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Scene 2 Duration 02 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 The Spice of Life Page 4/132

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Scene 3 Duration 04 00 Panel 1 Duration 00 17 The Spice of Life Page 6/132

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Scene 3 Duration 04 00 Panel 2 Duration 00 12 The Spice of Life Page 7/132

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Scene 3 Duration 04 00 Panel 3 Duration 00 06 The Spice of Life Page 8/132

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Scene 3 Duration 04 00 Panel 4 Duration 00 10 Dialog Captain Riptide: GAHH! Me EYE!! The Spice of Life Page 9/132

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Scene 3 Duration 04 00 Panel 5 Duration 00 05 Dialog Captain Riptide: GAHH! Me EYE!! The Spice of Life Page 10/132

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Scene 3 Duration 04 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 22 Dialog Captain Riptide: What're you messin' with that jar for o're thar boy?! The Spice of Life Page 11/132

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Scene 4 Duration 05 20 Panel 1 Duration 02 11 The Spice of Life Page 12/132

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Scene 4 Duration 05 20 Panel 2 Duration 03 09 Dialog Chef: This is the last bit of my daughter I have left. The Spice of Life Page 13/132

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Scene 5 Duration 11 14 Panel 1 Duration 01 02 Dialog Captain Riptide: Ugh..? The Spice of Life Page 14/132

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Scene 5 Duration 11 14 Panel 3 Duration 01 19 Dialog Chef: She gave me this years ago The Spice of Life Page 16/132

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Scene 5 Duration 11 14 Panel 4 Duration 00 15 Dialog Chef: She gave me this years ago The Spice of Life Page 17/132

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Scene 5 Duration 11 14 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: I mas a much different person back then... The Spice of Life Page 18/132

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Scene 5 Duration 11 14 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: I mas a much different person back then... The Spice of Life Page 19/132

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Scene 5 Duration 11 14 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: Hrmm.. The Spice of Life Page 24/132

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Scene 6 Duration 03 07 Panel 1 Duration 01 10 Dialog Chef: I really need to ground of some more seasoning. The Spice of Life Page 25/132

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Scene 6 Duration 03 07 Panel 2 Duration 01 08 Dialog Chef: I really need to ground of some more seasoning. The Spice of Life Page 26/132

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Scene 6 Duration 03 07 Panel 3 Duration 00 13 The Spice of Life Page 27/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 The Spice of Life Page 34/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog Isabella: *Frustrated grunting* The Spice of Life Page 35/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Dialog Isabella: *Frustrated grunting* The Spice of Life Page 36/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Dialog Isabella: Ughh! The Spice of Life Page 37/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: taaaa- The Spice of Life Page 38/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef:-daAAA! The Spice of Life Page 39/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Dialog Isabella: *Sniffles* The Spice of Life Page 40/132

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Scene 8 Duration 12 02 Panel 11 Duration 02 02 Dialog Chef: What's wrong, darling? The Spice of Life Page 41/132

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Scene 9 Duration 04 12 Panel 1 Duration 02 00 The Spice of Life Page 42/132

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Scene 9 Duration 04 12 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Dialog Isabella: I- I can't do it anymore. The Spice of Life Page 43/132

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Scene 9 Duration 04 12 Panel 3 Duration 01 12 Dialog Isabella: *Sniffling* The Spice of Life Page 44/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 Dialog Isabella: *Sniffling*0 The Spice of Life Page 45/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 2 Duration 02 07 Dialog Chef: Hm? Can't paint anymore? The Spice of Life Page 46/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: Woah, hey! The Spice of Life Page 47/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: Isabella! The Spice of Life Page 48/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 5 Duration 02 03 Dialog Chef: This looks phenomenal! The Spice of Life Page 49/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 6 Duration 01 02 Dialog Chef: Seriously! The Spice of Life Page 50/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 7 Duration 01 20 Dialog Chef: This is really something.. The Spice of Life Page 51/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: The textures you captured.. The Spice of Life Page 53/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: The textures you captured.. The Spice of Life Page 54/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: The textures you captured.. The Spice of Life Page 55/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 14 Duration 01 20 Dialog Chef: This could be your best painting yet! The Spice of Life Page 58/132

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Scene 10 Duration 22 21 Panel 15 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: This could be your best painting yet! The Spice of Life Page 59/132

