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Go 語⾔簡介 吳柏毅 Bo-Yi W u

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Mediatek Engineer DevOps Golang, PHP, Node.js .. Some open source Gitea Gin Drone appleboy @GitHub appleboy @twitter appleboy @slideshare appleboy46 @facebook About Me 2

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 Google Survey Result

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Go 基本簡介 Go 語⾔誕⽣ Go 語⾔優勢 Go 語⾔選擇 誰在⽤ Go 語⾔

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Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike 和 Ken Thompson

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Go 語⾔初期發展 四件事情讓 Go 發展得更好

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1. Ian Lance Taylor 加入

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2. Russ Cox 在 2008 年加入 實現了 http.HandlerFunc 及 io 接⼝

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3. 安全專家 Adam Langley 網站及 build dashboard

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4. Docker 及 Kubernets 使⽤ GO 2013 年及 2014 年

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Golang in China

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Go 發佈週期 (半年⼀版) 2013/05 1. 1 2013/12 1. 2 2014/06 1. 3 2014/12 1. 4 2015/08 1.5 (Google 規定以後每半年發佈⼀版 ) 2016/02 1. 6 2016/08 1. 7 2017/02 1. 8 2017/08 1. 9 2018/02 1.10 (最新版)

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Go 語⾔發展歷史(漫畫版)

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為什麼設計 Go 語⾔ 根據 Rob Pike ⼤神描述 …

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Google 遇到的問題 ⼤量的 C++ 代码,同時引入 Java 和 Pytho n 成千上萬的⼯程师 (每個⼈風格不同 ) 數百萬的程式碼 (如何減少代碼產量 ) 分散式編譯系統 (交叉編譯速度 … ) 數百萬的伺服器 (部署時間 …)

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Go 語⾔特性 沒有物件導向 (無繼承特性 ) 強制類型 Function 和 Metho d 没有錯誤處理 ⽤字⾸來區別可否存取 不⽤的 Import 或變數會引起編譯錯誤 完整的標準函式 ⽀援 UTF-8 格式

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沒有物件導向 (無繼承特性)

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Function 和 Method

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Import 錯誤

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Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering

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Go 優勢 學習曲線 開發及執⾏效率 由 Google 維護 部署⽅便 跨平台編譯 內建 Coding Style, Testing 等⼯具 多核⼼處理

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誰在⽤ Go 語⾔

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Go ⼤型專案

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Why Go

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Switched from other languages. 
 PHP, Python, Node.js, Java, C++

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5 Reasons Why We switched from Python To Go 中⽂:

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From Python to Go: migrating our entire API

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Farewell Node.js T J 44

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如何將 Go 語⾔導入團隊

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學習曲線 程式碼簡潔 沒有物件導向 團隊開發⼯具整合 Coding Style Testing Tool Benchmark Too l 部署環境 (Go 1.5 Cross Compiler ) 降低部署時間 降低測試時間 重啟時間非常快,Load-Balancer 不需要 Pre-warning 系統效能 (記憶體⽤量, CPU 使⽤率 … ) EC2 使⽤量降低 (降低 80 ~ 85%) Response time 100ms -> 10ms

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實際案例 A simple notification servic e

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A push notification server written in Go

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$ for i in {1..9999999}; do bat -b.N=1000 -b.C=100 POST localhost:8088/api/push notifications:[email protected]; sleep 1; done

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從商業利益看 Go 程式語⾔

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跨平台編譯 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o hello packag e GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o hello packag e GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o hello packag e GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o hello.exe package

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Portable 54

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Go 核⼼功能 goroutine 和 channel

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Do not communicate by sharing memory; 
 instead, share memory by communicating.

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如何設計單⼀ Queue 解決同時寫入 DB 問題 (Transaction)

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MogoDB Transaction Perform Two Phase Commits.

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main func

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Handle func

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使⽤ sync.Mutex 解決 Lock and Unlock

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使⽤ Lock 及 Unlock 解決

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效能分析 (使⽤ Lock)

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使⽤ Channel 解決 goroutine 和 channel

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初始化 Channel

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效能分析 (使⽤ Channel)

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如何設計多個 Queue 解決單⼀ Queue 效能問題

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多個 Go Application optimistic concurrency

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optimistic concurrency 使⽤ sync.Mutex 解決問題? (X ) 使⽤ goroutine + Channel 設計單⼀ Queue? (X ) 使⽤ goroutine + Channel 設計多重 Queue? (X)

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Udemy 線上課程

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