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Abolishing the Traditional 9th - 12th Grade Structure of High Schools Eric Matthes @ehmatthes

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I teach HS math & science in AK

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At PyCon 2012 Paul Graham asked us to fix search, email, and universities, but...

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...said that fixing high schools is too hard. Is it?

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Competency Education Each new student gets a blank map of all possible skills and knowledge

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We make a “competency map” for each student, based on post- high school plans.

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We support learning and help students demonstrate competency.

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When you complete your map... You're done. There is no 9th grade, 10th grade...

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...whether that means 2 years or 6 years.

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This is being done, but every school implementing competency education runs into technical issues.

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Current solutions: ● wall charts and binders ● one-off internal tools ● new proprietary solutions

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Proprietary solutions will never foster widespread adoption of a new model of education.

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Free and open education tools work: ● instant adoption ● continuous revision ● in-built forking behavior

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A trio of tools: ● Open Education Competencies ● Open Curriculum Builder ● Open Competency Tracker

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openedcompetencies Subject Subject Discipline Competency Area Essential Understanding Learning Targets

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Any school can “fork” any other school's system.

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A school can continuously improve its system.

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Competencies can be mapped to existing bureaucratic standards, for reporting purposes.

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opencurriculumbuilder You have emacs, vim, git. Teachers still build their curriculum plans in Word.

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Build lessons, projects, learning experiences, assessments from competencies.

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For teachers, but also anyone who wants to organize their own learning.

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opencompetencytracker The only security-critical component.

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Starts with a complete blank map.

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Allow any teacher, administrator, or student to track their learning.

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Abolishing the Traditional 9th - 12th Grade Structure of High Schools Eric Matthes @ehmatthes