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ChatOps with Hubot Lorna Mitchell, October 2015

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Think of DevOps

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This is ChatOps

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ChatOps Puts the "S" in CAMS A Culture of Automation, Measurement and Sharing

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ChatOps Brings the automation into the conversation. Team is in channel; information needs to be there too

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Choose Your Bot • Lita (ruby) • Err (python) • Hubot (coffeescript)

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Hubot "Friendly chat robot from GitHub" • Shared plugins • Good community

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Supported Channels • Slack • Campfire • Hipchat • IRC • Shell • ... pluggable adapters

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Installation Very easy install via yeoman: Bonus blog post: Then: ./bin/hubot

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Meet Hugh Hugh is a hubot. Here, I'm running: • IRC server: miniircd • IRC client: irssi

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Simply Deployable Designed to run on Heroku, easy to run elsewhere • Get Heroku toolchain • heroku create • Set environment variables • Configure Procfile • git push heroku master

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Many Plugins Search for "hubot [thing]" on Install and add to list in external-scripts.json Or add your own code to scripts/

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Plugins Very easy scripting, make a scripts/*.coffee file and export a function: module.exports = (robot) -> # your code here

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Plugins Simple plugin: use cron to do a timed feature Also: happy hour, standup meetings

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Plugin Code ROOM = process.env.HUBOT_TIMESHEET_REMINDER_ROOM cronJob = require('cron').CronJob module.exports = (robot) -> doReminder = -> robot.messageRoom(ROOM, "This is a polite reminder. Fill in your timesheets for the week, please"); job = new cronJob("0 0 17 * * 5", doReminder, null, true)

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Managing Plugins

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robot.respond rules = [ "1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a hu "2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except wher "3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection doe ] module.exports = (robot) -> robot.respond /(what are )?the (three |3 )?(rules|laws)/i, (msg) -> text = msg.message.text msg.send rules.join('\n')

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robot.hear quotes = [ "Life! Don't talk to me about life", "Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it", "Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent any more of it", "Funny, how just when you think life can't possibly get any worse it sudd ] module.exports = (robot) -> robot.hear /(.*)(life)(.*)/i, (msg) -> msg.send msg.random quotes

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Webhooks Collate events from all tools into your chat rooms Alerts from: • monitoring/logs • commits • issues/pull requests • deploys

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Webhooks In Practice

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Webhooks In Practice

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Webhooks In Practice

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Webhooks In Practice

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Developing for Webhooks To test webhooks on a dev platform, try ngrok ( Secure tunnel to a port on your machine, with: • ability to inspect traffic • option to replay (rather than having to retrigger)

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API Calls Command your bot

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Team Relations • Thanks plugin • Karma • Ship It • The Rules

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ChatOps in Teams Unsolicited advice from me: • Works for open source and commercial teams • Build on existing plugins • Don't take it too seriously

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ChatOps in Teams Unsolicited advice from me: • Works for open source and commercial teams • Build on existing plugins • Don't take it too seriously • Never ask permission

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