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FIGHTING GERRYMANDERING WITH PYMC3 Dr. Karin Knudson and Dr. Colin Carroll

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PLAN FOR THE DAY History of gerrymandering What do we need to model? Ecological inference Modelling fake data Modelling real data

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THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 “ I want you to write me the goddamndest, toughest, voting rights act that you can devise” - LBJ to Attorney General Nicholas Katzenback

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"So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the right to vote I do not possess myself. I cannot make up my mind — it is made up for me. I cannot live as a democratic citizen, observing the laws I have helped to enact — I can only submit to the edict of others.” - Martin Luther King

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VOTING RIGHTS ACT Section 2 - Prohibits racial discrimination in voting, vote denial and vote dilution Section 3 - Bail-in Section 4 - Coverage formula Section 5 - Pre-clearance

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SHELBY V. HOLDER (2013) Section 4 coverage formula unconstitutional Leaves section 5 preclearance intact but unenforceable Section 2 intact - challenges still possible and still slow and expensive Will congress write a new coverage formula? Credit Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press “the Act imposes current burdens and must be justified by current needs.”

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THORNBURG V. GINGLES (1986) WHAT DOES A VRA CHALLENGE REQUIRE? AMONG OTHER GUIDANCE…. 1. The history of official discrimination in the jurisdiction that affects the right to vote; 2. The degree to which voting in the jurisdiction is racially polarized; 3. The extent of the jurisdiction's use of majority vote requirements, unusually large electoral districts, prohibitions on bullet voting, and other devices that tend to enhance the opportunity for voting discrimination; 4. Whether minority candidates are denied access to the jurisdiction's candidate slating processes, if any; 5. The extent to which the jurisdiction's minorities are discriminated against in socioeconomic areas, such as education, employment, and health; 6. Whether overt or subtle racial appeals in campaigns exist; 7. The extent to which minority candidates have won elections; 8. The degree that elected officials are unresponsive to the concerns of the minority group; and 9. Whether the policy justification for the challenged law is tenuous. 1. compactness - racial/language minority group is “sufficiently numerous and compact to form a majority in a single- member district” 2. the minority group is “politically cohesive” 3. “majority votes sufficiently as a block to enable it…usually to defeat the minority’s preferred candidate” SENATE FACTORS (1982)

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QUESTIONS OF INTEREST - ECOLOGICAL INFERENCE GROUP A GROUP B Group 1 bi11 = ?? bi12 = ?? X1,i Group 2 bi21 = ?? bi22 = ?? X2,i T1,i T2,i i = 1,…, p i

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precinct 1: 90% Dem, 10% Rep, 85% Black, 15% White precinct 2: 40% Dem, 60% Rep, 35% Black, 65% White PRECINCT DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Black bi11 = ?? bi12 = ?? X1,i White bi21 = ?? bi22 = ?? X2,i T1,i T2,i QUESTIONS OF INTEREST i = 1,…, p i

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QUESTIONS OF INTEREST i = 1,…, p PRECINCT DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN NO VOTE Black bi11 = ?? bi12 = ?? bi13 = ?? X1,i White bi21 = ?? bi22 = ?? bi23 = ?? X2,i Other bi31 = ?? bi32 = ?? bi33 = ?? X3,i T1,i T2,i T3,i i

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WISHLIST Give accurate estimates when possible Give possible estimates (e.g. rates between 0% and 100%!) Quantify uncertainty Make assumptions explicit Results clearly communicable to courts (!)

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GOODMAN’S ECOLOGICAL REGRESSION "requires, in all but the smallest of jurisdictions, reliance on computers to perform the calculations." PRECINCT DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Black bi11 = ?? bi12 = ?? X1,i White bi21 = ?? bi22 = ?? X2,i =1 - X1,i T1,i T2,i = 1 - T1,i i = 1,…, p Tc,i = b1c X1,i + b21 X2,i + … + brc Xr,i + eic i

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METHOD OF BOUNDS precinct 1: 90% Dem, 10% Rep, 85% Black, 15% White Note: 0.9 = .85b11 + .15b12 .33 < b12 ≤ 1 PRECINCT DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Black bi11 = ?? bi12 = ?? X1,i White bi21 = ?? bi22 = ?? X2,i =1 - X1,i T1,i T2,i = 1 - T1,i

