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>5 years of programming C# for fun and profit

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>5 years of practicing TDD

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“No line of production code without unit test “ rule that worked perfect for me during .NET programming

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But it FAILED miserably that I started JavaScript programming

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> Reason 1 JavaScript code seems to be small and easy

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> Reason 2 Leaving comfort zone is always hard

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> Reason 3 DOM appears to be not testable at first glance

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Frameworks && Tools

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qUnit, Jasmine, Mocha

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Testing business logic

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Testing UI/DOM code

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Mocking/Spying on objects

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Testing AJAX-dependent code

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Continuous Testing with LiveReload

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Final recommendations: 1. Don't be afraid to start testing. 2. Baby steps practice works. 3. Use MV* frameworks.

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Thanks, @alexbeletsky