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Robust Containers Eric Brewer VP, Infrastructure DockerCon Keynote, June 10, 2014 @eric_brewer #dockercon

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1) Application-centric, not machine-centric view It is easier, more natural, and more productive Why we Love Containers Over 2B containers launched per week (even our VMs run inside containers) We evolved here over the last decade… but Docker made them exciting and much easier to use (thanks!) 2) Essentially the way Google works internally: Signed static bundles + Linux containers (resolve dependencies up front)

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Containers interfere with each other • Unimportant things break important things • We want fair use among equally important things Solution: resource & performance isolation Series of open-source solutions: 2005: cpusets + “fake” NUMA to partition cores, memory 2006: cgroups for general task hierarchies 2009: bandwidth fair use, QoS levels 2010: memcg for better memory accounting, enforcement Status: isolation works well in practice (if you use these tools) First Problem: Unpredictable Interference

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Second Problem: Low Utilization Tier 1: Live services (e.g. search engine) • Provision for peak load (2-10x higher than average) • High priority, always get resources when needed Tier 2: Batch jobs (e.g. MapReduce) • Run in the leftovers, never displace Tier 1 • Lots of capacity — rarely at peak load If you partition resources, utilization goes down… Solution: controlled use of slack resources (free $$) Status: Our OSS container solutions support this well Note: Google does not overcommit customer VMs — you get the whole VM all the time

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Third Problem: Hard to Enforce Isolation Bad way: control loop (see LPC 2011) • Read stats, verify allocation, tune knobs, repeat • Slow response time, fragile Right way: • Direct enforcement in the kernel • Many patches to make this happen… (e.g. memcg) Status: enforcement now mostly in the kernel • Caches, memory bandwidth can still cause interference • Challenges getting these changes accepted upstream • Meta control loop: detect interference and migrate tasks (see CPI2)

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“Let Me Contain That For You” LMCTFY = “L-M-C-T-fee” You want this, but didn’t know it • Declarative allocation, prioritization of resources • Enforces resource isolation, with multiple hierarchies • Many resources: CPU, memory, bandwidth, latency, disk I/O, … • Enables better utilization • Stable API, as kernel mechanisms continue to evolve • Released as OSS in 2013 (see LPC 2013) OSS containers based on Docker are a core foundation for the future • Many contributors over the decade: SGI, LXC, RedHat, Parallels, Docker, … • We hope to move LMCTFY functionality into Docker’s libcontainer • Released for Docker Hackathon: cAdvisor for container stats & alerts (written in Go)

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Pods (or how we really use containers) We actually use groups of nested containers = pods • Use LMCTFY for nesting, isolation & utilization • Many things implemented as helpers: • Logging and log rotation • Content management system + webserver Pod attributes: • Containers deployed together (in a parent container!) • Shared local volumes • Individual IP address (even if multiple pods per VM) • Ensures clean port allocation OK, we don’t always use a single IP per pod, but we should have… Without this, you need to track/distribute port allocations, since they must be late bound...

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Kubernetes “koo ber NAY tace” — Greek for “helmsman” New OSS release: orchestrating replicated pods across multiple nodes Craig McLuckie, Brendan Burns to cover at 2pm today Master: • Manages worker pods dynamically • Uses etcd to track desired configuration API Server Replica Controller etcd k Workers: • Replicated Docker image • Parameterized: arguments passed in via environment variables • Shared view of load-balanced services Kubelet Service Proxy Docker

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Concept 1: Labels and Services Service = load-balanced replica set • Pod labels ⇒ the services they implement • Pods access services via localhost: • (Local) proxy sends traffic to member of set • Ports are the service “names” { "id": "redisslave", "port": 10001, "labels": { "name": "redisslave" } } Service Definition (JSON) "labels": { "name": "redisslave" } Partial pod definition (JSON) Pods have labels Many overlapping sets of labels: stage: production name: redis zone: west version: 2.6 Replica set = a group of pods with the same labels The set is defined by a query (not a static list) (because entropy happens)

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Having an explicit desired state is a good idea! Otherwise can’t tell if the desire changed, or the actual state changes Concept 2: The Reconciler Model Key idea: Declare the desired state Loop { // the reconciler loop, run by master • Query the actual state of the system • Compare with desired state • Implement corrections (if any) // reconcile reality with desired state } In Kubernetes desiredState: if we lose a replica for some reason, add one replicas: 2

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Robust Containers Docker (used well) ⇒ clean, repeatable images Single-Node (pods): • Allocate ports per pod (conflict free!) • Attach data-only containers to the pod (as volumes) (clean sharing of data) • “Parameterized containers” using environment variables Multi-Node: • Labels for time-varying overlapping sets • Services are load-balanced groups of replicated pods • The Reconciler Model recovers from changes (expected or not) (actually used at worker level and master level)

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Containers are the Path to “Cloud Native” Pods as a building block • Clean port namespace • Shared volumes • Isolation, prioritization, tools for utilization • Auto restart (don’t run supervisord k times) • Liveness probes, stats for load balancing • sshd in environment (not in your container) Application-level cloud events per container or pod • Start, stop, restart • Notification of migration, resizing, new shards, ... • Resource alerts, OOM management Services and labels Reconciliation

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Summary We are standardizing around the Docker container image • Pushing for usable, scalable, open containers • Isolation, nesting, utilization, enforcement • Moving to Go to simplify integration, and because we like it! Thanks to Docker… for making containers lightweight, easy to use, and exciting! We look forward to creating a great robust space together News today: • Kubernetes: see Craig & Brendan at 2pm today • Docker on GAE: see Ekaterina Volkova at 2:50pm today • cAdvisor: stats & alerts for containers