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慶應義塾大学 杉浦孔明研究室
Personalized Robot Assistance
with Large Language Models
Jimmy Wu1, Rika Antonova2, Adam Kan3, Marion Lepert2, Andy Zeng4,
Shuran Song5, Jeannette Bohg2, Szymon Rusinkiewicz1, Thomas Funkhouser1,4
(1Princeton University, 2Stanford University, 3The Nueva School, 4Google,
5Columbia University)
IROS 2023
慶應義塾大学 杉浦孔明研究室
Wu, J., Antonova, R., Kan, A., Lepert, M., Zeng, A., Song, S., Bohg, J., Rusinkiewicz, S., Funkhouser, T.
"TidyBot: Personalized Robot Assistance with Large Language Models." IROS 2023.