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Nov 10-11 • Salt Lake City, Utah So Flatcar’s in the CNCF… What's Next? Andy Randall Principal PM Manager, Microsoft

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Flatcar Container Linux Automated updates (+ rollback) Immutable (read-only) file system Minimal set of packages Declarative provisioning

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Contributions from 646 contributors, 218 companies

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Vendor-neutral foundation governance Rigorous due diligence process Incubation: “stable & successfully used in production” Access to CNCF resources “A secure community- owned cloud native operating system was one of the missing layers of the CNCF technology stack” – Chris Aniszczyk CTO, CNCF

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Looking Ahead: Big Themes Simplified multi-cluster management Extensible, composable architecture Enhanced security to address increased threats Native support for the next generation of workloads

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CVEs patched in 2024 (so far)

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Enhancing the cloud native security posture • Documented and verifiable from source to binary • Accessible, reliable inventory data • Automated alerting for existing / new CVEs • Secure Boot / measured, verified OS • Tamper-proof, verity- protected • User-managed signing infrastructure • Confidential compute • Zero-trust, verifiable updates (== no "trusted sources") • Tamper protection against MitM • Multi-vendor: separate for OS (distro) and extensions (operator) Supply Chain Updates Runtime

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Making Flatcar Extensible: System Extensions man/latest/systemd-sysext.html Loaded at boot time by systemd Library of pre- baked sysexts Automatic updates sysext-bakery Overlay file system

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Composability with System Extensions Easy image customization Alternate Container Runtimes (torcx replacement) Improved support for OEM variants (replacement for non- updatable /oem partition)

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Improving Kubernetes Cluster API Experience • Worker node image combines OS + Kubernetes control plane • User manages/hosts own K8s images • K8s + OS versions tied, separate image for every version combination • No in-place updates • Kubernetes control plane as system extension, separate from base OS • Stock distro images • OS + K8s distros decoupled, simplifying version matrix • In-place updates CAPI today, with Image Builder CAPI with Sysext sysext

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Support for evolving cloud native workloads WebAssembly runtimes, frameworks, orchestrators More production environments Clouds, edge, on- prem Evolving hardware architectures ARM, RISC-V, GPUs / AI acceleration, …

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Wrapping up Flexible, extensible Secure Community- driven, foundation governed Evolving with cloud native

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