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CBEC: Cross Border Entrepreneur Cultivating Program Engineering Design Project (EDP)-B/C EDP-B Lecture #3: 2017/10/28 10:00-15:50 @Tokyo Tech Design Factory

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"Dance with ambiguity." By Prof. Larry Leifer, Stanford Univertiy as an origin of Design Innovation Paradigm

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Magic Word overcomes ambiguity 圧倒的当事者意識 Overwhelming sense of ownership でも、 やるんだよ! But, still do it! そこがいいんじゃない It'd be rather good 面白くなってきたじゃねー の It's getting interesting 4

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Lecture #3 Agenda [10:00-10:30] Guidance [Kado], Icebreak [Yagisawa] [10:30-11:00] Preparation for Presentation [Teams] [11:00-12:15] Presentation [Teams] [*12:15-13:20] Lunch [13:20-14:50] Lecture of Preparatory Drawing [Yagisawa] [15:05-15:50] Lecture of 3D printer or 3DCAD [Inaba] homework: prototyping 5

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Presentation (11:00-12:15) Give a 3 min. presentation about: (1) The ideation process to generate your ideas "Inspiration" or "Revelation" is kinda dubious ... You should learn the way to create your own process (2) Three yers (name, key phrase, picture, bene ts, or so) Three: favorite, rival, and darkhorse Creating yers is the ceapest way to validate the ideas Take 2 questions at most 6

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Let's decide the order of presentation in the order of homework submission 7

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Homework Continue User Research with the yers Create Three Low-Fi prototypes Favorite, Rival, and Darkhorse As a team, post a PDF including photos and description of the prototypes to #homework-20171028 by [2017‐11‐10 24:00] In the next lecture, you are supporsed to demo the prototypes with skit expressing the usage of the prototypes (It'll be better to write a script of skit beforehand). 8

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Lecture #4 Agenda (11/11) [10:00-10:30] Guidance [Saito], Icebreak [Tajiri] [10:30-11:00] Preparation for Presentation [Teams] [11:00-12:15] Presentation / Skit with Prototypes [Teams] [*12:15-13:20] Lunch [13:20-14:00] Presentation [TITAMAS] [14:00-14:50] Lecture of User Testing [Kado] [15:05-15:50] Preparation for User Testing [Teams] 9

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Lecture #5 Agenda (11/18) [10:00-12:15] Preparation for Presentation [Teams] [*12:15-13:20] Lunch [13:20-14:20] Presentation 1st half [Teams] [*14:20-14:35] Break [14:35-15:35] Presentation 2nd half [Teams] [15:35-15:50] Summary ref. 10

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Guidelines (see previous slide by Sakamoto-sensei) 1. Late, Absent or Early Leaving (use the #zzz-im-late , luke) 2. Contacting with corporate partner 3. Travel fee 4. Contact person/accountant 5. Activity outside the class (67.5h for Tokyo Tech Students) 6. Accident insurance 7. Purchasing (check your #purchase-xxx channel created by TAs) 11

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Announcement Innovation Dojo (see #general ) After the class, please post a photo of your team's re ection (+, -, ⊿) to #realtime-20171028 Something else? 12

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Icebreak 13