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Front-End Architecture It’s an investment for the future.

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LOW Architectural Investment HIGH Short-Term Costs Long-Term Costs

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5 Year Lifetime Short-Term Costs Long-Term Costs Low Investment

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5 Year Lifetime Short-Term Costs Long-Term Costs High Investment

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Software Entropy & Total Cost of Ownership Maintenance, Morale, Updates, etc.

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Explore Your Options The first solution isn’t always the best.

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Be Proactive instead of reactive. Anticipating Impact and thinking ahead.

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Myth of Separation Loose coupling is a target, not a goal.

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Look for Simple solutions. Wow! This page prints beautifully!

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Typographic Choices (and ramifications) Initial Costs Content Maintenance Code Maintenance Accessibility User-Agent Consistency Design Control Separation CSS Image Replacement sIFR Image Tags Server- Generated Images

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In the Real World

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The Ingredients.

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CSS IA DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup User Agents Flash Usability Content Back-End Project Mgmt.

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CSS DOM Scripting Accessibility AJAX Markup User Agents

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What you support influences how you construct your site. > how much sleep you’ll lose

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I, for one, welcome our browser overlords. They’re not leaving anytime soon.

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We’re making progress... Netscape 4, IE 5, IE 6? Firefox & IE 7

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CSS DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup User Agents Content Back-End

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Markup is the technical foundation. Myth of Separation

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The tables have got to go. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

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Microformats Elegant & Semantic Simplicity

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Accessibility Markup is the root of accessible sites.

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CSS DOM Scripting Accessibility Design Markup User Agents Content Back-End

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Beware of Browser Hacks No Guarantees. They’re only a patch.

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Be Bulletproof. The only thing constant is change.

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Limitless options. Selectors, Shorthand, Redundancy vs. Dependency, Separate Files, etc.

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DOM Scripting (aka JavaScript)

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CSS DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup User Agents Usability

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The Dark Ages Browser Wars

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The Renaissance Progressive Enhancement & Standards

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DOM Scripting Scripting libraries and frameworks. Libraries & Frameworks

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Scripting is for “behavior” Styling forms and handling business logic = Red Flags

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Abusing DOM Manipulation = font tags of DOM Scripting

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DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup User Agents Usability Content Back-End

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...your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. “ ” - Jurrassic Park, 1993

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The Traditional Model Full Page Loads Submit Business Logic

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The New Model Partial Page Loads Submit Business Logic

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Plan for AJAX from the beginning. Implement AJAX at the end. “ ” - Jeremy Keith

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The Hijax Model Request Interception Submit Submit Hijax Business Logic

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Response Format Options XML, HTML, or JSON?

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Back-End & Bandwidth MacRumors used only 32 GB of bandwidth instead of an estimated 196 GB if they had a non-AJAX version of the live keynote.

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Accessibility & AJAX Can they play nicely?

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CSS IA DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup User Agents Flash Usability Content

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Vision isn’t the only “disability” Alternate Devices, Search Engines, Contrast, Color-Blind, Keyboard Navigation, Decreased Mobility

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No magic bullet. Perspective & Understanding

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Labels are just the beginning.

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Social Responsibility UK, Government, EU?, Target Lawsuit? > Legal

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Inherent Benefits Clean Semantic Markup Usability (Fitt’s Law) SEO

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CSS IA DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup Flash Usability Content

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Rise of Design The New User Experience Focus

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Engineers vs. Designers Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain

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The right design for the job. Undesign is the new black!

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No content

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IA DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Flash Usability

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User “Testing”. Understand people not results.

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Heat Maps & User Testing 80% Common Sense?

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Jakob Nielsen. Visual Design? Information Architecture?

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Information Architecture

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IA Accessibility Design Usability Content Back-End Project Mgmt.

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Information Design Google News vs. Google Finance

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Prototyping Choices (and ramifications) Short-Term Costs Long-Term Costs Accuracy Flexibility Sketches PDD’s Wireframes HTML Prototypes Getting Real

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Tags for a bug tracker? Tags are loose and not precise.

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IA Accessibility Design Markup Content Back-End

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The red-headed stepchild. Clients as copywriters?

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Content Dominoes Don’t believe it matters?

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Content will change. Remember. The only thing constant is change.

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IA DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Flash Usability Markup

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sIFR Scalable Inman Flash Replacement DOM Scripting Accessibility Design Flash Markup

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IA AJAX Markup Content Back-End

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Presentation Layer ASPX, Rails Views, etc.

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Elegant Integration Make an engineer happy.

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Database Information Architecture & Content

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Web Services & API’s AJAX is no place for business logic.

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Project Management

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CSS IA DOM Scripting Accessibility Design AJAX Markup User Agents Flash Usability Content Back-End Project Mgmt.

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Managing change. (And the associated costs.)

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Managing specialists. (And their very special egos.)

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The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Thank You