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DevOps Lisbon 30/03/2020 Vânia Pereira The road to DevOps success at Fidelidade

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Fidelidade Group Overview National Operation & Head Quarter • FIDELIDADE (PORTUGAL) Internacional Operations • FIDELIDADE SPAIN • FIDELIDADE FRANCE • GARANTIA (CAPE VERDE) • FIDELIDADE ANGOLA • FIDELIDADE MOZAMBIQUE • FIDELIDADE MACAO • LA POSITIVA (PERU) • ALIANZA (BOLIVIA) • ALIANZA GARANTIA (PARAGUAY) • FIDELIDADE CHILE Portugal Spain France Cape Verde Angola Mozambique Macao Peru Chile Bolivia Paraguay The presence of Fidelidade in the world stated in a map 

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Since 2018, Fidelidade IT has adopted a more Agile structure, organized by Clusters

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The architecture of Fidelidade is based on a SOA model allowing to take advantage of the core systems and the growth of Digital Fidelidade SOA global architecture provides integration capabilities fundamental for the different business models API Management API Gateway API Dev Portal B2B Channels Outsystems B2E Channels Outsystems B2C Channels Outsystems/Sharepoint Contact Center OneContact Financial SAP Business Process Management eFlow Document Management Centera Content Management Sharepoint Business Intelligence SAS Operational Systems zSeries/iSeries Cloud Services Azure IoT/Google Note: not exhaustive

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Clusters Vertical 13 Developers >300 Communication Sessions >18 Agile Teams 21 >700 Outsystems applications Projects >80 .Net applications (CI/CD active) >178 Some of the Fidelidade numbers Note: not exhaustive numbers

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“Para que a vida não pare” People union, Processes and technology The true Goals Deliver value to the customer More efficient communication and collaboration Increased quality of service Continuous and automated delivery The DevOps principles are aligned with the mission of Fidelidade:

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We started researching DevOps in 2017, but the OE change in 2018 brought a new way of working for the delivery teams 8 Research DevOps Mid 2017 Share concept for teams End 2017 CI/CD Mid 2018 Restructuring of IT teams 2018

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Before 2018 IT was organized by Technological Stack OutSystems .Net COBOL SharePoint

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Now Delivery Teams are organized by business clusters OutSystems .Net COBOL SharePoint Health Motor Channels Life DevOps Team Operations Team Center of Excellence Supported by transversal teams of Tech Clusters

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Agile teams are formed within clusters, allowing them to be Product Driven and giving more strength to DevOps Agile Teams

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Many teams and many technologies Several ways to work Different speeds Challenges are welcome…

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01 02 03 04 In 2018 we achieved many Goals Upgrade technology Migration SouceSafe to TFS Consequence, change in the way of programming Team alignment The teams know the concepts of DevOps and follow us Bet on automation Inceptive to process automation "if it's mechanical, it's from machines" Better communication and feedback 05 CI/CD Introduction Continuous delivery of features Consistency in deliveries

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Techleads Sessions Monthly communication between all teams involved in DevOps (represented by some elements) Specific Sessions Specific sessions for the entire team, dedicated to the entire vertical area. Technical Sessions Technical sessions to answer questions or strategies for adopting technologies or processes We invest a lot in sessions that promote communication and constant feedback

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In 2019, with the teams already committed, we focus on technical quality, test automation and the definition of KPI's 1 Unit and integration Tests End 2019 Tools Quality code End 2019 KPIs End 2019 Compliance 2020

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01 02 03 04 2019 Goals Improve technical quality Implementation of code quality tools, Sonarqube and Trusted Advisor. Test Automationn In the middle tier layer, implementation of unit and integration tests. Commitments based on KPIs, being able to set goals. KPis development Developer KPIs Stakeholder KPIs

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Exemplo CI/CD

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“Não basta ver para ver, é necessário olhar para o que se vê” Padre António Vieira

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How DevOps can improve the development flow?

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DevOps at Fidelidade Development Flow Required Gathering Design Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance 1 Phase Business Identification of the business need. Goal Who When Where Tests Testing plan with the QA team

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Required Gathering Design Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance 2 DevOps at Fidelidade Development Flow Business Requirements Definition of the solution architecture. Reference Architecture New features are aligned with Fidelidade Architecture Technical Tasks Creation of technical stories Definition of new tests

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Required Gathering Design Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance 3 DevOps at Fidelidade Development Flow Implementation Implementation of business functionality. Unit And Integration Tests Implement the necessary tests for the new features. Quality Ensure the quality of the deliverable

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Required Gathering Design Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance 4 DevOps at Fidelidade Development Flow QA And PO Testing Developers start delivering functionality for testing. Plan Tests Execute the test plans Execution of end-to-end tests (new functionalities) Go Live The QA and PO areas accept deliverables and authorize Go- Live

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Required Gathering Design Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance 5 DevOps at Fidelidade Development Flow Release Software delivery (productive environment) Continues Deployment Operations and development together prepare the automation of all procedures. Deploy And Smoke-tests Running smoke-tests Regression in case of failure

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Required Gathering Design Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance 6 DevOps at Fidelidade Development Flow Observe And Evaluate Results Introducing new features and starting the development cycle Kpis And Analyze Value Confirm the success/failure of the implementation and demonstrate the value of the implementation. Optimizations performance of services, screens, flows, etc.

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Improve technical quality Increase automation Extension to other technologies 2019 2020 2021

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Q u e s t i o n s ?

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