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@jezhumble | devopsdays dallas 2018 devops leadership workshop

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@jezhumble “the enterprise” Project A Project B Project C DBAs Infrastructure team Service desk Value stream Operations Engineering Business Ping!

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@jezhumble Project A Project B Project C DBAs Infrastructure team Service desk Value stream Operations Engineering Business Ping! Project D Let’s create a new product enterprise projects

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@jezhumble Project A Project B DBAs Infrastructure team Service desk Project D We’re going agile! Oh no! Oh no! Value stream Operations Engineering Business

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@jezhumble Project A Project B DBAs Infrastructure team Service desk Value stream Operations Engineering Business Project D Our test-driven code follows SOLID principles Shame it doesn’t work Change management

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@jezhumble …rewriting all our systems and sticking them in the cloud …firing our sysadmins / testers / … and hiring “devops experts” …doing a re-org …giving developers (or anyone else for that matter) access to prod …buying a bunch of devops tools myths: devops isn’t…

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@jezhumble devops movement a cross-functional community of practice dedicated to the study of building, evolving and operating rapidly changing, secure, resilient systems at scale

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software delivery as a competitive advantage “Firms with high-performing IT organizations were twice as likely to exceed their profitability, market share and productivity goals.”

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software delivery as a competitive advantage high performers were more than twice as likely to achieve or exceed the following objectives: • Quantity of products or services • Operating efficiency • Customer satisfaction • Quality of products or services provided • Achieving organizational and mission goals • Measures that demonstrate to external parties whether or not the organization is achieving intended results

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@jezhumble time to restore service lead time for changes (checkin to release) deploy frequency change fail rate it performance

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@jezhumble 2018 performance benchmarks

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capabilities that drive high performance Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps, Forsgren, Humble and Kim 2018

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@jezhumble lean management

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@jezhumble lean product management

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technical practices

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transformational leadership Transformational leaders share five common characteristics that significantly shape an organization's culture and practices, leading to high performance.

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Jon Jenkins, “Velocity Culture, The Unmet Challenge in Ops” |

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“Evaluating well-designed and executed experiments that were designed to improve a key metric, only about 1/3 were successful at improving the key metric!” do less “Online Experimentation at Microsoft”, Kohavi et al

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culture impacts performance

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high trust culture Westrum, “A Typology of Organizational Cultures” | how organizations process information

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likert-type scale How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following? On my team...

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effective teams

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@jezhumble identity and Google items • I am glad I chose to work for this organization rather than another company. • I talk of this organization to my friends as a great company to work for. • I am willing to put in a great deal of effort beyond what is normally expected to help my organization to be successful. • I find that my values and my organization's values are very similar. • In general, the people employed by my organization are working toward the same goal. • I feel that my organization cares about me. Adapted from adapted from Atreyi Kankanhalli, Bernard C.Y. Tan, and Kwok-Kee Wei (2005), “Contributing Knowledge to Electronic Knowledge Repositories: An Empirical Investigation,“ MIS Quarterly, 29, 113-143. Westrum items

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@jezhumble ask: how can we get people better information? in a complex, adaptive system failure is inevitable when accidents happen, human error is the starting point of a blameless post-mortem ask: how can we detect and limit failure modes? dealing with failure

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@rynchantress | The immediate response from everyone around was to ask, “What help do you need?”

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@jezhumble disaster recovery testing “For DiRT-style events to be successful, an organization first needs to accept system and process failures as a means of learning… We design tests that require engineers from several groups who might not normally work together to interact with each other. That way, should a real large-scale disaster ever strike, these people will already have strong working relationships” Kripa Krishnan | —Kripa Krishnan, Director, Cloud Operations, Google

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@jezhumble climate for learning

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exercise • How can we measure the productivity of an individual?

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the talent myth “The talent myth assumes that people make organizations smart. More often than not, it’s the other way around...Our lives are so obviously enriched by individual brilliance. Groups don’t write great novels, and a committee didn’t come up with the theory of relativity. But companies work by different rules. They don’t just create; they execute and compete and coordinate the efforts of many different people, and the organizations that are most successful at that task are the ones where the system is the star.” — Malcolm Gladwell

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Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) “Scientific Management” •Time and motion studies to analyze and standardize processes •Managers apply scientific principles to plan work, workers perform it as efficiently as possible •Believed in rewarding workers for output •OK for fundamentally algorithmic work

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@jezhumble learning ability emergent leadership mindset how should we recruit? |

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the production line

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changing culture “What changed the culture was giving employees the means by which they could successfully do their jobs. It was communicating clearly to employees what their jobs were and providing the training and tools to enable them to perform those jobs successfully.” —John Shook

