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Hi Android Developer @ Over Google Developer Expert in Android @riggaroo I’m Rebecca Franks "

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JellyToolbar Alexio Mota & Nick Butcher TiVi - Chris Banes Examples of Animations Android Dev Summit 2018 App

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But how?

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All Kinds of Animations ✨ • AnimatedVectorDrawables • Shape Shifter • Property Animations • Custom View Animations • Physics-based Animations • MotionLayout

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Sample App - Github

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AnimatedVectorDrawable • VectorDrawable and AnimatorSet / ObjectAnimator • VectorDrawable: Scalable, density-independent asset • Represented by paths • Subset of SVG spec • Fire and forget animation

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Shape Shifter • Create Animations for Android, iOS and Web • Animate pathData, alpha, color, strokeWidth • Made by Alex Lockwood

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Step 1 : Choose/Make your icons Step 2 : Import them into Shape Shifter Step 3 : Animate pathData between them Step 4 : Magic?

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Step 1 : Choose your icons Might need to split the icons up logically in Sketch

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Step 2 : Import into Shape Shifter

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Step 3 : Animate pathData

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(Maybe) Step 4 : Pair sub paths

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(Maybe) Step 5 : Correct points

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Final Animation

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AnimatedVectorDrawable • Export from Shape Shifter as AVD file

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val drawable = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.avd_center_justify) imageViewAvd.setImageDrawable(drawable) AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat.registerAnimationCallback(drawable, object : Animatable2Compat.AnimationCallback() { override fun onAnimationEnd(drawable: Drawable?) { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Animation finished", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } }) imageViewAvd.setOnClickListener { (drawable as Animatable).start() }

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val drawable = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.avd_center_justify) imageViewAvd.setImageDrawable(drawable) AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat.registerAnimationCallback(drawable, object : Animatable2Compat.AnimationCallback() { override fun onAnimationEnd(drawable: Drawable?) { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Animation finished", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } }) imageViewAvd.setOnClickListener { (drawable as Animatable).start() }

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val drawable = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.avd_center_justify) imageViewAvd.setImageDrawable(drawable) AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat.registerAnimationCallback(drawable, object : Animatable2Compat.AnimationCallback() { override fun onAnimationEnd(drawable: Drawable?) { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Animation finished", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } }) imageViewAvd.setOnClickListener { (drawable as Animatable).start() }

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Lottie • Useful for Cross platform complex Animations • Created by Airbnb • Use AfterEffects & export using Bodymovin’ • setProgress() • Download on demand •

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ViewPropertyAnimator • Animate specific, common properties on a view • Fire and Forget • User-friendly API to use • More efficient when doing multiple animations at once

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Property Animations imageView .animate() .alpha(0f) .rotationBy(360f) .scaleX(0f) .scaleY(0f) .setDuration(2000) .withEndAction { // Animation Finished } .start()

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Custom View Animations • Built in animations just don’t cut it • Custom properties on a view • Color, radius, shadow, matrix

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PropertyValuesHolder • Holds info about a property & values during animation • Create animations with ValueAnimator or ObjectAnimator

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fun animateSizeColorChange(toSize: Float, @ColorInt toColor: Int) { val propColor = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt(PROP_TEXT_COLOR, textColor, toColor) val propTextSize = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat(PROP_TEXT_SIZE, size, toSize) ValueAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(propColor, propertyTextSize).apply { setEvaluator(ArgbEvaluator()) duration = 500 addUpdateListener { animation -> val textSize = animation.getAnimatedValue(PROP_TEXT_SIZE) as Float val textColor = animation.getAnimatedValue(PROP_TEXT_COLOR) as Int setTextSizeColor(textSize, textColor) } start()

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fun animateSizeColorChange(toSize: Float, @ColorInt toColor: Int) { val propColor = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt(PROP_TEXT_COLOR, textColor, toColor) val propTextSize = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat(PROP_TEXT_SIZE, size, toSize) ValueAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(propColor, propertyTextSize).apply { setEvaluator(ArgbEvaluator()) duration = 500 addUpdateListener { animation -> val textSize = animation.getAnimatedValue(PROP_TEXT_SIZE) as Float val textColor = animation.getAnimatedValue(PROP_TEXT_COLOR) as Int setTextSizeColor(textSize, textColor) } start() } }

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Physics-Based Animations / Dynamic Animations • Driven by force - ie gestures • More natural looking • Don’t specify duration • Can reconfigure and velocity is recalculated • SpringAnimation & FlingAnimation

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Fling Animation FlingAnimation(imageView, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_Y) .apply { setStartVelocity(700f) // Pixels per second friction = 0.1f }.start()

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Spring Animation

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Spring Animation private val floatPropertyAnimX = object : FloatPropertyCompat(PROPERTY_X) { override fun setValue(dropper: ColorView?, value: Float) { dropper?.setDropperX(value) } override fun getValue(dropper: ColorView?): Float { return dropper?.getDropperX() ?: 0f } }

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Spring Animation SpringAnimation(this, floatPropertyAnimX, point.x).apply { spring.stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_MEDIUM spring.dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_MEDIUM_BOUNCY start() }

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Spring Animation - KTX ✨ springAnimationOf(::setDropperX, ::getDropperX, point.x).apply { spring.stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_MEDIUM spring.dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_MEDIUM_BOUNCY start() }

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MotionLayout • Subclass of ConstraintLayout • Complex UI element animations • Gesture driven UI changes • Useful for transitions between layout states • Defined in XML

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MotionLayout - Basic Example • dragUp on RecyclerView

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MotionLayout - KeyFrames • Specify certain animations at certain time within complex animation Start state End state framePosition = 0 100 60 View is fully visible

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Examples • •

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Recap • AVDs • Shape Shifter • Lottie • Property Animations • Custom View Animations • MotionLayout

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There are other ways… • Transitions • TransitionManager • Activity Scenes • AnimatorSets • ….

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Spend time learning the available tools, so you can make some great animations ✨

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Resources • view-8604ab3967b3 • introducing-viewpropertyanimator.html •

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Resources • • animations-using-the-canvas-dd687c43f3f4