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How & why the history of SEO will help us plan for the future of search Tom Vaughton Varn

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What 24 years working in SEO has taught me about what comes next #BrightonSEO

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The search engines completely changed how we discovered information #BrightonSEO

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There has been huge change #BrightonSEO But some things always stay the same

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#BrightonSEO “I very frequently get the question ‘What’s going to change in the next 10 years?’ I almost never get the question ‘What’s not going to change in the next 10 years?’ ”

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#BrightonSEO Catching the next SEO wave

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The principles of impactful SEO have stayed the same #BrightonSEO

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The eight principles of long term SEO #BrightonSEO

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1. The point of search engines was to make information easy to find That’s still the same today #BrightonSEO

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2. Over time you WILL make more profit with organic search over paid #BrightonSEO

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3. Relevant high quality content still rules #BrightonSEO

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4. Always align with Google’s roadmap Don’t try to trick it #BrightonSEO

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5. There is no silver bullet #BrightonSEO

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6. Never stop learning #BrightonSEO

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7. Link building is irrelevant unless you build your brand #BrightonSEO

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8. Competition, Competition, Competition #BrightonSEO

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The past has taught me to be aware of these important constants AND to be looking ahead of what’s changing #BrightonSEO

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SEO will always evolve We need to evolve with it #BrightonSEO

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Constant change in how people find information means people will question the importance of SEO #BrightonSEO

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The six trends I’m keeping an eye on #BrightonSEO

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1. Predictive SEO analytics #BrightonSEO

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2. AI & machine learning #BrightonSEO

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3. Ways of searching #BrightonSEO

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4. Local SEO #BrightonSEO

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5. Search engines are becoming more personalised #BrightonSEO

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6. How Google understands content #BrightonSEO

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Some final thoughts #BrightonSEO

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The SEO world is getting bigger #BrightonSEO

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Don’t forget good SEO is about people #BrightonSEO

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In a nutshell #BrightonSEO

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SEO has Imposter Syndrome #BrightonSEO

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THANK YOU Tom Vaughton Varn