over configuration…

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A typical Rails app

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hobbit-app ombulabs/hobbit-app

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A typical Hobbit app

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Thank you!

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