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Scene 11 Duration 04 19 Panel 1 Duration 01 20 The Spice of Life Page 62/132

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Scene 11 Duration 04 19 Panel 2 Duration 00 20 Dialog Chef: Dance with me. The Spice of Life Page 63/132

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Scene 11 Duration 04 19 Panel 3 Duration 00 17 Dialog Chef: Dance with me. The Spice of Life Page 64/132

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Scene 11 Duration 04 19 Panel 4 Duration 00 17 Dialog Chef: Dance with me. The Spice of Life Page 65/132

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Scene 11 Duration 04 19 Panel 5 Duration 00 17 Dialog Chef: Dance with me.0 The Spice of Life Page 66/132

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Scene 15 Duration 10 04 Panel 2 Duration 00 18 The Spice of Life Page 88/132

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Scene 15 Duration 10 04 Panel 3 Duration 00 23 Dialog Isabella: Is that my soup?! The Spice of Life Page 89/132

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Scene 15 Duration 10 04 Panel 4 Duration 01 09 Dialog Isabella: I'm just finishing up! The Spice of Life Page 90/132

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Scene 15 Duration 10 04 Panel 11 Duration 00 12 Dialog Chef: Woah! The Spice of Life Page 97/132

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Scene 15 Duration 10 04 Panel 12 Duration 00 12 Dialog Chef: Woah! The Spice of Life Page 98/132

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Scene 15 Duration 10 04 Panel 13 Duration 00 12 Dialog *Isabella and Chef gasp* The Spice of Life Page 99/132

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Scene 17 Duration 01 02 Panel 1 Duration 00 04 The Spice of Life Page 103/132

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Scene 17 Duration 01 02 Panel 3 Duration 00 04 The Spice of Life Page 105/132

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Scene 17 Duration 01 02 Panel 4 Duration 00 14 Dialog Isabella: AAAAAH! The Spice of Life Page 106/132

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Scene 18 Duration 06 14 Panel 1 Duration 01 01 Dialog Isabella: AAAAAH! The Spice of Life Page 107/132

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Scene 18 Duration 06 14 Panel 2 Duration 00 16 Dialog Chef: Huh? The Spice of Life Page 108/132

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Scene 18 Duration 06 14 Panel 3 Duration 00 22 The Spice of Life Page 109/132

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Scene 18 Duration 06 14 Panel 4 Duration 00 15 Dialog Isabella: Wait! i have something you can have! The Spice of Life Page 110/132

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Scene 18 Duration 06 14 Panel 9 Duration 00 16 The Spice of Life Page 115/132

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Scene 19 Duration 03 16 Panel 1 Duration 00 22 Dialog Chef: Your old paint jar? The Spice of Life Page 116/132

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Scene 19 Duration 03 16 Panel 2 Duration 01 19 Dialog Chef: I mean, th- thank you, honey. The Spice of Life Page 117/132

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Scene 20 Duration 02 07 Panel 1 Duration 00 14 The Spice of Life Page 119/132

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Scene 21 Duration 08 21 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 The Spice of Life Page 122/132

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Scene 21 Duration 08 21 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: Her health was fleeting, however. The Spice of Life Page 124/132

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Scene 21 Duration 08 21 Panel 4 Duration 00 15 Dialog Chef: Sooner than I was prepared for, she left this world. The Spice of Life Page 125/132

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Scene 21 Duration 08 21 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog Chef: Sooner than I was prepared for, she left this world. The Spice of Life Page 126/132

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Scene 21 Duration 08 21 Panel 6 Duration 04 06 Dialog Chef: Her bed lay empty before me. The Spice of Life Page 127/132

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Scene 22 Duration 08 20 Panel 1 Duration 01 14 Dialog Chef: The evening she was buried... The Spice of Life Page 128/132

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Scene 22 Duration 08 20 Panel 2 Duration 01 04 Dialog Chef: The evening she was buried... The Spice of Life Page 129/132

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Scene 22 Duration 08 20 Panel 3 Duration 02 13 Dialog Chef: ...she painted me the most beautiful sunset. The Spice of Life Page 130/132

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Scene 22 Duration 08 20 Panel 4 Duration 00 08 The Spice of Life Page 131/132

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Scene 22 Duration 08 20 Panel 5 Duration 03 05 The Spice of Life Page 132/132