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methodologies Certainly the thieves may be able to follow the design plans and produce a loom. But we are modifying and improving our looms every day. So by the time the thieves have produced a loom from the plans they stole, we will have already advanced well beyond that point. And because they do not have the expertise gained from the failures it took to produce the original, they will waste a great deal more time than us as they move to improve their loom. We need not be concerned about what happened. We need only continue as always, making our improvements. Kiichiro Toyoda, quoted in Toyota Kata, p40 (Rother)

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@jezhumble climate for learning

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@jezhumble deploy and release its product or service on demand, independently of other services the product or service depends upon? make large-scale changes to the design of its system without the permission of somebody outside the team or depending on other teams? complete its work without needing fine-grained communication and coordination with people outside the team? perform deployments during normal business hours with negligible downtime? do most of its testing on demand, without requiring an integrated test environment? architectural outcomes: can my team…

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Steve Yegge’s Platform Rant |

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@jezhumble strangler application

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hp laserjet firmware 2008 ~5% - innovation capacity 15% - manual testing 25% - product support 25% - porting code 20% - detailed planning 10% - code integration Costs Full manual regression: 6 wks Builds / day: 1-2 Commit to trunk: 1 week Cycle times

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@jezhumble implement continuous integration reduce hardware variation create a single package create a simulator implement comprehensive test automation futuresmart rearchitecture

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deployment pipeline

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hp laserjet firmware ~5% - innovation 15% - manual testing 25% - current product support 25% - porting code 20% - detailed planning 10% - code integration 2008 ~40% - innovation 5% - most testing automated 10% - current product support 15% - one main branch 5% - agile planning 2% - continuous integration 2011 The remaining 23% on RHS is spent on managing automated tests.

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the economics 2008 to 2011 • overall development costs reduced by ~40% • programs under development increased by ~140% • development costs per program down 78% • resources now driving innovation increased by 8X A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development (Addison-Wesley) Gruver, Young, Fulghum

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Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness, and Superior Results, Mike Rother

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@jezhumble What obstacles are preventing you from reaching it? which one are you addressing now? What is the target condition? (The challenge) What is the actual condition now? When can we go and see what we learned from taking that step? What is your next step? (Start of PDCA cycle) improvement kata

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@jezhumble What obstacles are preventing you from reaching it? which one are you addressing now? What is the target condition? (The challenge) What is the actual condition now? When can we go and see what we learned from taking that step? What is your next step? (Start of PDCA cycle) improvement kata

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@jezhumble target conditions

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@jezhumble 1 month program level plan for 400-person org fits on 1 piece of paper teams can use any process / methodology they like turning objectives into features / stories happens within teams leaders don’t tell people what to do or how to do it same heuristic for process improvement and product development observations

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@jezhumble capacity planning A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development - Gruver, Young, Fulghum

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@jezhumble capacity planning

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@jezhumble start with a few measurable outcomes everyone must be involved in setting objectives / outcomes set a regular cadence both for planning and for review make sure metrics are visible throughout the organization ensure teams have the necessary capacity, resources and support tips and tricks

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@jezhumble expect to get it wrong the right first time top-level outcomes should be system outcomes don’t measure below the team level goals should be stretch but achievable metrics should drive outcomes, not make you feel good about yourself things to watch out for

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@jezhumble specify a qualitative objective specify quantitative “key results” that are acceptance criteria a tool for creating alignment and transparency around goals OKRs

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@jezhumble create alignment and transparency expose organizational dysfunction: • leadership that is unable to prioritize • leadership that thrashes and is unable to focus • micromanagement & trying to dictate “how” rather than “what” • people hiding information • people working on things that don’t matter OKRs / catchball

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exercise • Ask two other people the following questions: • What’s your goal for the end of this year? • How will you know if you’ve achieved it? choose up to 3 things

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“I think building this culture is the key to innovation. Creativity must flow from everywhere. Whether you are a summer intern or the CTO, any good idea must be able to seek an objective test, preferably a test that exposes the idea to real customers. Everyone must be able to experiment, learn, and iterate.” innovation culture

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thank you! © 2016-18 Jez Humble and Associates LLC To receive the following: • A copy of this presentation • The link to the 2018 Accelerate State of DevOps Report (and previous years) • A 100 page excerpt from Lean Enterprise • Excerpts from the DevOps Handbook and Accelerate • 30% off my video workshop: creating high performance organizations • A 20m preview of my Continuous Delivery video workshop • Discount code for CD video + interviews with Eric Ries & more Just pick up your phone and send an email To: [email protected] Subject: devops