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Brewfactory full-stack homebrew 2/2 Péter Márton @slashdotpeter

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About the talk Brewfactory is heavily over-engineered It is my hobby

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Hardware parts - digital temp. sensor - DS18B20 (1-Wire) - heating elements - PWM (pulse-width modulation) - Relay (solid state) - controller - PID

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Internet of things: IoT - internet connected - communicate with each other - from $10 - easy to program

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IoT device: RaspberryPi - credit-card sized - linux - usb ports - ethernet - NO built-in Wi-Fi - any languages

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IoT device: SparkCore - pint-sized - arduino compatible - built-in Wi-Fi - C++ - Spark’s cloud

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JavaScript everywhere 2007 2014 HW Microcontroller IoT devices from $10 Control HW C, C++ Node.js: Johnny-Five, Tessel Web server .net, Java, PHP Node.js Database SQL MongoDB: JS API WebUI JavaScript: jQuery JavaScript: SPA (React, Angular etc.)

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BrewCore - Node.js --harmony - Koa - WebSockets - Spark’s cloud -

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BrewUI - React app with Flux - CommonJS (Node style) - Webpack (~Browserify) - npm module -

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React - JS library - can be the view in MVC (model, view, controller) - renders on both client and server side - virtual DOM

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Flux architecture - unidirectional data flow - designed by Facebook - less complex dependencies as in MVC

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Single page applications (SPA) Pros - fast and smooth - less bandwidth Cons - SEO (without JS) - first load is heavy - needs more battery

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Isomorphic JavaScript JavaScript code that can be shared between environments.

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Isomorphic server side

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Isomorphic client side

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Isomorphic way DEMO

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Isomorphic JavaScript Pros - server render: works without JavaScript - client render: power of SPA - code share - save energy on mobiles

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Isomorphic JavaScript Cons - unfamiliar problems - async concurrency on server side - some things are missing

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BrewMobile - Swift - WebSockets - push notif. is coming by @vasarhelyia

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Join us!

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Q&A The end