The Office Hours
Christina Koch
Data Story Slam, February 2018
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This is me
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My colleague Lauren and I work for the
Center for High Throughput
Computing (CHTC)
as research computing facilitators
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New accounts, ongoing meetings,
and weekly office hours.
We meet with a lot
of people.
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How many people do Christina and Lauren meet
with every month?
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Version 1: Calendar
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Version 2: Form
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Version 3: Sign In
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Busiest Month
May: 77 people
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Slowest Month
December: 27 people
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No content
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What happened
in July?
Christina and Lauren were out of the office
(conferences, summer school, workshops)
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Number of people new to CHTC
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No content
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Ñ Everyone has to deal with data
Ñ Sometimes a simple solution is the best solution
Ñ Structure your data
Ñ Once you have data, you can tell a story
Lessons Learned