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Type-safe Functional SQL Functional Conf 2019 Anupam Jain

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Bird’s Eye View • Why SQL doesn’t scale. • Allow scaling by decomposing SQL into Relational Algebra. • Implementing Relational Algebra Ops. Row Types! • Bonus Content!

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Structured Query Language

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Relational Data • Codd’s Relational Model • Set of Typed Columns, Set of Rows of Related Data • References to other Relations

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SQL • Query Language for Relational Database • Declarative • Immutable • Based on Sound Mathematical Theory •

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People Id Name Father Mother 827 E 321 235 828 F 917 61 829 G 819 937 830 H 421 234 … … … …

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Fetch All Children SELECT *
 FROM people person WHERE person.father = 827
 AND person.mother = 827

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Fetch All Grandchildren SELECT *
 FROM people person,
 people father,
 people mother,
 WHERE person.father =
 AND person.mother =
 AND (father.father = 827 OR mother.father = 827 OR father.mother = 827 OR mother.mother = 827)

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Hard to Abstract • Repeated ID in the query • Missing Type Information • What columns are in the final output? • Hard to isolate bugs • No Reusable Abstraction

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Fetch All Great-grandchildren SELECT *
 FROM people person,
 people father,
 people mother,
 people gfather1,
 people gfather2,
 people gmother1,
 people gmother2 WHERE person.father =
 AND person.mother =
 AND father.father =
 AND father.mother =
 AND mother.father =
 AND mother.mother =
 AND (gfather1.father = 827
 OR gmother1.father = 827
 OR gfather2.father = 827
 OR gmother2.father = 827 ….?)

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Primitives That Compose Poorly • Get the Top 5 Highest Paid Employees • SELECT Name, Salary FROM Employees WHERE rownum <= 5 ORDER BY Salary DESC

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Primitives That Compose Poorly • Actual Correct Solution • SELECT Name, Salary FROM (SELECT Name, Salary FROM Employees ORDER BY Salary DESC) WHERE rownum <= 5 • (Or use LIMIT 5)

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Reusable Abstractions • Parameters • Functions

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What About? • Stored Procedures • SQL Functions • Views •

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MODULARISATION WITH DB FUNCTIONS • Function to look up IATA codes and return the city name. • CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION airport_city(iata_code IN char) RETURN varchar2 IS CITY_NAME varchar2(50); BEGIN SELECT city INTO city_name FROM iata_airport_codes WHERE code = iata_codes; RETURN(city_name); END;

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Using DB Functions • Find all flights, and their destinations, departing on a certain date. • SELECT flight_number airport_city(arrival) “TO” FROM flights WHERE departure_date = • Returns 100 rows in 0.2 sec

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Using JOINs • Find all flights, and their destinations, departing on a certain date. • SELECT f.flight_number “TO” FROM flights f iata_airport_codes a WHERE a.code = f.arrival AND departure_date = • Returns 100 Rows in 0.02 seconds • Difference increases with number of rows

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Query Optimiser Relational Core Non Relational Processing Optimiser Boundary

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Performant Queries • Relational Core is Optimised Heavily • It’s Efficient to Use Even A Large Number of Joins (Say < 20) • Any communication to/from the DB Engine will cause slowdowns. This includes calls to Functions and Procedures.

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Relational Algebra To The Rescue

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Relational Algebra • Based on Sound Mathematical Theory • Allows Reasoning about Output • Allows Sound Transformation from inefficient query to efficient query

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Relational Algebra • Projection (SELECT) • Selection (WHERE) • Rename • Joins •

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Implementing Relational Algebra • Combinator Library • With Row Types

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Combinator Library • New Data Type - Relation R • Set of Ops • :: Relation R -> Relation S • R, S, are rows •

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Example Ops • Select/Project :: Relation r -> Relation s • Union :: Relation r -> Relation r -> Relation r • Filter :: Relation r -> Relation r • Join :: Relation (r|s) -> Relation (s|t) -> Relation (r|s|t) • Where r and t are disjoint. More on this later. • RenameField :: Relation ((m::t) | r) -> Relation ((n::t) | r)

