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A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital Coding Standards That Improve Quality

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Industry veteran: architect, engineer, leader, manager, mentor F/OSS contributor since 1994 Talking and writing about PHP since 2004 Chief Software Archaeologist Building Quality @GanbaroDigital About Stuart

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Follow me I do tweet a lot about non-tech stuff though :) @stuherbert

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Do you follow any written coding standards?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What do you follow?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Have you written your own?

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@GanbaroDigital Let's Slay Some Dragons!

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@GanbaroDigital QA Teams

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Do you have a QA team?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What do they do?

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@GanbaroDigital “ You don't pass code to a QA team to add quality.

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@GanbaroDigital A QA team is an audit function. It assesses the quality you've already delivered.

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@GanbaroDigital “ QA teams don't assess code quality. They assess outcome quality.

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@GanbaroDigital “ You can't outsource quality to a team that doesn't do construction.

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@GanbaroDigital Construction is done by developers.

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@GanbaroDigital Coding standards are virtual building regulations.

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@GanbaroDigital “Requirements define what is built. Coding standards (help) define how it is built.

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@GanbaroDigital Coding standards are part of your engineering manual.

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@GanbaroDigital But they don't always improve quality ...

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2

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@GanbaroDigital A Quick Breakdown of PSR-2

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How many requirements are in PSR-2?

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@GanbaroDigital 96 Requirements in PSR-2

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Keywords Count 0 17.5 35 52.5 70 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital Some important caveats ...

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Analysis Caveats • Stronger keywords (MUST) can appear wrapped inside weaker keywords (MAY) • PSR-2 contains duplicate requirements • Some PSR-2 requirements are enforced by the PHP runtime

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Analysis Caveats • Stronger keywords (MUST) can appear wrapped inside weaker keywords (MAY) • PSR-2 contains duplicate requirements • Some PSR-2 requirements are enforced by the PHP runtime

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Analysis Caveats • Stronger keywords (MUST) can appear wrapped inside weaker keywords (MAY) • PSR-2 contains duplicate requirements • Some PSR-2 requirements are enforced by the PHP runtime

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 And Addressing Quality

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How much of PSR-2 directly prevents defects in your code?

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Keywords Count 0 17.5 35 52.5 70 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Requirements That Prevent Defects 0 17.5 35 52.5 70 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital Defect-Preventing PSR-2 Bits 1. Visibility MUST be declared on all properties and methods (x3) 2. The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP. 3. There MUST be a comment such as // no break when fall- through is intentional in a non-empty case body

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@GanbaroDigital “ Only 5.2% of PSR-2 directly addresses quality.

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@GanbaroDigital What Is PSR-2?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What are the other 91 requirements in PSR-2 all about?

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@GanbaroDigital “ PSR-2 is a code formatting standard.

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@GanbaroDigital “ PSR-2 is a social standard.

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@GanbaroDigital Can consistent formatting improve quality? Yes and no.

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@GanbaroDigital It reduces the required reading age (so to speak). That can make code more accessible as average industry experience declines.

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@GanbaroDigital It's an example of the industry learning from the mistakes of Perl.

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@GanbaroDigital It also leads to reduced comprehension because of how we learn to read prose.

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@GanbaroDigital “ Keep using PSR-2 as your code layout standard. Stop using PSR-2 as your code quality standard.

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Replacement

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@GanbaroDigital proposed/

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@GanbaroDigital Is the upcoming PSR-2 replacement any different?

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Keywords Count 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital Draft PSR-2 Replacement Keywords Count 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital 138 Requirements in the current draft

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-2 Requirements That Prevent Defects 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital Draft PSR-2 Requirements That Prevent Defects 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 MUST MUST NOT SHOULD SHOULD NOT MAY

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@GanbaroDigital Defect-Preventing Draft Bits • The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP. • Visibility MUST be declared on all properties. • Visibility MUST be declared on all constants if your project PHP minimum version supports constant visibilities (PHP 7.1 or later). • Visibility MUST be declared on all methods. • The body of each structure MUST be enclosed by braces. • There MUST be a comment such as // no break when fall-through is intentional in a non-empty case body.

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@GanbaroDigital “ Only 4.3% of the current draft directly addresses quality.

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@GanbaroDigital The decline is down to better drafting.

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@GanbaroDigital As it stands today, the PSR-2 replacement is a better drafted PSR-2. It does not change the scope of the standard.

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@GanbaroDigital “ The PSR-2 replacement is not a quality standard.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Have I slain the twin dragons of QA teams and PSR-2?

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@GanbaroDigital Let's look at writing coding standards that do improve quality.

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@GanbaroDigital Writing A Coding Standard For Quality

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@GanbaroDigital There's a limit to what you can achieve through coding standards.

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@GanbaroDigital A Worked Example

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital Let's break this down.

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital “ If everything is top priority, nothing is top priority.

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@GanbaroDigital Establish a set of priorities

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@GanbaroDigital I Use Three Priority Levels • Key - essential items • Major - significant immediate benefit • Minor - consistency / stylistic / philosophical

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@GanbaroDigital Priorities do *not* define what is mandatory and what is not.

