Slide 42
Slide 42 text
Nadler, David A et al. Organizational Architectures. Jessey-Bass, 1992
Collins, James C., and Porras, Jerry I. Built to Last. Harper Business, 1994
Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline. Currency Doubleday, 1994
Northcraft, Gregory B., and Neale, Margaret A Organizational Behavior. Dryden, 1994
Imai, Masaaki. KAJZEN. McGraw-Hill, 1986
Chase, Richard B., and Aquilano, Nicholas J. Production and Operations. Irwin, 1995
Rehfek:, John E. Alchemy of a Leader. Nikkei-BP, 1995
Amako, Tetsuo. Japanese Manager. Sogensha, 1992