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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Spook your friends with Electron! (I love you front row!) w/ Melody Spookling @pixelyunicorn

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn In case you were wondering what my profile picture was about, I helped a team of student coders build a cyborg alpaca using Arduino and Node.js!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Hai, I’m Melody! Hi, I’m Melody. My pronouns are they/them. I’m from the sometimes sunny city of Philadelphia.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Hai, I’m Melody! JS I started TacoJS. It’s like BrooklynJS but with tacos. We haven’t had a meetup recently, so if you want to speak feel free to send us a pull request! (

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Hai, I’m Melody! JS I also specialize in design and web development.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Hai, I’m Melody! JS I guess that makes me a unicorn!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Hai, I’m Melody! JS I’m also super addicted to tea. Sometimes I wish Borogramming served tea instead of coffee…

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn I’m looking for a job! Oh, and I’m looking for a job! If you’re hiring, please check out my website at!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn What is Electron? So what is Electron? Well, it’s a framework created by GitHub…

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn What is Electron? …that allows you to build cross-platform desktop applications…

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn What is Electron? …using Javascript! And HTML! And CSS!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Chances are, if you use desktops apps like Skype, Discord, Slack, or GitHub, you probably already use Elecrtron!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Let’s build an Electron app! So let’s build an Electron app!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Let’s build an Electron app! Now, no one likes to start from scratch, so I used this code as my starting point.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Let’s build an Electron app! All you need to do is run npm install electron. (Speaking of npm, its co-founder is sitting right in front of me. Hi, Laurie!) install electron

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Then you require the Electron module.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn And this function, at less than 10 lines of code without comments, is all it takes to create a basic Electron app.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn So what we’re doing here is creating a new BrowserWindow instance with a width of 800 and a height of 600. Then we’re loading an HTML page called boo.html. That’s it.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Here’s what that looks like! (Window resized to fit slide.) Demo time!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Now, here’s where the evil comes in. You can add some pretty scary parameters into BrowserWindow…

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Like hiding the window frame, having a transparent background, hiding the title bar, and a full screen mode that doesn’t open in another workspace on macOS.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn We can go even further! Let’s have clicks pass through it, hide the icon from the dock so no one knows it’s running, and set it so that it’s always on top and full-screen by default!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Here’s what that looks like! Notice how you can click through it, and how it persists on top of macOS spaces, like this full-screen window. This brings us some interesting use cases… Demo time!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Use Case #1: The first of which is playing horse noises in the background. This is literally all the code it takes.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Use Case #1: It autoplays a file called horse.mp3 on loop, hidden on plain sight!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn “neigh” “neigh” “neigh” “neigh” Demo time! “neigh” (Because I can’t embed sound into uploaded slideshows, imagine hearing a bunch of horses going neigh and not knowing where it’s coming from!)

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Use Case #2: Has anyone here ever pirate Windows? Well, if you do, you may end up with this beautiful Activate Windows watermark. But what if you did pay for Windows? Or use macOS? Or even Linux?

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Demo time! You’re not missing out on anything, thanks to Electron!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Use Case #3: Of course, if you truly want to do evil, you can probably create Ransomware with Electron. Not that you should.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Let’s go all out! But that just scratches the surface of the harmless (and not- so-harmless) pranks we can pull on people. Let’s take this even further!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Cracked Screen Here’s a jpeg of a cracked screen I found on the internet. You probably know where I’m going with this.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Cracked Screen I can’t afford Photoshop, so I’ll use PowerPoint as my image editor. It has a built-in Remove Background feature that will give me a nice transparent image to work with.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Let’s just add that image to my CSS and have it cover the whole page…

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Demo time! And look at that! (Sorry for breaking your projector, I’ll unbreak it in just a second!)

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Limitations (macOS) Cannot (yet) draw over cursor, launchpad, mission control, login screen, etc Of course, it’s super obvious that it’s a prank because of Electron’s limitations, especially since it can’t draw over the cursor or menu bar…

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Glitch Effect utorials/CSSGlitchEffe ct/ Let’s build something that’s a bit more subtle, like a glitching screen. Here’s one I found on the internet.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Glitch Effect Since Electron is powered by the same technology as web pages, we can bring this image glitch effect to the desktop!

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Glitch Effect How this particular glitch effect works, is that it takes a background image and flickers multiple crops of it across the screen. Here’s something I found that will allow us to use a screenshot of the desktop as our background image.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Demo time! Here’s a demo of how that works. Here’s a terminal window.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Demo time! Here’s that same terminal window, with the glitch applied. Notice how we are shifting and adding random tints everywhere.

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Demo time! If you’re feeling woke, you can also have the glitch run recursively! This may result in a memory leak crashing your computer at some point. (This actually did crash my computer!)

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Melody Starling @ BrooklynJS #59 @pixelyunicorn Thank You! ~ Hire me: Tweet me: @pixelyunicorn Splat me: SW-4207-5422-1528 Thank you so much for coming out to see my BrooklynJS talk! Here’s where you can find me if you want to keep in touch.