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@cyriux Cyrille Martraire Bounded Contexts for team organisation

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Nick Tune

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He usually talks about the socio-technical

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I’m his Stunt Double

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Don’t worry

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I know socio-technical

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I used to be a DJ

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cyrille martraire PARIS Since 1999 @cyriux Cyrille Martraire

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so what about this socio-technical stuff?

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code is the easy part, collaboration is the hard part - Indu.

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what if we didn’t bother organising teams?

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@cyriux Photo by Dimitar Belchev Just people together

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@cyriux Photo by Dimitar Belchev Please collaborate!

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What does it mean to collaborate?

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discussing & agreeing on: goals solutions words & their meaning ways to collaborate better where to go out for lunch…

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover coordination cost

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux lots of talking!

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@cyriux meetings!

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@cyriux miscommunication!

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@cyriux frustration

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick runtime & co-evolution

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick LATENCY!

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick DOWNTIME!

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick BIG BANG DEPLOYMENTS!

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so what do we do?

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we want to reduce the coordination cost

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we create smaller groups of people

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@cyriux the obligatory reference to Spotify

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover members know each other

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tribes. <100 - 150 people ”Dunbar number” max size of tribes

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@cyriux for all primates like us

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we create smaller groups of people

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover members know each other

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover they also know what each other thinks about any other

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover trust! speed!

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@cyriux “There is a high cost associated with work that leaves your team” — James Lewis, Thoughtworks

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teams. <5-9 people ”2-pizza team”

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teams. <5-9 people ”2-pizza team” max size of teams

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tribes. teams. <5-9 people <100 - 150 people ”2-pizza team” ”Dunbar number” max size

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Max size of teams / tribes: you just can’t beat that

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who deserves to be in?

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anyone who can make a difference in the outcome

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@cyriux Photo by Hemant Latawa

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(3+ amigos) dev product testing UX ops …

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only the 5-9 MOST differentiating contributors IN the team

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whole teams cross-functional teams

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anyone else? outside the team!

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anyone else? outside the team! Other team Support group External

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ok. no controversy so far.

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whole teams cross-functional teams

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so beyond the skills, how do we organise teams?

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@cyriux @cyriux the answer to any question is always…

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BOUNDED Contexts

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@cyriux @cyriux ”it depends”

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BOUNDED Contexts

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@cyriux “There is a high cost associated with work that leaves your team” — James Lewis, Thoughtworks

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we want to encapsulate the work within the team

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover work bandwidth

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover work bandwidth

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick runtime bandwidth

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@cyriux Photo by Taylor Vick ”chatty” communication

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover better clusters

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover better clusters

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover better clusters

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keep the bandwidth inside

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover better clusters

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover Bounded Contexts

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BOUNDED Contexts

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BOUNDED Contexts

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BOUNDED Contexts

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No content

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in isolation

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keep the work inside

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keep the work inside full

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@cyriux Photo by Ethan Hoover

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heuristics: Bounded Contexts by business sub-domains

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heuristics: Bounded Contexts by business sub-domains area of purpose areas of expertise

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@cyriux Event Storming PRACTICE

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@cyriux e-commerce • SEO, Traffic Acquisition • Marketing & Targeting • PIM (Product Identification Management) • Catalogue • Categorization • Search • Recommendation • Pricing, Promotions • Basket • Discount, Loyalties • Shipping Cost Estimation • Payment • (Fraud Detection) • Order Management • Billing • Stock / Overbooking • Shipping • Return • CRM

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heuristics: Bounded Contexts by audience experience crafting the optimal experience by persona

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heuristics: Bounded Contexts by domain-agnostic (generic) stuff areas of expertise (for someone else)

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable by audience

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable by sub-domains

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable generic sub-domains

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable can delegate / SaaS / offshore

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Need fewer people! Downscale! #WIN

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable you never quite achieve that perfection

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Mapping the Target Architecture Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable SpringBoot Postgres / Elastic Search RabbitMQ Microservice

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Mapping the Target Architecture Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable Modular Monolith

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable legacy components not aligned (at all)

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Mapping the Potential Bounded Contexts Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X1 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4 Very specific Generic Specific audience Domain- Specific Domain- Agnostic Volatile Stable you never quite achieve that perfection c’est la vie!

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how did we do before Bounded Contexts ?

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Component team

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Feature team

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Component teams X X X Cross-Component coordination to deliver a feature :(

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Feature team X X X System owners to protect integrity of components :(

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@cyriux Feature teams are better!

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@cyriux Feature teams are better!

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but components & features are not independent…

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Any organization that designs a system (…) will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure ~ Mel Conway

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If you have four groups working on a compiler, you'll get a 4-pass compiler.

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Conway’s Law: you can’t beat that.

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design components boundaries on feature boundaries

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BOUNDED Contexts

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Component team

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Feature team

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature Component teams X X X Feature teams

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@cyriux @cyriux domain boundaries ≡ component boundaries

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product oriented

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Smarter Components Boundaries Sub-Domain A sub-sub domain A1 sub-sub domain B1 sub-sub domain C1 Domain Sub-Domain B Sub-Domain C sub-sub domain A2 sub-sub domain C2 Customers Experience X2 Customers Experience X3 Generic enabler Audience Experiences Business (Sub)- Domains Domain- agnostic Enablers Collaborators Experience X4

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That’s what they did at Spotify indeed!

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@cyriux ”Numerous autonomous squads that function as independent mini-startups”

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature You never quite achieve that perfection X X X

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature you will still have some cross-component/team coordination X X X X

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature some is acceptable X X X X

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature X X X X c’est la vie!

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature X X a contract!

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@cyriux Component Component Component Feature Feature Feature X X a contract! stable!

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@cyriux Know your decoupling patterns! All the avoidable coupling must be avoided!

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@cyriux • Depend on a third-party contract • Tunnelling a payload
 Generic (e.g. key-value) • Expose your published language other can call • Micro-frontends • GraphQL

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@cyriux Zhamak Dehghani Data mesh

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in Closing

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@cyriux BUY MY BOOK!

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@cyriux architecting-sociotechnical-systems-94272a7c790f

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socio-technical is about teams

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and about components

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which are both about Bounded Contexts

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Take care of your Bounded Contexts

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And the Bounded Contexts will take care of yourself.

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Thanks! Cyrille MARTRAIRE @cyriux

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