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Evaluate Ruby Without Ruby Takashi Kokubun / Cookpad Inc. November 10th, 2016 RubyConf 2016

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Agenda • What’s Ruby DSL? • Why did we want to evaluate Ruby DSL without MRI? • Introduction to mruby • 2 ways to build portable CLI apps configured by Ruby DSL

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What’s Ruby DSL? What’s Ruby DSL? Why Ruby DSL without MRI? Introduction to mruby Building portable CLI apps

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Ruby DSL • Domain Specific Language is a language specialized to a particular application domain • “Ruby DSL” is a DSL defined in terms of Ruby language

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Example Ruby DSL for server provisioning package 'nginx' do action :install end service 'nginx' do action [:enable, :start] end

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Example Ruby DSL for server provisioning package 'nginx' do action :install end service 'nginx' do action [:enable, :start] end CentOS yum -y install nginx Ubuntu apt-get -y install nginx

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Example Ruby DSL for server provisioning package 'nginx' do action :install end service 'nginx' do action [:enable, :start] end CentOS chkconfig nginx on service nginx start Ubuntu systemctl enable nginx systemctl start nginx

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Why Ruby DSL? package 'nginx' do action :install end service 'nginx' do action [:enable, :start] end • Abstraction for a domain- specific purpose • Happy to write Ruby! • It’s boring to write this in JSON

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How is Ruby DSL implemented? • Have you ever implemented Ruby DSL?

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How is Ruby DSL implemented? Expected behavior script = <<-EOS package 'nginx' EOS dsl = dsl.instance_eval(script) dsl.result #=> [["package", "nginx"]]

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How is Ruby DSL implemented? Expected behavior Implementation class DSL def package(name, &block) result << ['package', name] end def result; @result ||= []; end end script = <<-EOS package 'nginx' EOS dsl = dsl.instance_eval(script) dsl.result #=> [["package", "nginx"]]

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How is Ruby DSL implemented? Expected behavior class DSL def package(name, &block) result << ['package', name] end def result; @result ||= []; end end Implementation script = <<-EOS package 'nginx' do action :install end EOS dsl = dsl.instance_eval(script) dsl.result #=> [["package", "nginx", {:action=>[:install]}]]

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How is Ruby DSL implemented? Expected behavior class DSL def package(name, &block) pkg = pkg.instance_exec(&block) result << ['package', name, pkg.attrs] end def result; @result ||= []; end end class Package def action(actions) attrs[:action] = Array(actions) end def attrs; @attrs ||= {}; end end Implementation script = <<-EOS package 'nginx' do action :install end EOS dsl = dsl.instance_eval(script) dsl.result #=> [["package", "nginx", {:action=>[:install]}]]

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How is Ruby DSL implemented? • Usually Ruby DSL is implemented with MRI • Using instance_eval, instance_exec, …etc • But we wanted to evaluate Ruby DSL without MRI • Why? Let’s have a look.

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Why Ruby DSL without MRI? What’s Ruby DSL? Why Ruby DSL without MRI? Introduction to mruby Building portable CLI apps

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Ruby DSL use case at Cookpad • Development environment bootstrap for macOS and Linux • We wanted to use Ruby DSL to simply describe operations for multiple OS distributions • For maintenance cost, we used the same Ruby DSL as a server provisioning tool we develop and use, which is Itamae •

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Ruby DSL use case at Cookpad package 'memcached' package 'postgresql'

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Ruby DSL use case at Cookpad package 'memcached' package 'postgresql' macOS brew install memcached brew install postgresql

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Ruby DSL use case at Cookpad package 'memcached' package 'postgresql' macOS Ubuntu apt-get install -y memcached apt-get install -y postgresql brew install memcached brew install postgresql

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Problem to bootstrap development environment using MRI • There are difficulties to use MRI on an initial environment • In macOS, we don’t want to use end-of-life Ruby, which is shipped with latest macOS • In Linux, most Linux distro doesn't ship MRI out of the box • We don’t want to manually install MRI prior to bootstrap

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Problem to bootstrap development environment using MRI • If you use MRI for user’s environment, you have to care about how a gem is set up everytime you run Ruby DSL • Are rbenv and MRIs already installed? • Is the gem installed to MRI currently selected by rbenv? • Packaging ruby, gem, … to run just one gem is a little overkill

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How can we remove dependency of MRI? • All these problems are resolved if it doesn’t depend on MRI • Can we embed Ruby VM into our software? • OK, it’s time to use mruby!

