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Deploying your python backend with (almost) zero cost

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Srinivasan Rangarajan Systems Architect

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Physical Servers • Takes few days to provision • Heavily under-utilized • Priced per month • Administrative nightmare

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Cloud Servers • Few minutes to provision • Create new servers using APIs • Can be turned off when not in use • Priced per hour

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Lambda Functions • Milliseconds to provision • 100% utilization • Priced every 100ms • No servers to manage • Continuous & automatic scaling

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How to do it? 1. Create your lambda function. 2. Specify the resource which triggers the function. 3. ??? 4. Profit.

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Triggers • File gets uploaded into S3 • Receive new message in SQS • Inserts into DynamoDB • Plain old HTTP request

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Slide 8 text def my_handler(event, context): message = 'Hello {} {}!'.format(event['first_name'], event['last_name']) return { 'message' : message }

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event • Usually a dict • list • str • int • float • Nonetype

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context • LambdaContext type • how much time is remaining for termination • function_name • function_version • memory_limit_in_mb

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Deployment Package • Create a project-dir folder • Write your .py files in that folder • pip install all dependencies 
 pip install module_name --target /path/to/project-dir • Zip the project-dir

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$ pip install chalice $ chalice new-project helloworld $ cd helloworld

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Deploy $ chalice deploy Creating deployment package. Lambda deploy done. API Gateway rest API already found. Deleting root resource id Done deleting existing resources. Deploying to: dev

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Browser/curl 1. • 2. •

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request object • app.current_request.query_params • app.current_request.headers • app.current_request.uri_params • app.current_request.method • app.current_request.json_body • app.current_request.raw_body • app.current_request.context • app.current_request.stage_vars

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Update Product Metadata r = redis.Redis() @app.route('/product/{pid}/update', methods=['POST']) def product_update(pid): """Update price, availability info about a product in redis""" body = app.current_request.json_body client_id = body['client_id'] prod_key = '{}:{}'.format(client_id, pid) price = body.get('price') if price: r.hset(prod_key, 'price', price) availability = body.get('availability') if availability: r.hset(prod_key, 'availability', availability)

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Thumbnail Creation @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def index(): body = app.current_request.json_body image = base64.b64decode(body['data']) format = {'jpg': 'jpeg', 'png': 'png'}[body.get('format', 'jpg').lower()] mode = {'max': '', 'min': '^', 'exact': '!'}[body.get('mode', 'max').lower()] width = int(body.get('width', 128)) height = int(body.get('height', 128))

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Thumbnail Creation cmd = [ 'convert', # ImageMagick Convert '-', # Read original picture from StdIn '-auto-orient', # Detect picture orientation from metadata '-thumbnail', '{}x{}{}'.format(width, height, mode), # Thumbnail size '-extent', '{}x{}'.format(width, height), # Fill if original picture i smaller than thumbnail '-gravity', 'Center', # Extend (fill) from the thumbnail middle '-unsharp',' 0x.5', # Un-sharpen slightly to improve small thumbnails '-quality', '80%', # Thumbnail JPG quality '{}:-'.format(format), # Write thumbnail with `format` to StdOut ] p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) thumbnail = p.communicate(input=image)[0]

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Thumbnail Creation if not thumbnail: raise BadRequestError('Image format not supported') filename = '{}_{}x{}.{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(), width, height, format) S3.put_object( Bucket=S3_BUCKET, Key=filename, Body=thumbnail, ACL='public-read', ContentType='image/{}'.format(format), ) return { 'url': '{}/{}'.format(S3_BUCKET, filename) }

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Other Use Cases

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Data Pipeline Log file parsing and data cleansing

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Static Blog commenting system HTTP Gateway + DynamoDB

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Genome Editing & Sub-second Searches

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Continuous Integration

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lambci • Node.js (multiple versions via nave) • Python 2.7 • Java (OpenJDK 1.8 and 1.7) • Go (any version) • Ruby (2.3.1, 2.2.5, 2.1.10, 2.0.0-p648) • PHP (7.0.10, 5.6.25) • Native compilation with a pre-built gcc 4.8.5 • Rust (1.11.0, 1.10.0, but any version should work)

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Chat Bots

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Stateless A: I love Stateless Systems B: Don’t they have drawbacks? A: Don’t what have drawbacks?

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Limitations • Only 300 seconds of execution time. • Max 1.5GB RAM. • Max 512 MB /tmp disk space. • Max 6MB Request/Response payload • Only python 2.7

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Advantages • Automatically scalable • Built-in Fault Tolerance • Automatic Administration • Pay per use

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Pricing • $0.000000208 per 100ms for 128MB RAM • $0.000002501 per 100ms for 1.5GB RAM • $0.0000002 per request • Free tier level • 400,000 GB-seconds per month • 1Million requests

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Links • • • • •

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• • • [email protected]