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@GanbaroDigital Everything is mandatory.

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@GanbaroDigital Priorities define where your time goes.

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@GanbaroDigital Where Time Goes ... • During development • In code reviews • On (avoiding!) rework

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@GanbaroDigital “ Zero-defect code is perfectly possible. You just can't afford it.

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@GanbaroDigital In code reviews, everyone checks all Key criteria.

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@GanbaroDigital In code reviews, check Major criteria between you.

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@GanbaroDigital Minor priorities will need picking up at first. Over time, Minor should become a given.

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@GanbaroDigital If they don't, change your criteria or change your people.

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital Give every coding standard a unique ID

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@GanbaroDigital Unique IDs allow people to communicate more clearly.

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@GanbaroDigital IDs are immutable for all time

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@GanbaroDigital “ Coding standards are not immutable!

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@GanbaroDigital Coding Standards Evolve • Adding new standards • Retiring obsolete standards • Improving established standards

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@GanbaroDigital Immutable IDs prevent confusion as standards evolve.

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@GanbaroDigital If the meaning of the standard changes, treat it as a new standard, allocate a new ID.

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@GanbaroDigital Use a structured ID system. e.g. A.B.C A = priority B = category C = count within category

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@GanbaroDigital Structured IDs help you group standards together as they evolve.

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital Categories help us see relevant standards together

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@GanbaroDigital • API Design • Architecture • Audit Log • Authentication & Authorisation • Code Health • Common Attacks • Correctness • Documentation • Logical Layering • Persistent Data • Package Management • Naming of Things • Robustness • Session Management • Third Party Packages • Traceability • Unit Testing Example Categories

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@GanbaroDigital *not* an exhaustive list!

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@GanbaroDigital Categories are concepts / themes that run throughout the code.

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@GanbaroDigital • API Design • Architecture • Audit Log • Authentication & Authorisation • Code Health • Common Attacks • Correctness • Documentation • Logical Layering • Persistent Data • Package Management • Naming of Things • Robustness • Session Management • Third Party Packages • Traceability • Unit Testing Example Categories

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@GanbaroDigital We can review all the standards for a category and spot obvious gaps.

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital Criteria tells us what success looks like

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@GanbaroDigital Some Example Criteria • Capture all end-user activity in an audit log. • Always return a JSON object when an error occurs. • Never support a request body in a HTTP GET request.

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@GanbaroDigital I use a single sentence.

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@GanbaroDigital Some Example Criteria • Capture all end-user activity in an audit log. • Always return a JSON object when an error occurs. • Never support a request body in a HTTP GET request.

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@GanbaroDigital I use active voice.

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@GanbaroDigital Some Example Criteria • Capture all end-user activity in an audit log. • Always return a JSON object when an error occurs. • Never support a request body in a HTTP GET request.

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@GanbaroDigital I avoid ambiguity.

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@GanbaroDigital Some Example Criteria • Capture all end-user activity in an audit log. • Always return a JSON object when an error occurs. • Never support a request body in a HTTP GET request.

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@GanbaroDigital style

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital Impacts remind us who/what we are doing this for

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@GanbaroDigital (but they're not really 'why' ...)

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@GanbaroDigital Impacted functions are a mixture of people and capabilities.

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@GanbaroDigital • End-User • The Business • Engineering • Governance • Regulation • Maintenance • Operations • Platform • Security • Testability Example Impacted Functions

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@GanbaroDigital *not* an exhaustive list!

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@GanbaroDigital Identify your impacted functions

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital Description tells you what to do or what not to do

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@GanbaroDigital I use as many sentences as required.

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@GanbaroDigital I use active voice.

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@GanbaroDigital I avoid ambiguity.

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@GanbaroDigital Priority Key ID 1.1.1 Category 3-Tier Architecture Criteria Do not trust higher levels of the architecture. Impacts Security Description Do not assume that any input data is safe. Validate all input data before using it.

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@GanbaroDigital You can go beyond this minimum if time / budget allows.

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@GanbaroDigital Extra Points For ... • Examples • Documenting the 'why'

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Is the 'why' optional or mandatory in a coding standard?

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@GanbaroDigital General Guidance

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@GanbaroDigital When you look back at your coding standard, is it SMART?

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@GanbaroDigital SMART (in this case!) is ... • Specific • Measurable • Actionable • Relevant • Timely

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@GanbaroDigital When you look back at your coding standard, is it clear?

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@GanbaroDigital Be Clear! • What the standard is • Where the standard needs applying • Who it impacts • What problem it prevents (the Why) • How important it is to prevent the problem

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@GanbaroDigital When you look back at your coding standard, is it necessary?

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@GanbaroDigital Is It Necessary? • Does it prevent real or imaginary problems? • Is it built on (bitter) experience? • Or is it just there to control people?

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@GanbaroDigital Do you have buy-in?

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@GanbaroDigital Do You Have Buy-In? • Are developers actively maintaining the coding standard? • Are they actively following it? • Or is it simply imposed by the boss?

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@GanbaroDigital “ You cannot fix people problems with technology or standards.

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Thank You How Can We Help You? A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital