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Taming and Testing Your Cloud Infrastructure Locally, with Confidence - Anca Ghenade - @tinyg210

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So you’re running your applications on AWS. Now what?

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● Setting up an AWS developer sandbox. ● You might only be granted access to certain services. Delays

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Time cost ● Spinning up resources on a real cloud environment takes time. ● Time spent figuring out the correct configs → your system ships with shortcomings.

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Expenses ● Leaving resources running over night and blow up your budget. ● Over provisioning due to bad configuration.

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Learning ● Complexity of AWS services and understanding how they interact with each other. ● Learning curve and keeping up with updates.

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Security ● Accidently embedding secrets like credentials or API keys into your IaC config files. ● Misconfigurations that lead to different security vulnerabilities.

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Facing them unprepared… INFRA’S CREATING

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Some stories from the trenches… Resources didn’t clean up properly

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Some stories from the trenches… 5 mins later…

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Some stories from the trenches…

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You need a tamer’s toolkit

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“Your application won’t even know the difference”

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“Your application won’t even know the difference”

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The true meaning of DEV - OPS is shifting. “You build it, you run it.”

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