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Row Types • type ageFilter :: {age :: Int} -> Boolean • oldPeople :: Array ({age :: Int}) -> Array ({age :: Int}) oldPeople = filter (\person -> person.age > 40) • But after this filtering, we lose access to the rest of the fields! There’s nothing connecting the input fields to the output fields. • Hence we need a way to specify “remaining fields” as a polymorphic variable. • ageFilter :: {age :: Int | rest} -> Boolean • oldPeople :: Array ({age :: Int | rest}) -> Array ({age :: Int | rest})

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Relational Algebra Composes • getChildren :: Relation Person -> Relation Person
 getChildren p = union
 (people # join (p # rename id father)) (people # join (p # rename id mother)) # project (id, name, father, mother) • getGrandchildren p = getChildren (getChildren p)

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Row Types in Haskell • Field a = Symbol :-> a • Row. List is always ordered. • newtype Row a = R [Field a] • Notice the TypeLevel list • Empty Row • type Empty = R ‘[ ]

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Row Types in Haskell • List of Types • Adding/Deleting values from type level lists • Sorting type level lists • Type level functions • i.e. Type Families

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Type Families • Create Overloaded Data, just like TypeClasses create Overloaded Functions. • Closed Type Family is like a Type level function. • type family Foo where Foo Int = Int Foo String = String Foo a = Int • By default - type family Foo :: * • But could be - type family Foo :: Constraint type family Foo :: * -> * etc.

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User Defined Type Errors • type family TypeError (a :: ErrorMessage) :: b where … • instance TypeError (Text "Cannot Show functions.") => Show (a -> b) where showsPrec = error “unreachable" • data Succ a data Zero type family Pred where Pred (Succ x) = x Pred Zero = TypeError (Text “No Predecessor for Zero")

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Merge • type family Merge (l :: [Field k]) (r :: [Field k]) where Merge ‘[ ] r = r Merge l ‘[ ] = l Merge (h :-> al ': tl) (h :-> ar ': tr) = TypeError (TL.Text “Non Matching Label") Merge (hl :-> al ': l) (hr :-> ar ': r) = ???

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GHC.TypeLits • Type Level IF • type family IfT a b c where IfT ‘True b c = b IfT ‘False b c = c • Type level Bool. (Data Kinds Extension). • Type Level Symbols Comparison • type (<=) x y

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Merge • type family Merge (l :: [Field k]) (r :: [Field k]) where … Merge (hl :-> al ‘: l) (hr :-> ar ‘: r) = IfT hl <= hr (hl :-> al ': Merge tl (hr :-> ar ': tr)) (hr :-> ar ': Merge (hl :-> al ': tl) tr)

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Type Level Row Append type family (l :: Row k) .+ (r :: Row k) :: Row k where R l .+ R r = R (Merge l r)

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Diff type family Diff (l :: [Field k]) (r :: [Field k]) where Diff ‘[ ] r = ‘[ ] Diff l ‘[ ] = l Diff (l :-> al ': tl) (l :-> al ': tr) = Diff tl tr Diff (hl :-> al ': tl) (hr :-> ar ': tr) = Ifte (hl <=.? hr) (hl :-> al ': Diff tl (hr :-> ar ': tr)) (Diff (hl :-> al ': tl) tr)

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Type Level Row Diff type family (l :: Row k) .\\ (r :: Row k) :: Row k where R l .\\ R r = R (Diff l r)

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Type Level Disjoint type Disjoint l r = (l .+ r .\\ l ~ r, l .+ r .\\ r ~ l)

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Relational Ops -- | Select some columns from a relation Project :: Disjoint r rest => Relation (r .+ rest) -> Relation r -- | Remove some columns from a relation Except :: Disjoint r rest => Relation (r .+ rest) -> Relation rest

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Relational Ops RenameField :: (KnownSymbol old, KnownSymbol new) => Label old -> Label new -> Relation r -> Relation(Rec.Rename old new r)

