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Deterministic Parallel and Distributed Programming with Clojure Quick Intro Alexey Kachayev, 2014

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About me • CTO at • Clojure, Erlang, Go, Haskell • library author • CPython & Storm contributor

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Find me •@kachayev • •kachayev <$>

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Will talk •Parallel & Distributed •Determinism: why & when •Models and approaches

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Clojure & Concurrency

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Why Determinism? • easy to reason about • easy to maintain • less bugs • less bugs that you can’t reproduce on your machine • less data losses (no data losses?) • provable correctness

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Why Determinism? • you should know why determinism is good if you listen to Clojure conference talks • we will talk about "ordering non-determinism" only (there’re many other reasons however)

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Parallel & Distributed

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Parallel • > 1 independent workers (actors?) • loose coordination • great opportunities • … at a high price

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Distribution • More parallelism (!) • For lower latency • For storage replication • For HA • And more … but more non-determinism factors • Unpredictable latencies • "Random" workers crash

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Deterministic distributed program? lets think…

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Use consensus, Luke!

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Consensus • Non-distributed: locks, semaphores etc • Distributed: 2p-commit, paxos, zab, raft • … but this price is too high in many cases! • … you’re trading availability in most cases

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Is there any other way?

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Theory • "Logic and Lattices for Distributed Programming" • "CRDTs: Consistency without concurrency control" • "A comprehensive study of Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types" • "A Lattice-Theoretical Approach to Deterministic Parallelism with Shared State"

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Theory • Monotonic logic • Bounded Join Semi-Lattices

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Practice • mobile application • chat message stream • k-ordered message IDs • "latest viewed message" mark • offline-mode support

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BTW…. we don’t know global events ordering in practice :(

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LVar • Haskell library lvish • Monotonically growing, lattice-based data structures • determinism VS. quasi-determinism • threshold reads • freezing variables

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CRDT • Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type • Convergent Replicated Data Type • Commutative Replicated Data Type

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CRDT: The Idea

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CRDT • Counters (G-Counter, PN-Counter) • Registers (LWW-Register, MV-Register) • Sets (G-Set, 2P-Set, PN-Set, OR-Set) • Graphs

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Dataflow programming

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Bloom • disorderly programming • state represented with lattices (few built-in) and collections (table, scratch, channel) • runtime implementation as Ruby DSL • static analysis tools (points of order) • visualisation tools

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Derflow • Deterministic dataflow programming • Growing set of single-assignment variables • Operations: declare, bind, read/wait • Streams: produce/consume • Erlang implementation:

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Why Clojure? • strong concurrency primitives (atom) • immutable data types • CRDT library "knockbox" (dead?) • not that much done for distributed computing (riak_core in Erlang) • one can use Akka/Pulsar • aphyr/jepsen for testing partition tolerance • a big room for experiments

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Links • "Eventually Consistent Data Structures" • "Knockbox, an Eventual Consistency Toolkit" • "LVars: lattice-based data structures for deterministic parallelism" http:// • "MVar, IVar, and LVar programs in Haskell" • "Distributed deterministic dataflow programming for Erlang" y2oH0P • "Sync Free"

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Learn Clojure For Great Good

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Learn Haskell For Great Good

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Q/A thanks for your attention,