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Going Server-Side with Swift Ian Partridge 1st June 2017

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2 Ian Partridge • Team leader in Swift@IBM engineering • Background in runtime systems • Java garbage collection • Runtime performance analysis • Full-stack debugging • Swift@IBM @ianpartridge @alfa

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3 Today • Open source Swift • Swift on the Server • Kitura web framework • Emerging architecture patterns • Deploying Swift to the cloud

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Open Source Swift 4

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Open, inclusive development community 5 GitHub Satellite 2016

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Building on the shoulders of giants 6

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Language evolution process

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IBM Swift Sandbox • Interactive sandbox for exploring Swift • Saves your work • Supports multiple versions of Swift • Deploys your Swift code in a Linux Docker container 8

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WWDC 2016 4

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Kitura Web Framework 10 • Open source web framework for Swift on macOS and Linux • Inspired by Express for Node.js • Flexible routing • Pluggable middlewares • Easy to deploy

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Growing server-side ecosystem 11

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Trusted, permissive licence • Apache Software Licence v2.0 • Third most popular OSS licence • After MIT, GPLv2 • Includes patent licence requirements • Trusted by community and industry 12

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Kitura Architecture 13 Web Framework Web Framework Source C Helpers & Interfaces Swift Libraries SwiftyJSON SwiftMongoDB Swift Binary Foundation Package Manager C Libraries Dispatch HttpParser HiRedis CURL PCRE2 Pluggable Components

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Apple Client Deployment Server/Cloud Deployment Application-Specific Cloud Services Client Facing App Bringing Swift to the Server Foundation Swift Swift Standard Library Core Foundation Dispatch PWQ C libs GLibc Foundation Swift Swift Standard Library Core Foundation Dispatch Darwin C libs Client-specific Libraries App Libraries Server-specific Libraries App Libraries Driving Towards Consistent Runtime across Clients/Servers Server-side Environments (Built with Foundation & Libdispatch)

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Why Swift on the server? • Runtime characteristics • Performance – Compiled, no JIT • Memory usage – ARC, not a tracing GC • Developer experience • Isomorphic Development • Fun! 15

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Swift Performance

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Swift Memory Usage

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Swift Performance by Memory

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Why does this matter? GB/hr 19

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Developing a Kitura web application 20 myProject ├── Package.swift ├── Sources │ └── main.swift └── Tests $ mkdir myProject && cd myProject 2. Next, initialize this project as a new Swift package 1. First, we create a new project directory $ swift package init --type executable Basic Swift package directory structure:

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Developing a Kitura web application 21 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "myProject", dependencies: [ .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 7) ] ) 3. Add Kitura as a dependency for your project (Package.swift):

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Developing a Kitura web application 22 Kitura.addHTTPServer(onPort: 8090, with: router) let router = Router() router.get("/hello") { request, response, next in response.status(.OK).send("

Hello, World!

").end() } 6. Create and start an HTTPServer: 4. Add a router and a path: router.get("/hello.json") { request, response, next in response.status(.OK).send(json: JSON(["Hello": "World!"])).end() } 5. Add a JSON data route

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Adding features 23 • Templating • Mustache or Stencil • Static file serving • Custom middlewares • Implemented via a simple protocol • TLS • WebSockets

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Adding authentication via OAuth 2.0 • HTTP Basic/Digest Auth • • Facebook • • Google • • GitHub • • Twitter • (Thanks!) 24

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Adding a NoSQL backend Apps need persistence – we can help you! • Apache Cassandra • • Redis • • CouchDB • 25

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Backend Abstraction with Kuery class T1 { let tableName = "t1" let a = Column("a") let b = Column("b") } 26

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Kuerying SELECT * FROM t1; let t1 = T1() let s = Select(from: t1) s.execute(connection) { queryResult in if let resultSet = queryResult.asResultSet { for title in resultSet.titles { ... } for row in resultSet.rows { for value in row { ... } } } else if let queryError = result.asError { ... } } 27

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Kuerying continued SELECT UCASE(a) AS name FROM t1 WHERE b >= 0 GROUP BY a HAVING SUM(b) > 3 ORDER BY a DESC; … let s = Select(ucase(t1.a).as("name"), from: t1) .where(t1.b >= 0) .group(by: t1.a) .having(sum(t1.b) > 3) .order(by: .DESC(t1.a)) … 28

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Future Work • SMTP for email • for realtime • SOAP for… 29

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Server-Side Swift: The Book 48 • Take your new skills to the next level • Step by step tutorials • Written by acclaimed Swift author Paul Hudson @twostraws

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Find out more 49 The Swift@IBM devCenter Join IBM Swift Engineering and learn the latest news