Slide 4
Slide 4 text
The rules are simple:
1. Tweet a clear picture of a speaker in a good
pose (no blurred hands) at me @msandfor on
2. Hashtag #DDDPerth #SpeakerPoseBingo and the
name of the pose
3. You must include #SaviourPose and
4. You may pick any other 3 poses, examples
below include #TheCheckIt #Guns #ThumbsUp
#IThink #YouGuys #HeyYou #Please #FingerGuns
and #Why but if you catch a speaker in any
other great pose - feel free to name it
yourself and tweet it out there.
5. If you reply on your own tweet each time
(and include the twitter tag of the speaker
if you can) - you can then tweet #Bingo when
you have done your 5