Slide 16
Slide 16 text
• Template ‘snippets’ are used to break GeoNode templates
granularly and leverage the full power of the Django
templating system.
• The geonode-mapstore-client/snippets/custom_theme.html
snippet can be used to override the base gn-theme
{% load static %}
{% block content %}
.msgapi .gn-theme {
--gn-primary: #388AC8;
--gn-primary-contrast: #ffffff;
--gn-link-color: #397AAB;
--gn-link-hover-color: #1b4d74;
--gn-focus-color: rgba(57, 122, 171, 0.4);
--gn-footer-color: #ffffff;
--gn-footer-bg: #034f78;
--gn-footer-link-color: #ffffff;
--gn-footer-link-hover-color: #dddddd;
--gn-loader-primary-contrast-color: #ffffff;
--gn-loader-primary-contrast-fade-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
--gn-loader-primary-color: #388AC8;
--gn-loader-primary-fade-color: rgba(56, 138, 200, 0.2);