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KING’S ECOLOGICAL INFERENCE precinct 1: 70% Dem, 30% Rep, 65% Black, 35% White precinct 2: 50% Dem, 50% Rep, 25% Black, 75% White .7 = .65b11 + .35b12 .5 = .25b11 + .75b12 b11 b12

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A HIERARCHICAL BAYESIAN APPROACH - THE MODEL c1~ Exponential(λ) d1~ Exponential(λ) c2~ Exponential(λ) d2~ Exponential(λ) bi1 | c1,d1 ~ Beta(c1,d1) i.i.d. bi2 | c2,d2 ~ Beta(c2,d2) i.i.d. θi=Xi bi1 + (1-Xi)b2i T’i | bi1 bi2, Xi ~ Binomial(Ni,θi) λ c1 d1 c2 d2 bi1 T’i p bi2 King, Rosen, and Tanner

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WITH COVARIATES p(α) = p(β) = p(γ) = p(δ)∝1 d1 ~ Exponential(λ) d2 ~ Exponential(λ) bi1 | Zi, d1, α, β ~ Beta(d1exp(α+βZi ), d1) bi2 | Zi, d2, γ, δ ~ Beta(d2exp(γ+δZi ), d2) θi=Xi b1i + (1-Xi) bi2 T’i ~ Binomial(Ni,θi) Note: log (b1i)/( 1-(b1,i)) =α+βZi

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WITH MORE CATEGORIES (RXC) rc ~ Exponential(λ1) i.i.d. bir | r ~ Dirichlet(r) i.i.d. r = 1,…,R θic=Xir bi1c + XiRbiRc c = 1… C T’ic ~ Multinomial(Ni,θi) bi1 biR T’i p 1 R λ vectors of length C

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WITH MORE CATEGORIES AND COVARIATES dr ~ Exponential (λ) i.i.d. r = 1….R r = (dr exp( r1 + r1 Zi),…,dr exp( rC-1 + rC-1 Zi), dr ) r = 1,…,R bri | r ~ Dirichlet(r) i.i.d. r = 1,…,R θic=Xi1 bi1c + XiRbiRc c = 1,…,C T’ic ~ Multinomial(Ni,θi) Note: log (birc)/( 1-(birc)) = rc + rc Zi λ d1 dR T’i p Zi R R bi1 biR 1 1

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SIMULATING DATA # Hidden minority_pct_vote_for_pete = np.random.rand(n_precincts) * 0.3 + 0.7 majority_pct_vote_for_pete = np.random.rand(n_precincts) * 0.3

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SIMULATING DATA # Observed pct_minority = np.random.rand(n_precincts) pct_voting_for_pete = (pct_minority * minority_pct_vote_for_pete + (1 - pct_minority) * majority_pct_vote_for_pete)

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SIMULATING DATA # Observed voting_population = np.random.randint(100, 10000, size=n_precincts) num_voting_for_pete = (pct_voting_for_pete * voting_population)

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NORTH CAROLINA • 6.8M out of 7.1M voting-age people • 3.1M out of 4.6M votes • 2,592 voting divisions

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IT’S A GREAT TIME… TO CARE ABOUT GERRYMANDERING 2010 2013 2020 2021 Census Census Major redistricting Shelby vs. Holder Supreme Court on gerrymandering in: WI, NC, …. Now-ish

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• King, Gary and Roberts, Molly.(2016). ei: Ecological Inference. R package version 1.3-3. • King, Gary, Ori Rosen and Martin A. Tanner. Ecological Inference: New Methodological Strategies • King, Gary, Ori Rosen, and Martin A. Tanner. "Binomial-beta hierarchical models for ecological inference." Sociological Methods & Research 28.1 (1999): 61-90. • King, Gary (1997). A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. • Rosen, Ori, et al. "Bayesian and frequentist inference for ecological inference: The R× C case." Statistica Neerlandica 55.2 (2001): 134-156. • James Greiner, “Ecological Inference in Voting Rights Act Disputes: Where Are We Now, and Where Do We Want to Be?”, 47 Jurimetrics J. 115-167 (2007). • Bullock, Charles S. et al. The Rise and Fall of the Voting Rights Act. Oklahoma University Press: Norman, 2006. • Thornburg v. Gingles, 478 U.S. 30,49 (1986). • Shelby County v. Holder, No. 570 U.S 12-96, (2013) • Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group (particular acknowledgment to Dr. Mira Bernstein of the MGGG and Dr. Megan A. Gall of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law) • NC data from: OpenElections and the US Census