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Speaker Presents Michelle@Microsoft Rise of the Tech Influencer - Small steps you can take to increase your reach.

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Thank you to our amazing SPONSORS

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The rules are simple: 1. Tweet a clear picture of a speaker in a good pose (no blurred hands) at me @msandfor on Twitter 2. Hashtag #DDDPerth #SpeakerPoseBingo and the name of the pose 3. You must include #SaviourPose and #TheTroyHunt 4. You may pick any other 3 poses, examples below include #TheCheckIt #Guns #ThumbsUp #IThink #YouGuys #HeyYou #Please #FingerGuns and #Why but if you catch a speaker in any other great pose - feel free to name it yourself and tweet it out there. 5. If you reply on your own tweet each time (and include the twitter tag of the speaker if you can) - you can then tweet #Bingo when you have done your 5

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Sun’s out, Guns out! @msandfor

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Microsoft Octopus Deploy Readify Atlassian Hashicorp Thoughtworks Mechanical Rock @msandfor

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Visual Credibility Personal Tagline Thoughts Visual storytelling Be active = Be known Elevator pitch Who can help you? @msandfor

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360 degree feedback Recommendations are References Fully transparent Permanent record Blockchain

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#DevOps #MachineLearning @msandfor

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Thank you to our amazing SPONSORS