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Forming Failure Hypothesis September 26, 2019

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2 Subbu Allamaraju @sallamar Expedia Group See h=ps:// for slides.

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3 “Chaos Engineering is the discipline of experimenIng on a system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent condiIons in producIon.” Photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi on Unsplash From Principles of Chaos Engineering (h=ps://

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3 4 1 Stable Ok. Back to Stable Your assumed fault boundary Actual fault boundary

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Q 5 What is the system? How do you form a hypothesis? How do you ensure system safety? Why should anyone listen to you?

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6 Cloud adopIon

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7 Cloud adopIon How to build resilience?

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8 Chaos engineering Cloud adopIon How to build resilience?

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9 Chaos engineering Cloud dopIon to build ience? Not everyone likes you to a=ack their apps

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10 Chaos engineering oud pIon build nce? Randomly killing servers uncovers trivial issues only Not everyone likes you to a=ack their apps

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11 Chaos gineering Randomly killing servers uncovers trivial issues only Not everyone likes you to a=ack their apps You can’t/won’t test more serious failures

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12 Chaos gineering Randomly killing servers uncovers trivial issues only Not everyone likes you to a=ack their apps You can’t/won’t test more serious failures Self-doubt

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13 Chaos gineering Randomly killing servers uncovers trivial issues only Not everyone likes you to a=ack their apps You can’t/won’t test more serious failures Self-doubt

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14 Null hypothesis Chaos engineering has nothing to do system’s capability to withstand turbulent condiIons in producIon.

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15 How is the system behaving in producIon today? How do we make the system withstand turbulent condiIons? Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

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16 “as designed” “as it is” Biased by your expectaIon of how the system is supposed to work The real world Metrics Alerts Logs Docs Diagram s Cod e Incident s

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17 Let’s observe the real world

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[CATE GORY NAME 1. Changes are contribuIng to majority of impact 18

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2. Second/higher order effects are hard to troubleshoot ReIred App Big App Tech Debt Another Big App 19

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20 3. We don’t understand where a failure stops ContribuIng to cascading failures and long recovery

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1.  Improve release safety through progressive delivery 2.  Ensure Ighter fault domain boundaries in the “as designed” state 3.  Implement safety in the “as designed” state 4.  Only then pick what to test 21

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22 These observaIons are relevant but not as much as the act of learning from incidents. Because the ”as it is” state might tell you what to do.

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23 Pick the most criIcal areas But how to prioriIze such work? ArIculate value

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24 Randomly killing servers uncovers trivial issues only veryone likes you to a=ack their apps You can’t/won’t test more serious failures Self-doubt Learn from incidents

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25 domly killing servers overs trivial issues only likes you to a=ack their apps You can’t/won’t test more serious failures Self-doubt Learn from incidents Make value based decisions

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26 How to learn from incidents?

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27 How does it feel when you learn from incidents?

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28 1.  Developed mental models of how the system works when it does, and doesn’t when it doesn’t. 2.  You’re not chasing symptoms but are beginning to understand the system as a whole.

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29 3.  You start to understand role of people, processes and tools for success as well as failure. 4.  You are able to arIculate the value of hygiene investments.

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30 Lessons learned

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31 1. Learn from incidents. 2. There is no lesson 2.

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32 @sallamar – h=ps:// Source: h=ps:// Thank you