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100% processing Selena Deckelmann and Lars Lohn Web Engineering Workweek Q12014

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Current 3 year cost: $1.8 million (at 10% processing)

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The support classifier Why we want to do 100% processing

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Type Initial Cost + DC 2014 Maintenance renewal Hbase $1,117k $80k Non-hbase $257k $22k Elastic Search $43k $3k RabbitMQ $4k $1k NFS (symbols) $12k n/a Zeus $10k n/a

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Estimated costs for 100% processing

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Type Initial Cost + DC Add’l systems Hbase $1,117k Non-hbase $257k $138k Elastic Search $43k $11k RabbitMQ $4k NFS (symbols) $12k Zeus $10k $10k Object Store $315k Add’l processors ???

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Estimated 3 year cost: $900k (at 100% processing, plus more processors...)

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$900k < $1.8 million

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Big changes • 17 more systems in stage • Postgres - +10 systems to store all raw and processed JSON (5 pairs) (SSDs?) • Ceph (or something) instead of HBase • Likely get rid of the Netapp....

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Who helped collect this data

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System type Who Hbase BIDW/Annie Non-hbase jakem, cshields Elastic Search adrian/solarce/bugzilla RabbitMQ solarce NFS (symbols) lerxst Zeus jakem Add’l systems lonnen, lars, me, adrian

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Next steps • Test processing throughput (Lars) • Implement Ceph/S3 crashstorage class • Test Ceph (Inktank meeting Friday!) • Plan for symbols (See Ted later this morning)

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Crash Storage Options Selena Deckelmann Web Engineering Workweek Q12014

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Most of this information collected in this etherpad:

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Assumptions • Durability: No loss of user submitted data (crashes) • Size: Need a distributed storage mechanism for ~60TB of crash dumps (Current footprint 50 TB unreplicated, ~150TB replicated x3)

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Purpose of data we store • raw_dump: reprocessing and putting into a debugger • raw_crash: metadata display • processed_crash: MapReduce and reporting

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Do we need to store raw crashes/ processed json in hbase? If HBase is to continue as our primary crash storage, yes, we need all three of raw_crash, raw_dump and processed crash in there. It is required that we save raw_crash and processed_crash in there if we are to continue to support Map/Reduce jobs on our data.

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Assumptions Performance: Need to retrieve single, arbitrary crashes in a timely fashion for the web front-end and processors

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Assumptions Performance: Need to store single crashes in a timely fashion for crashmovers. The only time requirement is that priority jobs must be saved, retrieved and processed within 60 seconds. Since any crash could potentially be a priority job, we must be able to store from the mover with seconds.

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100% processing note! When we move to 100% processing, priority jobs may no longer be needed

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Assumptions HBase is a CP (consistent, partition tolerant) system. Wasn’t initially an explicit requirement, but now important architecturally for our processors and front- end which assume consistency.

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Theory • To replace HDFS/HBase/Hadoop, we'll likely need a combination of a few new systems. • If we use an AP or AC system, we'll need another layer to ensure consistency.

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Options • Distributed Filesystems: GlusterFS, AFS • Object storage: S3, Ceph, Nimbus, WOS • Hbase alternative with MR: Riak, Cassandra • Alternative architecture: Fast queue + stream processing system

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GlusterFS • Supported by Redhat, lacks interface, just looks like a filesystem • Probably too bare-bones for our needs • We’ve already been down the NFS road...

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Ceph • CP system • Architecture: architecture/ • Object gateway docs: master/radosgw/ • Python API example: master/radosgw/s3/python/

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Ceph Pros • Provides an S3-like interface • Uses a Paxos algorithm for reliability • Have good personal relationship with Sage, main dev

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Ceph Cons • no prior ops experience Moz Ops deployed a test cluster! • Need to test performance (but not likely to be a dealbreaker) • Need a map-reduce story (maybe)

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Riak + RiakCS • AP system • Cons: Cost, reliability layer not open source, needs a consistency layer even though very expensive

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Cassandra • AP system • ArchitectureOverview

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Cassandra Pros • Very simple API • Performance on reporting side • Designed with operations in mind

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Cassandra Cons • Potential loss of data on write due to network partition/node loss: http:// cassandra • Not designed for large object storage • Best for a starter streaming reporting system

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Larger re-architecture • Pursue Kafka + a streaming system (like LinkedIn/Twitter) • Requires more research, more dev involvement • Peter prototyped a Kafka consumer • Point is faster mean-time-to-reports not immediate access to data

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Next steps • Performance test Ceph • Performance test Cassandra, implement reports (TCBS?) • Report back, evaluate whether more research into streaming is warranted