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Gitting Things Done Juliette Reinders Folmer Tweet about it: @jrf_nl

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What is Git ? Linnaea Mallette

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About Forks & Remotes

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“ There is no one truth kconnors

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Original Repo Fork A Fork B

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Original Repo Fork A Fork B

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Original Repo Fork A Fork B

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Original Repo Fork A Fork B

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“ There is no limit to the amount of remotes you can add or that can exist

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Pull I accept your truth as my truth

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Push My truth is now your truth

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Pull Request Will you accept my truth as your truth ?

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Merging a PR Thanks for asking. I accept your truth as my truth

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About Branches Paul de Bruin

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Branches are your Save Points

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How to Write History and Get Your PRs Accepted

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Useful ?

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Decypherable ?

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“ A clean history requires forethought and discipline kconnors

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Atomic Commits Pass CI Easy to Review Focus on One Thing Self-contained

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Atomic Commits === Story Telling

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Tools of The Trade ▪ Amend Steve Buissinne

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Tools of The Trade ▪ Amend ▪ Interactive Rebase Maria Yan

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Interactive Rebase

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Interactive Rebase

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squash pick fixup drop edit reword Interactive Rebase

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Squash vs Fixup ▪ Combines changes into one commit ▪ Combines the commit messages + presents for edit ▪ Combines changes into one commit ▪ Throws away all but the original commit message

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About Commit Messages ▪ Short description (title) ▪ Long description: Describe the why's ▪ Reference links ▪ Use proper punctuation! Voiculescu Bogdan

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Give Credit Where Credit is Due Prefix: description Long description explaining why the changes were made, why they were made in this way. What other solutions were considered and rejected and for what reason. Reference(s): • https://.... Co-authored-by: Contributor Name

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Tools of The Trade ▪ Amend ▪ Interactive Rebase ▪ Cherry picking Enrica Bressan

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Cherry Picking Commits Files Lines

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Cherry Picking When committing From other commits From other branches

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K.C. Hohensee

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To Force Push Or Not To Force Push DO: ▪ Non- collaborative branch, not pulled ▪ Pulled, rebased, no changes MAYBE ▪ Pulled, typo/CS fix DON'T: ▪ Collaborative branch, not pulled ▪ Pulled, review has started

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When Things Go Wrong

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Reset vs Revert

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Reset vs Revert

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Reset vs Revert

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Reset vs Revert

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When Things Go Really Wrong

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ?

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ?

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ?

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ?

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ?

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ?

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Git Bisect to the Rescue Bad Good Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ? Good or Bad ?

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When Things Go Really Really REALLY Wrong

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git reflog

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Keeping Your Codebase Clean Lisandra Barros Mendonça

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Commit vs Ignore In repo .gitignore .git/info/exclude Composer composer.json composer.lock /vendor/ composer.lock NPM package.json /node_modules/ package-lock.json PHPUnit phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml .phpunit.result.cache custom-phpunit.xml IDE of choice /.idea/ OS specific *.bak .Trashes [Tt]humbs.db *.DS_store

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Keep Distribution Packages Clean # Exclude these files from release archives. /.gitattributes export-ignore /.gitignore export-ignore /phpunit.xml.dist export-ignore /tests/ export-ignore # Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization * text=auto # The above will handle all files NOT found below *.md text .gitattributes

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Git in Comfort Git Kraken SmartGit Aurees SourceTree GitExtensions CLI GitEye Git Cola

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Thanks! Any questions ? Slides: Feedback: @jrf_nl @jrfnl