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The path to memory reduction in RBS Money Forward Tech LT大会 vol.2 at Fukuoka Oct. 15th 2024

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pp self ● Pocke ● Work for Money Forward ● Ruby committer (RBS maintainer) ● Rails application developer ● From Okayama ○ My favorite ramen in Okayama🍜 →→

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Agenda The main theme is reducing memory of RBS and Steep. ● Why do I need to reduce memory usage of RBS ● Memory Profiling for Ruby ● Future plan

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Glossary ● RBS ○ A library for static typing of Ruby ○ It provides RBS language, tools, and so on ● Steep ○ A static type checker for Ruby ○ It uses RBS ○ It provides CLI tools and LSP server

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Why do I need to reduce memory usage of RBS?

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Why is the memory improvement necessary Steep uses too much memory because: ● Steep makes resident processes because it works as LSP server ● Steep makes many processes ○ For number of projects using Steep ○ For number of CPUs because Steep launches workers for parallelization ○ total_memory = projects.size * CPUs.size * memory_per_process

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Why is the memory improvement necessary 1 Steep worker process consume ~1.5GB memory in a middle size Rails application e.g. 8 core * 5 project * 1.5GB/proc = 60GB We need to decrease the memory usage in order for Steep to be widely used.

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Memory Profiling for Ruby

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Measure. Don't second guess Profiling is important to clarify the bottleneck

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SamSaffron/memory_profiler Ruby has memory_profiler gem. require 'memory_profiler' arr = [] r = do # (1) arr.push # (2) end r.pretty_print Allocated: (1), (2) Retained: (2)

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It's really useful gem, but… It is not enough for Steep because: ● I want to reduce "peak" memory usage of Steep ● It is not efficient to profile peak memory usage

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Allocated Memory by memory profiler ● It traces all allocated memory/objects during profiling ● Pros: It's helpful to find a execution time bottleneck caused by memory allocation ● Cons: It's not helpful to find the cause of the peak memory usage ○ Too noisy ○ Example: Steepのメモリ使用量を改善するつもりが、実行速度の改善をして いた - Money Forward Developers Blog e

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Retained Memory by memory profiler ● It traces all retained memory/objects when the profiling is finished ● Pros: It's helpful to find a memory leak ● Cons: It's not helpful to find the cause of the peak memory usage ○ We need to stop profiling on the peak, but the peak is not obvious

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New memory profiler: Majo🧙 I created a new memory profiler for Ruby to profile peak memory usage.

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The strategy of Majo ● I supposed peak memory usage is approximated as memory usage of long-lived objects ● Majo collects allocation info only for long-lived objects ○ It introduces object lifetime by how many times the object survived GC

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How Majo cast a spell on Ruby ● Ruby provides hooks on Ruby object allocation and `free` ● Use TracePoint events ○ `RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_NEWOBJ` ○ `RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_FREEOBJ`

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CSV format output Majo supports CSV format. It's really useful with Spreadsheet 0sNp9y2iZObqpkKVeqE--eAdlk/edit?gid=331894152#gid=3318941 52

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CSV format output on a spreadsheet

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The result by Majo ● Reduce Array allocation during parsing ○ ● Reduce Hash allocation during parsing ○ 不要な処理が実行速度を速くする謎を追う - Money Forward Developers Blog s-it-slower ○ I will introduce this patch for the next Ruby version

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Future plan

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Future plan I will change Steep's process management more Copy on Write (CoW) friendly.

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What's Copy on Write It's a technique to wait Copying before Writing This slides focus on CoW for memory management by *nix on `fork`. Note: `fork` is an API to duplicate a process on *nix OS🍴

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# Memory [1, 2, 3] Copy on Write Example (1) # Process A x = [1, 2, 3] if fork x.push(42) p x else p x end

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# Memory [1, 2, 3] Copy on Write Example (2) # Process A x = [1, 2, 3] if fork x.push(42) p x else p x end # Process A' x = [1, 2, 3] if fork x.push(42) p x else p x end

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# Memory [1, 2, 3, 42] # Copying! [1, 2, 3] Copy on Write Example (3) # Process A x = [1, 2, 3] if fork x.push(42) p x else p x end # Process A' x = [1, 2, 3] if fork x.push(42) p x else p x end

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The current process management of Steep Steep LSP uses Master-Workers structure. Steep Master Steep Worker 3 Steep Worker 2 Steep Worker 1 fork fork fork ● Master ○ Communicate the LSP client and workers ● Workers ○ Process LSP features ○ Type checking, complement, hover, …

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The current process management of Steep All workers have different RBS::Environment. Steep Master Steep Worker 3 Steep Worker 2 Steep Worker 1 fork fork fork RBS::Env 1 RBS::Env 3 RBS::Env 2

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Solution: Fork-Worker and Reforking A CoW friendly process management structure for the Master-Worker model ● In the traditional Master-Worker model, workers are forked from the master process ● In Fork-Worker, workers are forked from a worker process I borrowed this idea from puma and pitchfork (HTTP server for Ruby)

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Fork-Worker All workers share the same memory Steep Master Steep Worker 3 Steep Worker 2 Steep Worker 1 fork fork fork RBS::Env

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Reforking Restart workers after a while Steep Master Steep Worker 3 Steep Worker 2 Steep Worker 1 fork kill kill RBS::Env

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Reforking Restart workers after a while Steep Master Steep Worker 1 fork RBS::Env

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Reforking Restart workers after a while Steep Master Steep Worker 3 Steep Worker 2 Steep Worker 1 fork refork refork RBS::Env

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Conclusion ● New memory profiler: Majo ○ It collects long-lived object allocations ● Steep will have more CoW-friendly structure ○ Fork worker and Reforking Thanks for listening!