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 JupyterHub Learning at Scale Carol Willing Cal Poly SLO, Project Jupyter Education Summit May 18, 2017 PyCon 2017 @willingcarol

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Thank You

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Agenda • Learning • Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterHub • Principles of learning • Scaling with JupyterHub • Next steps

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Learning Credit: Karen Rustad Tolva

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Learning results from what a student does and thinks and only what the student does and thinks. Herbert A. Simon

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The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn. Herbert A. Simon

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Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterHub

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Joy of exploration

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Jupyter notebooks engage learners

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A single user Jupyter notebook server Python R Julia

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 • Manages authentication • Spawns single-user notebook servers on-demand • Gives each user a complete notebook server What does the Hub do?

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Principles of Learning

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Motivate Curiosity Engage Connect Wow Develop mastery Motivate Apply knowledge

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Develop mastery Motivate Apply knowledge Develop mastery What if... Iterative Attempts Failure Persistence Interactive Feedback

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Develop mastery Motivate Apply knowledge Apply knowledge Domains Experience Cross-culture Complex problems

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Scaling with JupyterHub

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Motivate 1 • Work with student interests • Wow with possibilities of-interesting-Jupyter-Notebooks • Get them started with tmpnb and binder Gallery of Interesting Notebooks nbviewer Project Jupyter community

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• Start with a proven curriculum introduction-to-python-for-beginning-p.html • Hands on to engage students • Takeaway notebooks reduce student stress python Motivate 2 Intro to Python San Diego Python

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• Exploration and experimentation signal-processing-using-wearables-jupyter-notebooks- scipy-2016.html • Physical media with wearables and electronics • Real world, self-directed projects Motivate 3 Teaching signal processing using Wearables and Jupyter Notebooks Demba Ba

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• Feedback and communication with students using nbgrader jupyterhub+nbgrader/ • Progression to complex examples and tasks python4geosciences Develop mastery 1 Python for Geosciences Kristen Thyng

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Excellent resource on using tmpnb and JupyterHub for teaching Develop mastery 2 Using Jupyter notebooks with R in the classroom Tanya Schlusser

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Develop mastery 3 Cal Poly SLO Data Science 301 Brian Granger • Intensive data science course for undergraduates • Ansible deployment teaching • Research project and student interns July/jupyter.html

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Apply knowledge 1 Berkeley Data Science Data8 UC Berkeley •Campus wide curriculum •Cross-discipline •Kubernetes deployment of JupyterHub • Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes

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Apply knowledge 2 JupyterLab alpha

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Next steps • Join Jupyter in Education community • Try no installation needed solutions • Try tmpnb with a workshop • Offer a course with JupyterHub • Scale your curriculum to other courses

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Resources JupyterHub Read The Docs JupyterHub for teaching deployment Zero to JupyterHub tmpnb binder Microsoft, Continuum, Sage Math Cloud JupyterHub tutorial

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No content

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Thank you!

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Questions? • Steering Council, Project Jupyter • Software Engineer, Cal Poly SLO • Director, Python Software Foundation • Geek in Residence, Fab Lab San Diego Carol Willing @willingcarol

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• Kristen Thyng • San Diego Python • UC Berkeley Data Science • Cal Poly SLO • Tanya Schlusser • Demba Ba • Project Jupyter team and community Attributions and recognition

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 JupyterHub Learning at Scale Carol Willing, Cal Poly Education Summit May 18, 2017 PyCon 2017 @willingcarol