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Relational Ops -- | Add a new field to a relation AddField :: (KnownSymbol l, Lacks l r) => Label l -> a -> Relation b r -> Relation 'False (Rec.Extend l a r) -- | Remove a single field from a relation RemoveField :: (KnownSymbol l, HasType l a r) => Label l -> Relation b r -> Relation 'False (r .- l)

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Relational Ops Filter :: (RecFunction r Bool) -> Relation r -> Relation r Limit :: Int -> Relation r -> Relation r • But What About this Function

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Passing Functions to SQL • We provide inbuilt ones • And Create a DSL • RecFunction r a • (>=.) :: Symbol l -> Int -> Function () Bool

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Bonus Content

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Bonus: Nested Relational Algebra • Attributes can be Relations themselves! • Group :: Relation (r|s) -> Relation (r | (l::Relation s)) • Ungroup :: Relation (r | (l::Relation s)) -> Relation (r|s) • Enables clean definitions of things like aggregations

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Aggregation With Nested Relations • Aggregation is basically a fold over all the rows • Aggregate :: Relation r -> (s -> r -> s) -> s -> s • In practice, for SQL support, we can’t support arbitrary functions for (s -> r -> s) • We provide inbuilt ones - avg, sum, max, min, count, etc. • Combined with Relation Valued ops, we can do SQL aggregations cleanly

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Example • Find out sales per car by year

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Initial Table Year Car Sales 2001 A 100 2001 A 200 2001 B 100 2002 B 100 2002 A 300 2002 C 300

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Group by ‘Year Year YearData Car Sales 2001 A 100 A 200 B 100 2002 B 100 A 300 C 300

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Map ‘YearData (Group by ‘Car) Year YearData Car CarData Sales 2001 A 100 200 B 100 2002 B 100 A 300 C 300

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Map ‘YearData (Map ‘CarData (Sum Sales)) Year YearData Car CarData Sales 2001 A 300 B 100 2002 B 100 A 300 C 300

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Bonus Content 2: Integration with Reporting • Report r - Includes display data • Sort :: Label s -> Report r -> Report r • Where r includes label s. More on this later. • Pivot - Allows displaying the table pivoted, with the rows transformed into cols and vice versa • Pivot :: Relation r -> Report r

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Integration With Reporting hierarchy = mem [ {parentId = 0, nodeId = 1, name = "Total"}, {parentId = 1, nodeId = 2, name = "Tech"}, {parentId = 2, nodeId = 3, name = "Google"}, {parentId = 2, nodeId = 4, name = "Microsoft"}, {parentId = 2, nodeId = 5, name = "Apple"}, {parentId = 1, nodeId = 6, name = "Financial"}, {parentId = 6, nodeId = 7, name = "Wells Fargo"}, {parentId = 6, nodeId = 8, name = "Citibank"}, {parentId = 6, nodeId = 9, name = "Bank Of America"} ] valueData = mem [ {name = "Google", value = Some 1.0}, {name = "Microsoft", value = Some 0.5}, {name = "Apple", value = Some 0.75}, {name = "Wells Fargo", value = Some 0.8}, {name = "Citibank", value = Some 0.9}, {name = "Bank Of America", value = Some 0.4} ] metric = valueData |> join hierarchy |> except {name}

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Advanced sql reportData = let f = aggregate (sum value) value in accumulate parentId nodeId f metric hierarchy # join hierarchy Name nodeId parentId value Total 1 0 4.35 Tech 2 1 2.25 Google 3 2 1 Microsoft 4 2 0.5 Apple 5 2 0.75 Financial 6 1 2.1 Wells Fargo 7 6 0.8 Citibank 8 6 0.9 Bank Of America 9 6 0.4

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Advanced sql report = reportData # drilldownTable Nothing name parentId nodeId Name value Total 4.35 Tech 2.25 Google 1 Microsoft 0.5 Apple 0.75 Financial 2.1 Wells Fargo 0.8 Citibank 0.9 Bank Of America 0.4

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Thank You