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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Web Application Security Nashville PHP User Group, 12 February 2013 Jason Orendorff Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Top four 2 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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How I think about security Top four 1 2 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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What is security? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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A system is secure if What is security? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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attackers can’t exploit it to make bad stuff happen. A system is secure if What is security? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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features Tuesday, February 12, 13

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features security Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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A system is secure if attackers can’t exploit it to make bad stuff happen. Tuesday, February 12, 13

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A system is secure if attackers can’t exploit it to make bad stuff happen. Tuesday, February 12, 13

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(exercise) Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service • loss of control of servers Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service • loss of control of servers • data loss Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service • loss of control of servers • data loss • theft of goods or services by attackers Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service • loss of control of servers • data loss • theft of goods or services by attackers • attackers obtaining secret information (personal user info, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service • loss of control of servers • data loss • theft of goods or services by attackers • attackers obtaining secret information (personal user info, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) • attackers impersonating users Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• immediate financial loss (fraud, theft, lost productivity) • unhappy customers • damage to reputation • contractual trouble (service-level agreements) • regulatory trouble (privacy & auditing requirements) Business risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• denial of service • loss of control of servers • data loss • theft of goods or services by attackers • attackers obtaining secret information (personal user info, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) • attackers impersonating users Security risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• immediate financial loss (fraud, theft, lost productivity) • unhappy customers • damage to reputation • contractual trouble (service-level agreements) • regulatory trouble (privacy & auditing requirements) Business risks Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Slide body Photo by Pliketi Plok: Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Slide body Slide title Photo by Pliketi Plok: Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Do you have a list of all the servers you’re running? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Do you have a list of all the servers you’re running? • Do you know what third-party software is running on them? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Do you have a list of all the servers you’re running? • Do you know what third-party software is running on them? • If that software had a critical update, would you know? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Do you have a list of all the servers you’re running? • Do you know what third-party software is running on them? • If that software had a critical update, would you know? • Do you have a plan for updating that software? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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• Do you have a list of all the servers you’re running? • Do you know what third-party software is running on them? • If that software had a critical update, would you know? • Do you have a plan for updating that software? • Would the answer still be yes even if a key employee quit tomorrow? Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Tuesday, February 12, 13

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The web is not secure by default. Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Top four Tuesday, February 12, 13

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4 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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4 Insecure direct object references Tuesday, February 12, 13

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4 Direct object reference attacks – illustrated Tuesday, February 12, 13

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4 Direct object reference attacks – illustrated front page Tuesday, February 12, 13

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4 Direct object reference attacks – mitigated Who are you? (authentication) Tuesday, February 12, 13

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4 Direct object reference attacks – mitigated Are you allowed here? (authorization) Tuesday, February 12, 13

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3 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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3 Broken authentication & session management Tuesday, February 12, 13

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3 Broken authentication – examples Tuesday, February 12, 13

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3 Broken authentication – examples • Passwords sent in the clear Tuesday, February 12, 13

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3 Broken authentication – examples • Passwords sent in the clear • Passwords stored in the clear Tuesday, February 12, 13

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3 Broken authentication – examples • Passwords sent in the clear • Passwords stored in the clear • Session IDs exposed Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Broken authentication – mitigated Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Broken authentication – mitigated ...or don’t have passwords Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – illustrated Web server Database User’s browser Attacker Other server Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated badly = preg_replace("/ Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated badly = preg_replace("/<\s*script/", "", $comment) ?> Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated badly = preg_replace("/<\s*script/i", "", $comment) ?> Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated badly Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated badly Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated • Use Twig. Tuesday, February 12, 13

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2 Cross-site scripting – mitigated • Use Twig. • Use Markdown. Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – illustrated $sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE " + "username = '" + $username + "' " + "AND password = '" + $password + "'"; Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – illustrated SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'jason' AND password = 'Laurel' Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – illustrated SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'ben'--' AND password = 'whatever' Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – illustrated SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'ben'--' AND password = 'whatever' Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – illustrated Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – mitigated Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – mitigated • Use ORM Tuesday, February 12, 13

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1 Injection attacks – mitigated • Use ORM • Use positional parameters Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site Scripting 1 2 Broken Authentication Insecure Direct Object References 3 4 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site Scripting 1 2 Broken Authentication Insecure Direct Object References 3 4 Use third-party ORM Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site Scripting 1 2 Broken Authentication Insecure Direct Object References 3 4 Use third-party templates/formatting Use third-party ORM Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site Scripting 1 2 Broken Authentication Insecure Direct Object References 3 4 Use third-party authentication Use third-party templates/formatting Use third-party ORM Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site Scripting 1 2 Broken Authentication Insecure Direct Object References 3 4 Use third-party authentication Use third-party templates/formatting Use third-party ORM Use third-party authorization Tuesday, February 12, 13

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5 Bonus round! Tuesday, February 12, 13

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5 Cross-site request forgery Bonus round! Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site scripting 1 2 Broken authentication Insecure direct object references 3 4 Use third-party authentication Use third-party templates/formatting Use third-party ORM Use third-party authorization Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) 5 Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Injection Cross-site scripting 1 2 Broken authentication Insecure direct object references 3 4 Use third-party authentication Use third-party templates/formatting Use third-party ORM Use third-party authorization Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) 5 Use third-party form validation Tuesday, February 12, 13

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Please, make a plan to keep your servers patched. Thanks. Tuesday, February 12, 13