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Introduction to mruby What’s Ruby DSL? Why Ruby DSL without MRI? Introduction to mruby Building portable CLI apps

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mruby • Lightweight implementation of Ruby • Embeddable in: • Hardware • Software

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Embedding mruby into software • You can evaluate Ruby scripts from any software by embedding mruby • It allows us to build a software evaluating Ruby DSL and independent to MRI

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How to embed and use mruby 1. git clone; cd mruby; make 2. Link mruby/build/host/lib/libmruby.a to your software 3. Call mruby’s C API • Or use its binding for a language you use

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How to embed and use mruby #include #include #include #include int main(void) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); mrb_value str = mrb_load_string(mrb, "%w[hello world].join"); // Prints "helloworld\n" printf("%s\n", mrb_string_value_cstr(mrb, &str)); return 0; }

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Now we can embed mruby into our software. Is it enough? • No, our use case is development environment bootstrap and we should also care about dependencies other than MRI • We want to build it as a “single binary” • There are some good ways to do that

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Building portable CLI apps configured by Ruby DSL What’s Ruby DSL? Why Ruby DSL without MRI? Introduction to mruby Building portable CLI apps

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2 ways to build portable CLI apps configured by Ruby DSL • go-mruby • Use mruby only for evaluating Ruby DSL and implement others in Go language • mruby-cli • Implement both Ruby DSL and others using mruby

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2 ways to build portable CLI apps configured by Ruby DSL • I experimentally re-implemented our configuration management tool “Itamae” in both ways • Let’s compare these methods!

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Example 1: Itamae Go • Itamae Go • Alternative implementation of “Itamae”, a configuration management tool inspired by Chef • Single binary, built with Go language and go-mruby •

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How to run Ruby scripts from Go 1. git clone; cd mruby; make 2. git clone; cp /path/to/mruby/build/host/libmruby.a ./go-mruby 3. import "" and call mruby APIs

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// Evaluate Ruby from Go (mitchellh/go-mruby) mrb := mruby.NewMrb() // Call mrb_load_string str := mrb.LoadString("%w[hello world].join") // Prints "helloworld\n" fmt.Println(mrb.StringValue(str)) How to run Ruby scripts from Go

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How to implement Ruby DSL in Go • To implement IO operations in Go, it is necessary to get data for Go from an evaluation result of Ruby DSL • I implemented method for Ruby DSL in Go language

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How to implement Ruby DSL in Go func Package(mrb *mruby.Mrb, self *mruby.MrbValue) (mruby.Value, mruby.Value) { return mruby.Nil, nil } // In another place cDSL.DefineMethod( “package", Package, mruby.ArgsReq(1))

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How to implement Ruby DSL in Go func Package(mrb *mruby.Mrb, self *mruby.MrbValue) (mruby.Value, mruby.Value) { args := mrb.GetArgs() pkg := PackageResource{Name: args[0].String()} resources = append(resources, pkg) return mruby.Nil, nil } // In another place cDSL.DefineMethod( “package", Package, mruby.ArgsReq(1)) type PackageResource struct { Name string }

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How to implement Ruby DSL in Go func Package(mrb *mruby.Mrb, self *mruby.MrbValue) (mruby.Value, mruby.Value) { args := mrb.GetArgs() pkg := PackageResource{Name: args[0].String()} if len(args) > 1 { context, _ := mrb.LoadString("") context.CallBlock("instance_eval", args[1]) attrs, _ := context.Call("attributes") action, _ := mrb.LoadString(":action") value, _ := attrs.Call("[]", action) pkg.Action = value.Array() } resources = append(resources, pkg) return mruby.Nil, nil } // In another place cDSL.DefineMethod( “package", Package, mruby.ArgsReq(1)) type PackageResource struct { Name string Action []string }

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It was a little hard to maintain • Writing bridge to connect Ruby and Go world is really boring • Checking errors for all Ruby method calls • Required to use 3 languages: Ruby, Go, C (for mrbgem) • You need to prepare environment for cross compiling by yourself

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Why did we need Go language? • Purposes • To make it as a single binary • To implement IO operations for development environment bootstrap • Can't we achieve them without Go language? • Try mruby-cli!

