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Innovation Design Matthias Müller-Prove // Barcamp Zusammenarbeit, Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg 1.12.2017 beta 1 cc by mprove

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» –Kai Krause Inno-wä?-schon

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Gartner Hype Curve

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Gartner Hype Curve 2015 VR Gesten-Steuerung AR Smart Home IoT Natürliche Sprache Maschinelles Lernen Big Data AutoAutos Brain-Computer
 Interface Wearables

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Gartner Hype Curve Tal der Ernüchterung Plateau der Produktivität Gipfel der übersteigerten Erwartungen

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Zweifel Produkt Vision Strategie

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Long Nose of Innovation
 Bill Buxton 2008

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Head Mounted Display – Ivan Sutherland et al., 1966

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Mark Z. @ Samsung World Congress 2016

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➼ 50 Jahre ➠ Head Mounted Display
 Sutherland/Sproul Magic Leap
 Oculus Rift

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Innovation Research & Invention Long Nose of Innovation Product Prototype

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Long Nose of Innovation Gartner Hype Curve Innovation Research & Invention Product Prototype

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The world is so damn complex.[…] If mankind can get more capable in dealing with complex urgent problems collectively, that would be a perfect professional goal. – Doug Engelbart, 2000

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NLS/Augment – Douglas Engelbart et al.1968

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The Demo The ARC of ARC Bill Paxton at NLS Yoga Workstation, SRI-ARC early 1970s

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Alohanet by Norm Abramson 1970s

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Time Sharing by John McCarthy 1960s Whit Diffey - The Rise of eCommerce

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Computer Lib / Dream Machines, Ted Nelson, 1974 Photo von Ted Nelson aus Stephen Segaller: Nerds 2.0.1

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Sir Tim Berners-Lee

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WorldWideWeb by Tim Berners-Lee & Robert Cailliau, CERN 1990

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Ubiquitous Computing
 Mark Weiser et al., PARC 1991

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» –Ivan Sutherland
 Research and Fun: Research is like growing carrots. And the way you manage that is you pull them out every week and look at how they hang and put them back in the ground.
 …you are not likely to get much. via The carrot theory of research management:

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 feel free to follow @mprove @uxhh @raumschifferde Matthias Müller-Prove // Barcamp Zusammenarbeit, Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg 1.12.2017 thx cc by mprove