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Monadic Parsing in Python Alexey Kachayev, 2014
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About me • CTO at • Erlang, Clojure, Go, Haskell • library author • CPython & Storm contributor
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Find me •@kachayev • •kachayev <$>
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Will talk •What is "parsing(ers)" •Approaches •Monadic parsing from scratch •More…
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Will talk •Less about theory •Much more about practice
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Won’t talk •What "monad" is •Why FP is cool (*) * you’ll understand it by yourself
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Definition •Takes grammar •Takes input string (?) •Returns tree (??) or an error
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For PL creators only?
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Tasks • Processing information from logs • Source code analysing • DSLs • Protocols & data formats • … and more
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Production rule S → SS|(S)|()
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Grammar block = ["const" ident "=" number {"," ident "=" number} ";"] ["var" ident {"," ident} ";"] {"procedure" ident ";" block ";"} statement ! expression = ["+"|"-"] term {("+"|"-") term} ! term = factor {("*"|"/") factor} ! factor = ident | number | "(" expression ")" ! . . . .
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•Top-down / bottom-up •Predictive / Backtracking •LL(k), LALR, LR, CYK and others In theory
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@ wikipedia
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Manually •Simple to understand •Hard to maintain •Really boring
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Can we do better?
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What we have •Context-free grammars •Formal theory •Well-defined algorithms •Standard grammar notation(s)
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Parser generator •1. Parse DSL notation •2. Generate parser code •("any" language)
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Parser generator •*PEG* •*Yacc* •ANTLR •… and tens more
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Parser generator •Pros •many targeted languages •formalism •performance & optimisations
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Parser generator •Cons •another language •bounded in features •"compiled-time" mostly
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Can we do better?
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Monadic parsers & combinators
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Functional Pearls Monadic Parsing in Haskell @Graham Hutton, @Erik Meijer
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Parsec MPC library for Haskell
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Parsec •Monadic parser combinator(s) •Works even with context- sensitive, infinite LA grammars •Tens of ports to other langs
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The Big Idea
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Simple type Parser = String → Tree
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Compose? type Parser = String → (Tree, String)
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Generalize? type Parser a = String → (a, String)
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Errors? type Parser a = String → Maybe (a, String)
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Or better… type Parser a = String → [(a, String)]
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Let’s try…
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… and so?
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Expressiveness •[] for error •[s1] for single (predictive) •[s1..sN] for backtracking
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First-class citizen
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Skip anything…
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Recognise digit
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RegExp •and: "abc" •or: "a | b | c" •Kleene star: "a*"
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Derives •a? = "" | a •a+ = aa* •a{2,3} = aa | aaa
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laziness is cool for this do you need backtracking?
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How to use it?
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Cool! but..
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ugly ugly not readable
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Enhancements •use generators for "laziness" •"combine" function •Scala-style methods •"delay" method
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[1,2,3,4,5] expr →"[" digit (","digit)* "]"
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Interesting! but..
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Is it enough?
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In Haskell
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Can I do this in Python?
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… hm
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Challenge accepted!
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In Python
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WAT??? even more like
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unit a → Parser a
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bind Parser a → (a → Parser b) → Parser b
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lift (a → b) → (a → Parser b)
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lifted Parser a → (a → b) → Parser b
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WAT??? ok, looks cool, but
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How to use
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And even more..
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(define R 2) (define diameter (lambda (r) (* 2 r)))
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Looks nice!
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Mutability kills backtracking :(
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And more •errors handling •backtracking control •performance
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Links • "funcparselib" • "Monadic parsing in Haskell" • "Higher-Order functions for Parsing" • "Parsec" • "Parcon" • "Pyparsing" • "You Could Have Invented Monadic Parsing"
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Learn Haskell For Great Good
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Q/A thanks for your attention,