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Example 2: MItamae • MItamae • Alternative implementation of Itamae and Itamae Go, which is actively maintained • Single binary, built with mruby-cli and written in pure Ruby •

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What is mruby-cli? • A cross-compile platform to build CLI apps using mruby • • Eric gave a talk "Building maintainable command-line tools with MRuby" this morning • If you've missed it, watch the video later

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How to use mruby-cli 1. Download mruby-cli command from 2. Generate boilerplate by mruby-cli -s app_name 3. cd app_name; docker-compose run compile • You can get binaries in ./mruby/build/*/bin/app_name

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How to implement Ruby DSL with mruby-cli • Almost the same way as MRI • Required to add some “mrbgems” to call methods which is not provided by default • mruby-eval for instance_eval • mruby-object-ext for instance_exec

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What is mrbgem? • It’s like rubygem for MRI • Unlike rubygem, it’s compiled together when building mruby • So we can use it without adding dependency to a binary • Some of built-in features in MRI are separated to mrbgem in mruby

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Porting existing stdlibs and rubygems to mrbgems • It’s easy when they are written in Ruby • Most features required for Ruby programming except keyword arguments are available at existing mrbgems • mrbgems I created to implement MItamae: • mruby-shellwords • mruby-hashie

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Implementing IO operations with mruby • There are already IO.popen and Kernel.` (`command`) • But I wanted to capture stdout, stderr and status separately • There were no Open3 and Kernel.#spawn • It was necessary to write C to implement Kernel.#spawn

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Incomplete implementation of spawn to implement Open3.capture3 static mrb_value mrb_open3_spawn(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { const char **cmd; pid_t pid; mrb_value *argv; mrb_int argc, out_dst, err_dst; mrb_get_args(mrb, "*", &argv, &argc); cmd = mrb_str_buf_to_cstr_buf(mrb, argv, argc-1); open3_spawn_process_options(mrb, argv[argc-1], &out_dst, &err_dst); pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { dup2(out_dst, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(err_dst, STDERR_FILENO); execvp(cmd[0], cmd); } return mrb_fixnum_value(pid); }

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Finally I could built mruby-open3 that has only Open3.capture3 module Open3 # @param [Array] - command to execute # @return [String, String, Process::Status] - stdout, stderr, status def capture3(*cmd) out_r, out_w = IO.pipe err_r, err_w = IO.pipe pid = spawn(*cmd, { 'out' => out_w.to_i, 'err' => err_w.to_i }) # … snip … _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) [stdout, stderr, status] end module_function :capture3 end

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Isn’t it hard to implement apps with mruby-cli? • Yes, it’s hard a little when necessary mrbgems are absent • But there are great merits to build apps using mruby-cli

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Merits to build CLI apps using mruby-cli • You can distribute apps easily • Not depending on users' environment • Cross-compilable

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Merits to build CLI apps using mruby-cli • Fast startup on command execution $ time itamae version Itamae v1.9.9 itamae version 0.54s user 0.22s system 98% cpu 0.776 total $ time mitamae version MItamae v0.6.0 mitamae version 0.02s user 0.00s system 85% cpu 0.023 total on 1.3 GHz Intel Core m7

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Merits to build CLI apps using mruby-cli • Maintainable • No bridging code • Happy to write all implementation in Ruby!

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Conclusion • To simplify development environment bootstrap, I made a configuration management tool configured by Ruby DSL as a single binary using mruby • • There are 2 ways to build a tool configured by Ruby DSL as a single binary • If there’s a reason to use Go language, use go-mruby • Otherwise mruby-cli is recommended