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Optimizing Spark Jobs

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Hey! I am Matild Reema Software Engineer @ Indix Enthusiastic Spark developer

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Crawl Parse Classify Match Analytics API/ Feeds What do we do at Indix?

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100TB Data processed daily 5TB Html data crawled per day 1.5B Product urls 3000 sites 6000 categories 30B Price points

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What is Spark? ?

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◇ Alternate to Hadoop MapReduce ◇ In memory processing engine ◇ Support for both batch and stream processing ◇ SQL, MLlib, GraphX ◇ 100x times faster in memory and 10x faster running on disk ◇ Can run on a standalone cluster, Mesos or YARN ◇ HDFS for data storage

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How is it different from Hadoop? ?

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In memory processing!!

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Why is it faster? ◇ Writes intermediate output to memory instead of disk ◇ Less disk I/O ◇ Lazy evaluation of tasks - optimizes data processing workflow ◇ In-memory caching helpful when multiple operations access the same dataset

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Hadoop’s MapReduce MR Operations Input MR Operations …... HDFS Write HDFS Write HDFS Read HDFS Read Input Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 HDFS Read Result 1 Result 2 Result 3

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Spark MR Operations Input MR Operations …... Write Write Read HDFS Read Input Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 HDFS Read Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 memory memory memory

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Sample code val sc = new SparkContext() val rdd = sc.parallelize(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 3) // RDD[Int] rdd .filter(no => no % 2) .map(no => no + 1) .saveAsTextFile(“s3://bucket/path”) - Action Transformations

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Data representation in Spark ?

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RDD ◇ Collection of objects operated in parallel ◇ Transformations and actions ◇ Immutable - Every transformation returns a new RDD ◇ Fault tolerant - recomputed Eg: rdd .map(person -> person.age) .filter(_ > 18) Dataframe ◇ Distributed data organized into named columns ◇ Like a relational db ◇ As of Spark 2.0 Dataframe is nothing but a Dataset[Row] Eg: df .select(“age”) .filter(“age > 18”) Datasets ◇ Available since 1.6 ◇ Has all the benefits of an RDD along with Spark SQL’s optimized execution engine ◇ Has a strongly typed API as well as an untyped one(df) Eg: ds .map(person -> person.age) .filter(_ > 18)

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Architecture ?

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- Driver - Executor - Cores - Cluster manager Spark Cluster

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What about memory? ?

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Memory Configuration spark.memory.storageFraction (0.5) Execution memory (0.5) spark.memory.fraction (0.6) User memory (1-spark.memory.fraction) Reserved memory(300 MB) JVM Heap Space

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Sample Configurations Config 1 10 executors 8 cores(per executor) 45GB executor memory Config 2 20 executors 4 cores(per executor) 23GB executor memory Config 3 50 executors 1 cores(per executor) 9GB executor memory 10 nodes / 8 cores / 64GB per node Goldilocks and the three bears?

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Large no. of small executors vs Small no. of large executors ?

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◇ Large executors - more cores ◇ Preferable to have larger executors - less movement of data across the n/w. ◇ The more the number of cores per executor, the more number of tasks that can run in parallel ◇ Having a single core executor doesn’t fully take advantage of running multiple tasks in the same JVM

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“ Most Spark Jobs run as is but there are certain pitfalls one should be careful of

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Common Issues ◇ Executor OOM ◇ Driver OOM ◇ Straggler Tasks ◇ Shuffle Failures ◇ GC Limit Exceeded ◇ No space left on device

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Executors going OOM ◇ Executor memory + memory overhead ◇ Have smaller partitions ◇ >2000 partitions ◇ Avoid groupByKeys while working with RDDs - Switch to reduceByKey if aggregating (Map side combine) - Apply filters before grouping than after

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Driver going OOM ◇ Increase driver memory + overhead ◇ Avoid actions that bring all data to the driver for large datasets(collect) ◇ Too many partitions - Every task sends a map status object back to the driver - Has to deal with multiple map output status requests from the reducers

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Straggler Tasks ◇ Skewed data - A single task deals with more data than the rest ◇ Increase spark.locality.wait - long running task might be having poor locality ◇ Increase the number of partitions

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GC Limit Exceeded ◇ Too much time spent on GC ◇ Increase executor heap size (executor memory) ◇ Increase storage memory (spark.memory.storageFraction) ◇ Choose a different GC policy(CMS, ParallelOld GC, G1GC)

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Shuffle Failures ◇ Expensive operation - involves disk I/O, data serialization, and network I/O ◇ Avoid shuffles when possible - Broadcast the smaller dataset while joining. Moving all of the data of the smaller table could be more expensive than just putting a copy of the small table on all executors. ◇ More cores per executor - still achieves parallelism and lesser shuffles over the network vs having more executors with lesser cores

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No space left on device ◇ Continuous eviction of data to disk - UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 75 spilling sort data of 141.0 MB to disk (90 times so far) ◇ Ensure that spark.memory.fraction isn’t too low ◇ If you’re running with minimal number of nodes - increase them ◇ By default the spilled data is written to /tmp, you can add more disks by specifying them in spark.local.dirs

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Good Practices

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Using Parquet as File Format ◇ Columnar data storage ◇ 75% data compression on an average ◇ Push down filters(1.6 onwards) to reduce disk I/O : Filter pushdowns to access only required columns ◇ Use DirectParquetOutputCommitter - Avoids expensive renames

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Use Kryo Serialization ◇ More compact than Java serialization(almost 10x) ◇ Faster ◇ Register all custom classes

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Use Aggregate functions ◇ Prefer reduceBy, combineBy, aggregateBy over groupBys ◇ Support for custom aggregate functions ◇ Map side combines

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Persist data ◇ When multiple operations are performed on the same data, persist it ◇ Doesn’t recompute every time an action is performed ◇ Helpful during interactive analysis

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How do I debug my application? ?

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Jobs (Actions)

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Executor Metrics

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To summarize Avoid unnecessary groupBys in RDDs - replace them with aggregate functions wherever possible Never collect/coalesce large data into a single node - Let the executors write out the data in a distributed manner Use parquet file format and kryo serialization Switch to using datasets to take full advantage of Spark’s SQL engine Default partitions may not work all the time - Know when to increase or decrease them Cache data especially in jobs where it is re-used across stages - Avoids re-computation Prefer to have larger executors with more cores - Achieves more parallelism Broadcast variables that are shared to all executors - Also while performing joins with a smaller dataset

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