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Enable Resiliency and Efficiency at LINE Invoice Matt Chang, Steve Yu 2023.06

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Matt Chang FullStack Engineer Intern @ LINE Invoice

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• Introduce LINE Invoice • Share my intern experience • Share some tech knowledge • Mainly focus on Backend. Introduction

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LINE 發票管家

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Backend: CRUD Boy • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) • Example: TODO List • What's CRUD Boy?

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Backend: CRUD on Distributed System • CRUD on Distributed System • 寫的 code 變成跑在多台 server 上 • 不同 server 間彼此需要緊密溝通 • 需要考慮的事情變多 • Race condition • Unreliable connection

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Resilliency and Efficiency • Resilliency • Infra: • E.g. self-healing, rolling upgrade • Backend: • E.g. Retry, Timeout and Rate Limit • Efficiency: • Infra: • Vertical Scaling • Horizontal Scaling • Backend: • E.g. Time complexity, concurrent/multithread programming, System Design

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Resilliency: Unreliable connection • Be careful with Input & Output. • Retry: • What happened when requested service is temporarily unavailable? • Timeout: • What happened when requested service is unresponsive? • Rate limit: • In-bound: Restrict others from accessing service too frequently. • Out-bound: Restrict request frequency to other service.

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Efficiency: Concurrent Programming Real world example: 7-11

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Efficiency: System Design • Usage of Cache and Why ? • Memory access is faster than disk. • No need to do complex computation again. • Real world example: Human Brain • In-memory cache Problem • Cache stored in server S1 can't be accessed by server S2. • Try In-memory database • E.g. Redis

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Short Summary • CRUD / CRUD in distributed System • Resiilliency • Retry / Timeout / Rate Limiting • Efficiency • Concurrent programming • System Design: Cache

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SteveYi Yu Site Reliability Engineering Intern @ LINE 12 ● Service maintenance (k8s) ● Deployment (containerization & YAML) ● Monitoring (Grafana)

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簡單來說就是 CI/CD 一條龍 Alert & Monitor 13 CI/CD Docker-compose / containerization & ArgoCD ● CI/CD ○ 自動化 build 成 Image ○ 上傳到內部的 Docker Registry ● ArgoCD ○ 以自動規模化 (Auto Scale) 的方 式部署 ● Alert & Monitor ○ Grafana 上查看視 覺化面板 ○ 異常情況發送通 知到 Slack

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簡單來說就是 CI/CD 一條龍 14

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Deploy to ArgoCD 15 ● Build to Docker Image ● Upload to Harbor (Internal Image Registry) ● Update k8s Deploy YAML

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Deploy to ArgoCD 16

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How LINE Invoice Work? 17 ● Kubernetes ○ 根據流量自動擴展 Pod ○ rolling update 會將流量分散 ,不影響用戶訪問

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How LINE Invoice Work? 18 ● Treafik ○ 負責處理用戶的請求 ○ 將流量分散的分配給不 同的 Pod

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