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Finding Bugs is a Bitch!

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What If We Could “Childproof” Our Code?

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Continuous Test Driven Development Block bugs from getting into our code at all.

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1. Frictionless testing during development 2. Re-use of tests for integration 3. Coverage reports

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1. Frictionless testing during development 2. Re-use of tests for integration 3. Coverage reports
 Test’Em: Test Development Environment Mocha+: Command line execution Blanket.js: Coverage analysis

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Example Application

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1. Test Development Environment

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Test’Em Configuration { "framework": "mocha", "src_files": [ "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js", "node_modules/underscore/underscore.js", "node_modules/backbone/backbone.js", "node_modules/chai/chai.js", "node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js", "src/*.js", "test/*.js" ] }

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Test Driven Development 1. Write a Test 2. Verify That It Fails 3. Make It Pass 4. Repeat As Necessary

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First Test describe("Application", function(){ it("creates global variable…", function(){ should.exist(todoApp); }) })

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Passing Code if (typeof todoApp === "undefined") { todoApp = {}; }

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Testing a Model describe("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Initialization", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); }) it("should default status…", function(){ this.todo.get('complete'); }) it("should default title…", function(){ this.todo.get('title').should.equal(""); }) }) …

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Make The Tests Pass todoApp.Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { title: "", complete: false } })

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Testing a View describe("Todo List Item View", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo({ title: "Todo"}); this.item = new todoApp.TodoListItem({ model: this.todo}); }) it("render() should return view", function(){ this.item.render().should.equal(this.item); }); it("should render as list item", function(){ this.item.render() .el.nodeName.should.equal("LI"); })

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Stubs describe("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Attributes", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); this.stb = sinon.stub(this.todo,"save"); }) afterEach(function(){ this.stb.restore(); }) it(“should set title attr…", function(){ this.todo.set('title',"Test"); this.todo.get('title') .should.equal("Test"); })

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Mocking a REST API describe("REST API", function(){ it("should load via the API", function(){ this.ajax = sinon.stub($,"ajax")
 .yieldsTo("success", [ {id:1, title:"Mock1", complete:false} ]); this.todos = new todoApp.Todos(); this.todos.fetch(); this.todos.should.have.length(1);'title') .should.equal("Mock1"); this.ajax.restore(); }) })

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Mocha Tip #1: Never “Comment Out” a Test describe("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Initialization", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); }) it("should default…", function(){ this.todo.get('complete'); })

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Mocha Tip #1: Never “Comment Out” a Test describe("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Initialization", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); }) it.skip("should default…", function(){ this.todo.get('complete'); })

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Mocha Tip #1: Never “Comment Out” a Test describe("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Initialization", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); }) it.skip("should default…", function(){ this.todo.get('complete'); })

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Mocha Tip #1b: Skip an Entire Test Block describe.skip("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Initialization", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); }) it("should default…", function(){ this.todo.get('complete'); })

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Mocha Tip #2:
 Focus on a Single Test describe("Todo Model", function(){ describe("Initialization", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ this.todo = new todoApp.Todo(); }) it.only("should default…", function(){ this.todo.get('complete'); })

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2. Command-Line Test Execution

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Test Code Setup if (typeof exports !== 'undefined' &&
 this.exports !== exports) { var jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom; var doc=jsdom(""); var window = doc.createWindow(); var $ = require("jquery")(window); global._ = require("underscore"); global.Backbone = require("backbone"); Backbone.$ = $; var chai = require("chai"); var sinon = require("sinon"); }

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Mocha Options:
 mocha.opts test/app-todos-test.js src/app-todos.js

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Run Mocha

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3. Test Coverage

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Install Blanket.js

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Generate Coverage Report

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Resources • Test Development Environment Test’em: • Command Line JavaScript Execution Environment node.js: • JavaScript Unit Testing Framework Mocha: • JavaScript Assertion Library Chai: • Spies, Stubs, and Mocks Sinon.JS: • Test Coverage Blanket.js: