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Your Django app is a User Interface Flávio Juvenal @flaviojuvenal

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"Reusability is the way of life in Python. You only need to write the parts that make your project unique" intro/reusable-apps/

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Think about Django apps as APIs to reusable solutions

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An API is a UI

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A good UI has: Simplicity Flexibility Consistency Safety

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Zen of Python Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts.

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Simplicity - Idea 1: Focus on the 80% use cases

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80% just use: add app, provide input 15% customize: change settings, inherit classes 4% control: assume flow, use helpers, mixins, etc 1% fork Focus on the 80% use cases

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80% just use: add app, provide input 15% customize: change settings, inherit classes 4% control: assume flow, use helpers, mixins, etc 1% fork Focus on the 80% use cases Simplicity Flexiblity

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80% use cases: Start with the README how-i-develop-things-and-why

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‒ Pitch to your users: Why this app exists? What it solves? To which extent? ○ django-js-reverse: "Javascript URL handling for Django that doesn't hurt" ○ django-impersonate: "Simple app to allow superusers to 'impersonate' other non-superuser accounts" Start with the README

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‒ Avoid "and" in your app description, break in two apps if necessary: ○ my-user-app: "Django app to handle user authentication and profiles" ○ Why not 2 apps? ■ my-auth-app ■ my-profiles-app Start with the README

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‒ Show how to use, add sample code for the most common use-cases Start with the README

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80% use cases: Know your users

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Know your users ‒ Test the app design with other developers ○ Ask what they need ○ Ask them to use ‒ Measure how app is being used ○ Figure out the 80% more common use cases ○ Know what the other 20% need to extend

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Simplicity - Idea 2: Reduce clutter for the 80% use cases

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Reduce clutter: Progressive disclosure

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Progressive disclosure == Good defaults

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Have good defaults ‒ Make assumptions: ○ Decide for the 80% of users ○ Require only the essentials ‒ Many defaults to set: ○ Settings ○ Argument values ○ Argument order ○ Behavior ○ Environment ○ etc.

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‒ django-debug-toolbar example: ○ only works if DEBUG==True ○ has a default panels ○ uses a jQuery from a CDN ○ doesn't show collapsed by default ○ etc... Have good defaults

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‒ Except for one thing... Have good defaults

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Bad defaults propagate... be careful!

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Reduce clutter: Avoid cumbersome inputs

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email1 = mail.EmailMessage( subject='Hello', to='', ) # vs… email1 = mail.EmailMessage( subject='Hello', to=[''], ) Avoid cumbersome inputs

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assert not isinstance(to, basestring), \ '"to" argument must be a list or tuple' Avoid cumbersome inputs

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Avoid cumbersome inputs if isinstance(to, str): raise TypeError( '"to" argument must be a list or tuple')

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Reduce clutter: Create abstractions for the 80% use-cases

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To abstract draw away from the physical nature of something

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Low abstraction

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Medium abstraction

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High abstraction

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To abstract in APIs draw away from the physical how nature of something to focus on the what nature

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@app.task def add(x, y): return x + y

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message = AnymailMessage( subject="Welcome", body="Welcome to our site", to=["New User "], # extra anymail attrs tags=["Onboarding"], metadata={ "onboarding_experiment": "var 1"}, track_clicks=True ) message.send()

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The Law of Leaky Abstractions All abstractions leak the-law-of-leaky-abstractions/

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‒ Back to Celery, workers can crash: Task app.tasks.send_notification with id 123 raised exception: "WorkerLostError('Worker exited prematurely: signal 15 (SIGTERM).',)" ‒ Solution? acks_late=True + idempotent tasks Law of Leaky Abstractions

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Law of Leaky Abstractions ‒ It's impossible to abstract perfectly All abstractions lie ‒ Sometimes leaks are necessary ○ "Complex is better than complicated" ○ Better embrace complexity than creating complicated situations

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RPC guido_profile = Facebook.get_profile('guido') guido_profile.set_name("Benevolent Dictator For Life") REST PUT /profiles/guido/ If-Unmodified-Since: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 11:11:11 GMT name=Benevolent Dictator For Life Complex is better than complicated

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Don't abstract what cannot be abstracted

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Consistency - Idea 1: Recognition rather than recall

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Press F1 on Windows == Help

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Press F1 on Windows ==

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Press F1 on Windows == microsoft--don-t-press-f1-key-in-windows-xp.html

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Recognition rather than recall: Use Django idioms

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my_app/ management/ migrations/ templates/ templatetags/

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my_app/ management/ migrations/ templates/ templatetags/

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‒ Provide template tags for presenting data ‒ django-avatar e.g.: Use Django idioms

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class CustomPasswordResetView(PasswordResetView): template_name = 'custom-auth/forgot_password.html' email_template_name = 'reset_password' from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL def form_valid(self, form): messages.success( self.request, "An email with a reset link" "has been sent to your inbox.") return super().form_valid(form) - Respect the configurability of class-based views - django-authtools PasswordResetView e.g.: Use Django idioms Django attrs/methods

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# Search all live EventPages # that are under the events index EventPage.objects\ .live()\ .descendant_of(events_index)\ .search("Event") ‒ Use custom queryset methods for chaining filters ‒ wagtail search e.g.: Use Django idioms

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Recognition rather than recall: Make declarative interfaces

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class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fields = ('author', 'title', 'text', 'created', 'published') Everybody loves the admin

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Everybody loves the declarative interfaces

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Everybody loves the declarative interfaces ‒ Great examples in the ecosystem: ○ django-import-export ○ django-haystack ○ django-rest-framework ○ social-app-django

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Consistency - Idea 2: Keep similar things together and different things apart

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sorted(numbers) != numbers.sort()

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Asymmetry of behavior -> Asymmetry of form The Little Manual of API Design

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Beware of false consistency

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class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer @detail_route(methods=['post']) def set_password(self, request, pk=None): # ... @list_route() def recent_users(self, request): # ... Beware of false consistency

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class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer @detail_route( methods=['post'], permission_classes=[IsAdminOrIsSelf]) def set_password(self, request, pk=None): # … Beware of false consistency

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80% just use: add app, provide input 15% customize: change settings, inherit classes 4% control: assume flow, use helpers, mixins, etc 1% fork Make the 20% possible

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Flexibility - Idea 1: Increase granularity

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Integration Discontinuity Designing and Evaluating Reusable Components

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Options of integration in purple Unsolved Solved Slightly overkill Way overkill Unsolved Way overkill Discontinuity

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Imagine you're building a web app for an online store. They're asking for a feature to filter products by exact price

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Options of integration Integration Work Benefit to project Use case: client wants a filter for price field

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Options of integration Integration Work Benefit to project Use case: client wants a filter for price field Starting here

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class ProductFilter(django_filters.FilterSet): class Meta: model = Product fields = ['price'] Implementing with django-filter

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New requirement: filter products by price, greater than equal and less than equal

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Options of integration Integration Work Benefit to project Use case: client wants a filter for price field New requirements

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Options of integration Integration Work Benefit to project Use case: client wants a filter for price field New requirements

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class ProductFilter(django_filters.FilterSet): class Meta: model = Product fields = { 'price': ['lte', 'gte'], } Implementing with django-filter

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New requirement: filter products by price, greater than equal and less than equal, but include approximate prices

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Options of integration Integration Work Benefit to project Use case: client wants a filter for price field New requirements

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class ApproxPriceFilter(django_filters.NumberFilter): # ... class ProductFilter(django_filters.FilterSet): price = ApproxPriceFilter() class Meta: model = Product Implementing with django-filter

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Integration Work Benefit to project What if django-filter didn't have multiple levels of abstractions? Discontinuity New requirements

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Increase granularity: Have multiple levels of abstraction Alex Martelli - Good API design

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What about the Zen of Python? "There should be one - and preferably only one - obvious way to do it"

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What about the Zen of Python? "There should be one - and preferably only one - obvious way to do it"

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obvious way == 80% non-obvious way == 20%

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obvious way == simplicity, high-level non-obvious way == flexibility, low-level

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Increase granularity: Ensure extensibility of Django idioms

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my_app/ management/ migrations/ templates/ templatetags/

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Ensure extensibility of Django idioms ‒ Use helpers/providers/backends to encapsulate logic. Accept custom ones class GravatarAvatarProvider: def get_avatar_url(self, user, size): return facebook_api.get_picture_url( user, size) @register.simple_tag def avatar_url(user, size): for provider_path in settings.AVATAR_PROVIDERS: provider = import_string(provider_path) url = provider.get_avatar_url(user, size)

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- Break behaviours of class-based views in attributes and methods class CustomPasswordResetView(PasswordResetView): template_name = 'custom-auth/forgot_password.html' email_template_name = 'reset_password' from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL def form_valid(self, form): messages.success( self.request, "An email with a reset link" "has been sent to your inbox.") return super().form_valid(form) Ensure extensibility of Django idioms Custom attrs/methods

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‒ Use custom querysets instead of managers to support chaining intertwined with custom filtering # Search future EventPages EventPage.objects\ .filter(\ .search("Hello world!") Ensure extensibility of Django idioms

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Flexibility - Idea 2: Increase opportunities for extension

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mock.patch smell Every mock.patch is a missed option of integration every-mock-patch-is-a-little-smell.html

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‒ One more mock.patch == one less integration: @patch('django.core.mail.send_mail') def test_sends_email(send_email_mock): # logic send_email_mock.assert_called_once() mock.patch smell

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‒ One more mock.patch == one less integration: # def test_sends_email(): # logic self.assertEqual( len(mail.outbox), 1) # settings/ EMAIL_BACKEND = \ 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' mock.patch smell

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attribute vs. method smell Every attribute that could be a method is a missed option of integration

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Safety - Idea 1: Think your Django app user is a serial-killer

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Safety - Idea 1: Think your Django app user is a serial-killer

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Safety - Idea 1: Don't do dangerous things by default

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‒ What if no fields is specified? class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User # fields = [...] ‒ Show all or nothing? Both Django and DRF changed to the safer behavior Don't do dangerous things by default

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Safety - Idea 2: Prevent common mistakes

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Prevent common mistakes: Bundle your app with Django system checks

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my_app/ management/ migrations/ templates/ templatetags/

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python check

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$ cat example_project/ urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/',, url(r'^app1/', include('app1.urls', namespace='app1')), url(r'^app2/', include('app2.urls', namespace='app1')), ] $ python check System check identified some issues: WARNINGS: ?: (urls.W005) URL namespace 'app1' isn't unique. You may not be able to reverse all URLs in this namespace System check identified 1 issue (0 silenced).

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class ArrayField(base_field, size=None, **options) If you give the field a default, ensure it’s a callable. Incorrectly using default=[] creates a mutable default shared between all instances of ArrayField. contrib/postgres/fields/#arrayfield

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Suggestion for Django: Perhaps every "ensure", "remember to", "don't forget", or similar warnings on Django docs should become a new system check…

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Prevent common mistakes: If you can't prevent it, fail-fast

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‒ Raise exceptions ASAP if the developer made a mistake: ○ django-filter raises ImproperlyConfigured if user forgets to set filterset_class in a FilterView ○ django-rest-framework now raises TypeError if user forgets to set fields in a ModelSerializer Fail-fast

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Thanks! Questions? Feel free to reach me: This and other slides from Vinta: References here