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CodeCatalyst in Action: Automating PR Creation for Route 53 and IAM Identity Center Management Takashi Yamaguchi AWS Community Builder(Security&Identity), AWS UG Leader JAWS-UG Chiba

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About Me Takashi Yamaguchi SMS Co.,ltd SRE - My favorite AWS service - Sales、Security Hub - AWS Community Builder(Security & Identity) - CoreMember: JAWS-UG Chiba 2 Photo by SRE NEXT Staff

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Agenda - Current Operation(Route53&Identity Center) - Constraints on CodeCatalyst - Results of PoC CodeCatalyst + Amazon Q with production code - Takeaway 3

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Agenda - Current Operation(Route53&Identity Center) - Constraints on CodeCatalyst - Results of PoC CodeCatalyst + Amazon Q with production code - Takeaway 4

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Motivation for this PoC - SRE team manages Route53 and IdC - Development team submits change requests via GitHub Issues. - Route53 and IdC are managed using IaC and have CI/CD - If the development team creates PRs instead of issues, and the SRE team reviews them, I think it could be democratized. - I find it difficult for the development team to create PR. - If PRs can be created from issues, the cognitive load will be reduced. 5

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AWS Blog Posts 6

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Agenda - Current Operation(Route53&Identity Center) - Constraints on CodeCatalyst - Results of PoC CodeCatalyst + Amazon Q with production code - Takeaway 7

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Amazon Q Developer quotas 8

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Amazon CodeCatalyst quotas Up to 3 free plan builder IDs can be linked to 1 AWS account. 9

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GenerativeAI must be enabled 10 Enable Generative AI in the Space settings

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Agenda - Current Operation(Route53&Identity Center) - Constraints on CodeCatalyst - Results of PoC CodeCatalyst + Amazon Q with production code - Takeaway 11

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How to create a PR from an Issue in CodeCatalyst 12

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Route53 IaC codes 13

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Common operational tasks 14 - Add DNS records - Importing a newly registered domain

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Common operational tasks 15 - Add DNS records - Importing a newly registered domain

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Route53 example:1 Issue 16

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Route53 example:1 PR 17

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Route53 example:2 Issue 18

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Route53 example:2 PR 19

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IdC Description of IaC codes 20

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IdC Description of IaC codes 21 List

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IdC Description of IaC codes 22 List

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Common operational tasks 23 - Add User privilege - Delete User privilege - Adding a new User

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Common operational tasks 24 - Add User privilege - Delete User privilege - Adding a new User

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IdC example:1 Issue 25

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IdC example:1 PR(assignment) 26

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IdC example:1 PR(assignment) 27

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IdC example:1 PR(User) 28

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IdC example:2 Issue 29

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IdC example:2 PR(assignment) 30

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IdC example:2 PR(User) 31

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IdC example:3 Issue 32

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IdC example:3 PR(assignment) 33

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IdC example:3 PR(User) 34

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IdC example:4 Issue 35

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IdC example:4 Tasks 36

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IdC example:4 PR(assignment) 37

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IdC example:4 PR(User) 38

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IdC example:5 Issue 39

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IdC example:4 Tasks 40

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IdC example:5 PR(assignment) 41

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IdC example:5 PR(User) 42

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IdC example:6 Issue 43

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IdC example:6 PR(assignment) 44

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IdC example:6 PR(User) 45

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IdC example:7 Issue 46

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IdC example:7 PR(assignment) 47

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IdC example:7 PR(User) 48

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IdC example:8 Issue 49

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IdC example:8 PR(assignment) 50

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IdC example:8 PR(User) 51

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IdC example:9 Issue 52

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IdC example:9 PR(assignment) 53

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IdC example:9 PR(User) 54

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Agenda - Current Operation(Route53&Identity Center) - Constraints on CodeCatalyst - Results of PoC CodeCatalyst + Amazon Q with production code - Takeaway 55

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Takeaway - If it is based on resources, Amazon Q can generate code without any problems. - There were patterns where the instructions to add to the list or add if it does not exist did not generate accurate codes. - If you intend to fix it with PR, Amazon Q will generate code at a level that is not a problem. 56