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Mohit Sarveiya Strategies for Migrating to Jetpack Compose @heyitsmohit

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Strategies for Migrating to Jetpack Compose ● Challenges ● How to think about migration ● Strategies & Tools

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Code size Code 
 size Time

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Greenfield Project ● Easier to use Compose ● Fewer roadblocks to use Compose

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Code size Code 
 size Time

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose Roadblock Roadblock

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Roadmap ● Long road ● Obstacles along the way

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Arch Fragmentation Codebase

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Arch Fragmentation Codebase Legacy code

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Arch Fragmentation Codebase Legacy code Feature A Feature B

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Challenges ● Interoperability

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Interop ● Compose to old view system

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Interop Codebase Feature A Compose View Legacy code

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Interop Codebase Legacy code Feature A Compose View

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Interop ● Compose to old view system ● Use old views in Compose

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Interop Codebase Legacy code Feature A Custom View

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Interop Codebase Feature A Compose with 
 Custom View Legacy code

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Challenges ● Interoperability ● Architecture

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Architecture Codebase Legacy code

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Arch Challenges ● Not using composition over inheritance

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Legacy Code Base Fragment Too much logic

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Legacy Code Base Fragment Too much logic Fragment Fragment Fragment …

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Legacy Code Base Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment … Refactor to Compose

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Legacy Code Base View Holders Too much logic

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Legacy Code Base View Holders Too much logic View Holder View Holder View Holder … Refactor to Compose

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Arch Challenges ● Not using composition over inheritance ● Navigation

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App Architecture API Domain Navigation UI

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Navigation NavHost(navController, startDestination = "profile") { composable("profile") { Profile( /*...*/ ) } composable("friendslist") { FriendsList( /*...*/ ) } }

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Legacy Navigation Main Activity Activity Activity

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Navigation Main Activity Fragment A Fragment B Fragment C ...

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Challenges ● Interoperability ● Architecture ● Testing

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Testing Codebase 1% Code coverage 5% Code coverage

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Challenges ● Interoperability ● Architecture ● Testing ● Tooling

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Compose Upgrades Version Time alpha05 alpha06

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Challenges ● Interoperability ● Architecture ● Testing ● Tooling

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Collaboration Org CI Arch Design Team Feature Teams Teams

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose Milestone Milestone

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Proposal ● Specify milestones over time ● Assess & Mitigate Risks ● Documentation

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose Milestone

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Complexity Codebase High Low Medium

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Migration Phase 1 Complexity Migration time Low

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Migration Phase 2 Complexity Migration time Medium

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Migration Phase 1 ● Migrate Design Components

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Example Feature A Feature B Feature C Common 
 Design Components

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Example Common 
 Design Components App A App B App C

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Collaboration Org CI Arch Design Team Feature Teams Teams

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Migration Phase 1 ● Migrate design components to Compose

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Interop 9:41

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Interop 9:41 Convert to compose

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Interop FrameLayout> 9:41

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Interop FrameLayout> 9:41

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Interop FrameLayout>

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Compose View binding.composeView.apply { setContent { } }

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Compose View binding.composeView.apply { setContent { MaterialTheme { DescriptionView() } } }

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Challenges strings.xml dimen.xml theme.xml Compose Resuse

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Compose View @Composable fun DescriptionView() { Text( text = stringResource(id = R.string.title) ) }

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Compose View @Composable fun DescriptionView() { Text( modifier = Modifier.padding(dimensionResource( ) }

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Challenges ● How do you reuse dimen and string resources? ● Interop Theming

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Challenges strings.xml dimen.xml theme.xml Compose Resuse

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Interop Theming implementation “”

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Interop Theming binding.composeView.apply { setContent { MaterialTheme { DescriptionView() } } }

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Interop Theming binding.composeView.apply { setContent { MdcTheme { DescriptionView() } } }

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Challenges ● How do you reuse dimen and string resources? ● Interop Theming ● View lifecycle

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Compose View binding.composeView.apply { setContent { setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed ) } }

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Phase 1 Migration Common 
 Design Components App A App B App C

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Common Design Components ● View all compose components ● Document design system

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airbnb/Showkase Code ! Issues Pull Requests Showkase Compatible with Compose 1.0.4 Showcase 1.0.0-beta12 Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements.

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Showkase 9:41 App General Logs Other Keyline overlay Slow down animations Network Activity Logs Lifecycle logs Show UX

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Showkase 9:41 App General Logs Other Keyline overlay Slow down animations Network Activity Logs Lifecycle logs Show UX 9:41 Design Components Components Colors Typography

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Showkase Compose Design Spec Generate

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Showkase @ShowkaseRoot class AppRootModule: ShowkaseRootModule

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Showkase startActivity(Showkase.getBrowserIntent(this))

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Showkase @Preview(name = “Custom component", group = "Custom group") @Composable fun PostView()

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Showkase 9:41 Design Components Post view Title

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Arch Fragmentation Codebase Legacy code 100% Compose 100% Compose

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Interop @Composable fun PostView() { AndroidView(factory = { context -> })

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Interop @Composable fun PostView() { AndroidView(factory = { context -> CustomView(context).apply { layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams( MATCH_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT ) } })

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Interop ● ComposeView ● AndroidView

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Migration Phase 1 ● Migrate Design Components

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose Milestone

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Roadmap 0% Compose 100% Compose Milestone Milestone

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Migration Phase 2 Complexity Migration time Medium

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Testing Codebase 1% Code coverage 5% Code coverage

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Migration Phase 2 ● Migrate medium complexity features ● Setup scaffolding to catch regressions

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Testing Infra Compose Conversions Testing Infra

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Goals ● Catch regressions earlier ● Increase covers with compose migration

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Testing Infra ● Snapshot testing ● UI Testing Interop

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cashapp/paparazzi Code ! Issues Pull Requests Paparazzi An Android library to render your application screens without a physical device or emulator.

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Paparazzi Screenshot Unit Test

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Paparazzi ● 1.0.0-Snapshot has compose support

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Paparazzi @get:Rule val paparazzi = Paparazzi()

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Paparazzi @get:Rule val paparazzi = Paparazzi() @Test fun testView() { paparazzi.snapshot { PostView(uiState) } }

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Paparazzi 9:41 Post Title

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Paparazzi Git (LFS) Snapshot

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Testing Infra ● Snapshot testing ● UI Testing Interop

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Interop FrameLayout> 9:41

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Interop 9:41 Semantics Tree

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Compose UI Testing @get:Rule val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule()

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Compose UI Testing @Test fun postViewTest() { composeTestRule.onNodeWithText(“Title").assertIsDisplayed() }

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Interop @Composable fun PostView() { AndroidView(factory = { context -> CustomView(context) }) }

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Interop @Test fun postViewTest() { composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Submit").performClick() }

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Interop @Test fun postViewTest() { composeTestRule.onNodeWithText(“Submit").performClick() Espresso.onView(withText(“Success")).check(matches(isDisplayed())) }

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Migration Phase 2 ● Migrate medium complexity features ● Setup scaffolding to catch regressions

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Migration Phases 0% Compose Milestones

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Migration Phases ● Milestones depend on complexity & code size ● Low Complexity -> High Complexity

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Migration Phases 0% Compose Milestones Testing Infra

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Migration Phases 0% Compose Milestones

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Languages Support strings.xml values-en values-de values-fr strings.xml strings.xml

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Languages Support Add strings

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Languages Support Translation service Add strings

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Languages Support Translation service Provides translated strings Add strings

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Languages Support ● Compose language interop

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adrielcafe/lyricist Code ! Issues Pull Requests Lyricist The missing I18N and L10N multiplatform library for Jetpack Compose!

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Languages Support Strings 
 (xml) Types KSP Composition 

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Languages Support strings.xml values values-pt strings.xml

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Languages Support Hello world string> Avocado item> string-array> %d zero item> plurals> resources>

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Languages Support Olá mundo string> Abacate item> string-array> %d zero item> plurals> resources>

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Languages Support ksp { arg("lyricist.xml.resourcesPath", 
 android.sourceSets.main.res.srcDirs.first().absolutePath) arg("lyricist.xml.moduleName", “xml") arg("lyricist.xml.defaultLanguageTag", "en") }

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Languages Support data class Strings( val greeting: String, val array: List, val plurals: (quantity: Int) -> String ) object Locales { val En = "en" val Pt = "pt" }

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Languages Support @Composable public fun ProvideStrings() { CompositionLocalProvider( provider provides lyricist.strings ) }

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Languages Support @Preview @Composable fun PostViewPreview() { val xmlStrings = rememberXmlStrings() ProvideXmlStrings(xmlStrings) { Text(text = xmlStrings.greeting) } }

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Languages Support @Preview @Composable fun PostViewPreview() { val xmlStrings = rememberXmlStrings() ProvideXmlStrings(xmlStrings) { Text(text = xmlStrings.greeting) } }

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Languages Support @Preview @Composable fun PostViewPreview() { val xmlStrings = rememberXmlStrings() ProvideXmlStrings(xmlStrings) { Text(text = xmlStrings.greeting) } }

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Languages Support @Preview @Composable fun PostViewPreview() 9:41 Post Hello World

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Languages Support @Preview(locale = “pt”) @Composable fun PostViewPreview() 9:41 Post Olá mundo

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Migration Phases 0% Compose Milestones

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Kotlin Upgrades This version (1.1.1) of the Compose Compiler requires Kotlin version 1.6.10 but you appear to be using Kotlin version 1.6.20 which is not known to be compatible.

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Kotlin Upgrades composeOptions { 
 kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion compose_version 
 suppressKotlinVersionCompatibilityCheck true } Not Recommended

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Kotlin Upgrades ● Wait for compose to be updated

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No content

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Kotlin Upgrades ● Wait for compose to be updated ● Test out compose upgrades

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No content

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Kotlin Upgrades ● Wait for compose to be updated ● Test out compose upgrades

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Strategies for Migrating to Jetpack Compose ● Challenges ● How to think about migration ● Strategies & Tools

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Thank You! @heyitsmohit